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Episode 119: Keith's Poor Sock, Thinking Of Baseball, Oral First, Changing Rhythm, Wiping It Off, Being Animalistic

Team YMMV | 5-25-2023 | 1:03:15

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We convene today to discuss a topic at least as important as the "debt ceiling" and when AI is going to take your job: What exactly is the purpose of women typically wanting the first scene of the sex act to be them performing oral on the man? This is made especially vital as we have a first-person account of a man whose female partner was angered when he orgasmed during the oral instead of waiting.

A man decides to pull out his penis, wipe it off and put it back in, which reminds Mike of Devin The Dude and his well-known song with Dr. Dre, https://ymmv.me/119/fuck-you. He promises to take it out and wipe it off if he's "going too far." Makes sense to me.

A woman wants to encourage her man to provide more animalistic sex, and another is complaining that men "change rhythm" when she's close to orgasm.

Does it bother women when men have to think of baseball to avoid cumming too soon? And, what's the deal with Keith's sock?

We get a lot of our questions from Reddit, so for our listeners' enjoyment, here are links to some of the questions we discussed this week:





Episode Transcript

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  • [00:00] Keith: Hello and welcome to your mileage may vary. We talk about sex and relationships with frankness that is controversial but mostly in good faith. We have our usual plethora of provocative topics to discuss today including how to encourage more animalistic sex. A couple posts about penis sanitation. Whether men can focus too much on not coming and more I'm Keith my cohost is Mike I've been suffering through humble brags from mike all week about his new hot tub. Do you want a flex for our whole audience now. Mike.
  • [00:17] Mike: Ah.
  • [00:32] Mike: Not really I have a hot tub that's heated only by solar panels. So before you come at me if you're being unenvironmental keep that in mind.
  • [00:38] Keith: Are. How much it. It's in third like some other issues like the amount of water it takes and okay, how often do people of course of course.
  • [00:49] Mike: Now because you leave the water in there I mean and you can when you drain it, You can you know water plants with it or something look. There's There's always an issue. You can always come up with some like putative environmental issue. Yeah.
  • [01:02] Keith: How often do people replace the water in hot tubs. No.
  • [01:06] Mike: Not often I mean think about it like a swimming pool a public swimming pool Essentially never right? I mean they they would drain it. Maybe once every decade or I don't know but basically never yeah, ah my daughter you know admitted.
  • [01:11] Keith: I Know at least there's more volume in there.
  • [01:21] Keith: No well, that's I mean she's not the only one I don't but I think I have actually.
  • [01:23] Mike: At some point that she used to always pee in the pool. Yeah.
  • [01:31] Mike: Ah, do you pee in the pool. Okay, meet me either.
  • [01:39] Keith: But I don't make a habit out of it. Yeah, like if I'm doing a swim workout and I need to pee sometimes I just will. But I think that happens like less than 1 in 20 swim workouts.
  • [01:39] Mike: You have as an adult.
  • [01:47] Mike: Wow, That's aggressive. Yeah no I I do not do that.
  • [01:55] Mike: Listen. So so this is sort of a common practice for you is that true. Okay now.
  • [01:58] Keith: Importantly, Mike all the ones so all the times that I've swam with you I have pete in the pool. No but I wish it were would be funnier. Um, so. Okay, before we get into this a reminder you can email us at ymmvpod@gmail.com we pay $10 for any feedback we receive there. Let us know your venmo or Paypal or whatever and if you want to ask us a question we will answer it on the show unless you explicitly tell us not to so again, that's. YMMvPod at Gmail.com ok I have a question for you unless you have something you want to kick us off with ok is it true that people are more attractive in different cities.
  • [02:37] Mike: Sure I I have something else. Why don't you go first.
  • [02:50] Keith: L a versus Chicago or something you know people be like oh how can that possibly be true.
  • [02:50] Mike: You're saying like ah people ice. So yeah, for sure. Well I mean my experience I mean of course. It depends on exactly where you're going to go in a city or something like that. But I mean the Los Angeles thing is I think pretty well-founded because of the preponderance of aspiring actresses I think that's there's certainly you know you have to go to the right spot. But I mean it's going to be hard to compete with a place like Los Angeles or New York don't you think.
  • [03:19] Keith: I Just I feel like okay so the the theory is there's attractive flight from most cities to the higher end cities.
  • [03:33] Mike: Los Angeles I think is a specific example because of the hollywood scene right? It's going to that's going to so specifically attract more attractive young women and so yeah, if you go to like downtown Los Angeles or Hollywood or whatever a lot of times like the waitresses will be. Surprisingly attractive and that's why I mean you can you can ask them like what you would you you know are you getting in the biz.
  • [03:53] Keith: Okay, so does Los Angeles have like 51% women and 49% men
  • [04:02] Mike: You're You're the the implication being that there's there's a bunch of women moving there and there aren't there. They're more women than men. In other words I don't I don't know if that's true. Why.
  • [04:07] Keith: Moving there? Yeah because I mean sure some attractive people move to Los Angeles but I would think that I mean there's whatever. Several million people in Los Angeles I just think it would be a wash in the end.
  • [04:28] Mike: That's a fair point I mean if you took the average attractiveness point. It's probably not going to be moved much by it. But I think when people say what? what people mean when they say people are more attractive. There. They're implicitly talking about like the top 5% or top 1 % attractiveness people that they see on the street. There's a whole bunch of people that are just totally unremarkable.
  • [04:43] Keith: Yeah, maybe they're easier to find because there's like bars that attractive people know to go in Los Angeles or something in a way that's not true in Chicago.
  • [04:57] Mike: Well I don't I don't know why you're rejecting implicitly the the argument just that there are women who want to go get into Hollywood. Okay.
  • [05:06] Keith: I'm not rejecting that I Just don't think it's that many and I can't imagine the felt experience of the average person being materially different in different cities.
  • [05:12] Mike: Well okay, how many women do you think there are between the ages of like 18 and 22 who want to get into hollywood who are in l a my intuition would be 5 figures say 50000 it has to be.
  • [05:23] Keith: I Have no idea that sounds high though.
  • [05:27] Mike: Well, okay, it can't be if it's 500 then becoming like ah a star would be pretty easy so it has to be a relatively high number and it's not just hollywood right? It's like the music biz and stuff like that. Um I think I think would have to be in the tens of thousands maybe hundreds of thousands just when you think about the. Difficulty of becoming a celebrity. So. So then you say okay, there's this many million people there. So I mean whatever it's it's you yeah, you're basically implanting 1 % or something of more attractive people and then they're going to gather more in certain areas. They're not going to be living out in the hood or whatever. And so yeah, you'll.
  • [06:00] Keith: Ok, fine, let's use Miami then which is a place that like famously has attractive women like how does Miami compare to Chicago.
  • [06:07] Mike: Yeah I mean well I mean you're also going to have some sort of attraction to like basically wealth and kind of ease of living Basically the argument would be something like I think I think La is going to do the best because of Hollywood but in general. If. You're an attractive say 21 year old woman. Why live somewhere where it snows like why tolerate that you don't have to you can basically go anywhere you want because there are men who will simply essentially throw money at you.
  • [06:39] Keith: Yeah, if that were true. There would be no attractive people in any of the places that aren't like the top 5 and there definitely are so yeah I think there's various frictions that stop people from moving.
  • [06:50] Mike: I think that's sure they're frictions but I'm saying like in in general, it's going to move thing move the needle some of course there are going to be people who say well I want to stay with my family or I like it here or like I'm going to college or whatever. But there's going to be some percentage of people that make that move and very few people are going to come to Chicago because that's where the.
  • [07:02] Keith: Um, yeah.
  • [07:08] Mike: The hot chicks get the money and they hang out in the sun like that's not, you won't have much of a reverse trend.
  • [07:13] Keith: Yeah, is there a reverse is there a trend of ugly people moving to non elite cities.
  • [07:21] Mike: I Don't know probably not probably people just stay. It's a good question.
  • [07:25] Keith: Ah I suspect I suspect there's no material difference I mean unless you're like in the major leagues and looking to date people that are like nines and higher which is basically nobody I bet there's no.
  • [07:42] Mike: You you haven't noticed because I've noticed this in the San Francisco bay area that as the tech bubbles ebb and flow that the attractiveness of the women goes up and down because I've definitely noticed that. Okay, yeah, we just have a.
  • [07:43] Keith: There's effectively no difference between places.
  • [07:54] Keith: I haven't no but I mean I'm making an argument that like the anecdote or the anecdotes around this are are wrong like perception isn't the reality here I agree that the perception and the anecdotes exist.
  • [08:00] Mike: Subjective difference there.
  • [08:09] Mike: Ah, that could be sure. Yeah, yeah I mean you it would be a little difficult to do a statistical analysis. It is true that if you want to get into the acting business being physically in L A is useful.
  • [08:13] Keith: So yeah I don't know how to.
  • [08:22] Keith: Yes, for sure for sure I would definitely expect there to be some movement of attractive people toward l a for sure but l a is like but but I mean yeah, like how does that compare to like New York or Miami or.
  • [08:25] Mike: So yeah.
  • [08:31] Mike: Right? right? So why did this.
  • [08:41] Keith: Whatever But those those places are also famous driving attractive women.
  • [08:41] Mike: Well, but I mean I I mean no shade to such places but Miami will have more attract I mean you would agree that Miami has more attractive women than Ely Nevada right
  • [08:53] Keith: Well, you need to know the denominator.
  • [08:55] Mike: Per Capita I mean when if you get to the absolute rock bottom of these places like it's just the the win The the marginal attractive woman is going to leave if she can. Yeah so that you can see that on sites.
  • [09:05] Keith: Yeah I Guess that's true I Guess that's true. Yes.
  • [09:13] Mike: You can see that on something like tinder or seeking arrangement or whatever. Yeah, it's going to be a weaker effect sure like Salt Lake City or something and people might stay in Salt Lake City because they're religious or whatever. Sure.
  • [09:13] Keith: Um, but if you take like a if you take a Median city though I don't know yeah the gets or something right right.
  • [09:29] Keith: All right, Let's move on what did you have.
  • [09:31] Mike: Oh so I was talking to a friend of the show about this topic we spoke about a few weeks ago regarding um your general concern about the ritual of receiving of of when you transition into sex say with a first. For the first time with a new partner. Ah her wanting immediately to go for giving you a blow and you were not sure about whether you should come or not in that encounter. So there.
  • [09:50] Keith: Um, ah.
  • [09:55] Keith: Um, I yeah I might also debate whether they want to or whether they're doing it out of rote obligation. But.
  • [10:05] Mike: Yeah, so there are a couple things about that 1 of 1 of them and I was sort of curious if you've had an experience on point here as this person pointed out that he actually had a one night stand. Ah they had sex the falling morning but that was it where he.
  • [10:19] Keith: Um, is it.
  • [10:20] Mike: Did ejaculate during the oral sex that was offered by her at the beginning of the encounter in the evening and she was she was flat out angry with him clearly like frustrated like trying to kind of reinitiate sex and and yeah he said look like she wanted. She just wanted sex.
  • [10:32] Keith: Um, yeah.
  • [10:38] Mike: And like I was unable to provide it at that point is that an experience you've had.
  • [10:39] Keith: Okay, so this isn't an experience I've had but it's the one that I was concerned about having so so wait. So what happened so she was annoyed and then and then yeah hopefully he he made up for it the next morning. But how does.
  • [10:45] Mike: Yeah.
  • [10:56] Mike: Um, right? Well I mean I think it's an interesting point that basically if you have it is the case that it is It is certainly possible for a man and a woman to mutually agree to heavy.
  • [10:56] Keith: His experience fit into your epistemology.
  • [11:11] Mike: Physical a carnal only one night stand experience like that where if the guy nuts you know, 5 minutes into the blow and then wants to go to sleep. That's not great from the woman's perspective right? So in that sense like I yeah and for people that didn't hear the previous episode I was arguing that to some extent women don't care because they're.
  • [11:18] Keith: Bright.
  • [11:30] Mike: More worried about the man enjoying the situation which I think probably is differentially more likely to be true if she views it as a beginning of a relationship versus a one night stand or something that's purely carnal. Um, there's what there's 1 other point that I want to make which was that I didn't think it came through that well in the episode that.
  • [11:39] Keith: Um.
  • [11:49] Mike: I Do think that there's like a ritualistic aspect to this where the woman is essentially this is the moment when she turns over control of the date to you as the guy does that make sense. Yeah, so so essentially before this moment.
  • [12:01] Keith: I Yes it that was sorry I'd muted myself going.
  • [12:09] Mike: You've maybe kissed caressed each other had a nice meal and so on and so forth, but nothing that involves like nothing that's on the axis of like licking someone's butthole has happened yet like so you know there's sort of 2 You can imagine broadly between a man and woman there are 2 sorts of activities and 1 is.
  • [12:11] Keith: Yeah.
  • [12:26] Mike: Kind of the things you would do with any person and then one is things you would not do with any person. She's basically broaching that right. She's moving from even kissing someone you might kiss your parents or something this is moving into a territory. That's that's kind of private and she's basically making that move when she puts your dick in her mouth. She's saying okay I'm handing essentially. Giving you the Keys I'm saying like and I think I mean does is that a sense that you get when is that does that vibe with your experience that that's what the woman is doing.
  • [12:54] Keith: Ah I like this theory. Yeah, they're basically saying like okay, everything's on the table now because I'm yeah.
  • [12:55] Mike: I Guess yeah symbolic Yeah. Kind of she's she's showing that she's ready for she like let's say that she didn't do that and you guys sat down on the bed together and she just kept kissing you like you might be unclear on what's going on once she puts your dick in her Mouth. You're like okay like she's Consented. She's Consented. It's like it's like it's like.
  • [13:12] Keith: Right? Are we yeah right.
  • [13:19] Mike: Like the notary showed up and she's signing the consent form kind of.
  • [13:21] Keith: Right? right? Yeah, that's an interesting theory. It is like a succinct way for a woman to show that she's quote unquote down. Um, yeah.
  • [13:29] Mike: Yes, so that could be all it is and then and then if that's right, then your take that you shouldn't and by the way this friend of the show's argument was you absolutely should not not so it I think was along the lines of your general concern like that. Ah yeah, then.
  • [13:42] Keith: Yeah, that's definitely my intuition as well.
  • [13:47] Mike: Right? So if that's the case then it is rituals now. Maybe you could come from oral later in the encounter but like this initial oral is really very much like yeah saying my body's my body's open to you now? Yeah, but she's expecting you then to like take control of the encounter.
  • [13:57] Keith: Performative. Yeah.
  • [14:05] Mike: And to do all the things a man wants to do to a lovely lady that he's you know, passionate about.
  • [14:10] Keith: Are you meant to be hard when the woman first goes down on you or are some women looking to I don't know feel you getting hard in their mouth.
  • [14:24] Mike: Are you asking because you you want me to like intuit about what a woman wants in that situation.
  • [14:28] Keith: Well I Just don't know what like the negotiated dynamics around this are or like if you're you know you're like in the middle of a sexual thing and like maybe you're not hard at the moment will a woman use a blowjob to like remake the person hard.
  • [14:44] Mike: I Think that's I mean isn't that not a thing you've experienced before.
  • [14:48] Keith: Yeah, it's happened but because I generally steer women away from blowjobs I think that like my intuitions around this just aren't very well formed.
  • [14:55] Mike: So.
  • [15:03] Mike: I think that I I think I think I think that it yes to the question of like could might they use that as a way to sort of re get you aroused that makes perfect sense like or let's say you had sex once and you know your refractory period should be over. She might be sort of reinitiating that would be a way to do that. Um.
  • [15:21] Keith: Um.
  • [15:22] Mike: In terms of like are you I mean by the way So the the is there a typical in terms of what exactly happened so you go you retire to your bedroom. You're still clothed I assume and she's still clothed right? like when you is that typical when you make the move to the bedroom that you would both still have your clothes on or do you sort of like.
  • [15:35] Keith: Um.
  • [15:39] Keith: O.
  • [15:41] Mike: Like the the movie scene where like the clothes come off on the way to the bedroom you know which is more of a hassle to clean up I Guess later.
  • [15:46] Keith: Yeah, yeah I mean I don't live in a villa like you do So the the distance from the living room to the bedroom is a matter of feet not acres. Um.
  • [15:57] Mike: Um, okay, but still like.
  • [16:04] Keith: I Think it varies it can be sometimes there can be some like tugging on the clothing and and disrobing before I'll suggest moving to the bed but not always it sort of varies.
  • [16:17] Mike: Okay, so typically when she does this This is the key that I was trying to get at when she does this blow maneuver where where is your body typically positioned and does she have to take your pants off to make it happen.
  • [16:25] Keith: Um, yeah.
  • [16:34] Keith: Yeah, ah I mean my sample size here isn't enormous, but it I think sometimes okay to your theory that a woman might be using this sort of performative blowjob to indicate that.
  • [16:37] Mike: Sure.
  • [16:51] Keith: She's down it. It has happened that you know we'll be making out and you know rubbing against each other as people do and then yeah she might start going for my you know the button on my pants.
  • [17:07] Mike: God.
  • [17:10] Keith: And it could be the case that yeah I think I like your theory I think it could be the case that women are sort of using the initial blowjob as a way to sort of advance the proceedings and so it's not. Necessarily that they're like trying to give you pleasure as we were theorizing in our last episode but it may more so be the case that they're just trying to keep things moving.
  • [17:39] Mike: Yeah, well and I think also this sort of transition of power before that She's very much in control in a lot of ways like she's she's I mean of course she still retains the ability to consent or not consent but like it's moving from where you're trying to sort of woo her to now she's been wooed.
  • [17:56] Keith: Right? Yeah yeah I think women would have a more nuanced perspective on this. They would say it's some of both. But.
  • [17:58] Mike: She's basically saying I'm wooed um I'm doing this thing that I would not do if I were not wooed. So.
  • [18:11] Mike: Sure but broadly broadly. The the point is that in that context I would sort of agree with this general notion which I was not agreeing with before that she probably does not want you to come. The other thing is in terms of whether you're hard or soft when you come out of the pants or whatever I don't think she cares.
  • [18:12] Keith: I think I think you're onto something here.
  • [18:29] Mike: That's my that would be my my honest view now if you remained soft for a curiously long time that would concern her.
  • [18:30] Keith: I Don't think yeah I don't know you've we've we've even done topics on this about women who were annoyed by their partner's softness in various circumstances. But I think that's an age thing like I think if you're dating people in their early twenty s they'll. Be more concerned because they view it as a reflection on them on their own hotness or something.
  • [18:52] Mike: Sure Well it also I mean it also depends on what the time period was between like entering the apartment and getting to the bed and so forth like although it doesn't take that long to get hard typically.
  • [19:01] Keith: Right? That's true. Yeah, ah, okay, shall we move on all right? This person asks.
  • [19:11] Mike: Um, sure.
  • [19:16] Keith: How do you turn a man on in order to have animalistic sex I'm not talking about turning him on in a generic way more or less. We all know what works in that case talking about what to do to push him to want to fuck the shit out of you So we've had ah we've danced around this topic a little bit over our last.
  • [19:18] Mike: Are.
  • [19:34] Keith: 5 episodes or so I think some women end up in this situation where their partner seems ambivalent toward them and so I'm not sure what exactly she's wanting here. But. Presumably she wants to feel more like an object of desire.
  • [19:52] Mike: Probably I mean I I can say that. For example I was using the oculus riff the other day and I was treated to I don't use it that often for this purpose but I was treated to a video where I was.
  • [20:00] Keith: Um, ah.
  • [20:08] Mike: Didn't last very long because I moved on but I was on my back I mean you know virtually and there was this man in this woman having doggy style sex above me so I could just see his balls. Can you imagine that view like I see her kind of the V of her crotch and his balls like they're just above me as if like. If he nutted the semen will just come right onto my face. It wasn't my favorite position but and the man I mean they were in the doggy style position right? She was on her knees. Okay, so that's that's where I found myself and it was sort of like Quantum leap. Not sure what to do you know Quantum leap.
  • [20:29] Keith: Okay, it's so the camera was underneath the woman. Well yeah, sure. Yeah.
  • [20:44] Keith: Yeah, yeah.
  • [20:46] Mike: The 80 s tv show where they go. Okay, so here I am ah and I forgot why I brought that up what was.
  • [20:56] Keith: Ah, we're talking about animalistic sex.
  • [20:56] Mike: Oh right? right? right? So he yeah there you go. So yeah, So I really Bumm me out and the thing that the thing I don't like about so one of the things that I don't understand at all that's very difficult for me to understand about women's sex drive is this thing of like so the guy was really really muscular and I don't. So yeah, he was really you know doing it to her and that part like I don't understand that desire like I can't imagine having that. Yeah as a man. It's hard to it's hard to understand but from yeah I find it impossible to understand what's compelling about that about a guy like kind of manhandling you in that way. But I Assume that's sort of what's going on here. That's what she wants.
  • [21:17] Keith: Oh.
  • [21:34] Keith: Yeah I was on the ah, there's a subreddit called rough sex and there's a trope on it where and it's not a trope. It's just a common thing you see in the video something again. Maybe that is a trope and it's just these men like.
  • [21:37] Mike: Who.
  • [21:52] Keith: They're they're having PIV and they're like inserting with a lot of force. You know they're really I don't know I mean I don't think that's like.
  • [21:52] Mike: The.
  • [21:58] Mike: Yes.
  • [22:09] Keith: Rubbing the woman in some way that is making it more pleasurable but maybe they'll like maybe they're able to feel some sort of animalistic desire from the man. That's that's good there.
  • [22:19] Mike: Yes I think it must be that they right? It's It's an emotional thing I don't think that the I don't actually I think yeah I'm skeptical that the amount of force you generate sort of against their crotch.
  • [22:32] Keith: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, if you sort by top on the rough sex subreddit. You'll find some.
  • [22:34] Mike: Makes that big of the difference I mean you could certainly like cause a bruise or something like that. But I don't think that that heightens the sensation.
  • [22:45] Mike: I Just got one where a woman was just getting slapped a lot which I was okay I guess.
  • [22:51] Keith: Yeah, that's another common trope there. Ah so let's say that I mean we don't have enough information from this woman to know what their situation is, but.
  • [23:07] Keith: What could she do to encourage him to I guess be rougher.
  • [23:16] Mike: Well I mean I think yeah I mean I'm still it's hard. It's hard to know I'm still stuck on like what? what? exactly she wants. Okay, so let's yeah, if you accept that she wants ah to be sort of dominated. She wants to have like a more submissive role. Um, probably um.
  • [23:28] Keith: Um, yeah.
  • [23:31] Mike: Encouraging him during the act So most of the time I think that talking most talks about this stuff are better done when you're not fucking like if you want to talk about a certain topic but this one I think maybe during would be more productive in the sense that like she could.
  • [23:40] Keith: Yeah.
  • [23:49] Mike: She might be able to say things to him that sort of amp up the situation and kind of like guide him. She could also talk to him outside but he might that might create like kind of and ah a difficult set of expectations and also I suspect I think that I don't know I mean how often do you have sex with a woman that dirty talks or like sort of is very clear or. Yeah, like it like really expresses herself as opposed to as moaning during sex. It's sort of unusual right.
  • [24:10] Keith: Yeah, of course it's unusual. So yeah, assuming this woman is like most other women that it would be hard for her to like giving a woman the advice like hey you should tell your man what you want in bed and tell him what feels good and what doesn't like that's that is great advice but it's. Unactionable by most women.
  • [24:29] Mike: Yeah, well, that's true. Well I mean it. But I mean the thing I would say is that Okay, a guy as a guy I would think to myself. Well I mean I know I'm much stronger than most women you know and it's a pretty big delta between men and women typically.
  • [24:45] Keith: Controversial statement there.
  • [24:45] Mike: And so I'd be worried about physically hurting her and so like having the feedback. No, it's not having her feedback the feedback in real time from her basically saying hey you know you can do it harder or like you know I can I can handle more than that or whatever like yeah, having that real-time feedback back would be useful. It reminds me of a girl that I. New in high school who claimed that she was untickable now I think that was just a ruse right? she? Well she told everybody this and she was pretty attractive and I actually did.
  • [25:12] Keith: Um, she's just she just tried to get you to cro her man.
  • [25:20] Mike: It must have worked because I did actually 1 fine evening wind up with her maybe at her house. Maybe somebody else's and I was like she wanted me to try to tickle her and it was fantastic. Fantastic. It was great. Ah, it's like yeah try see if you can.
  • [25:31] Keith: Sorry to try to tickle. Her should be an air quotes I feel like it sounds great.
  • [25:39] Mike: Because it's a great thing to be because the guy it's such an obvious thing to say back as a guy you're like oh look can I try I'm unticckleable. It's like okay yeah, right, it just leads to such great places. Automatically, she must. Ah ah she must have enjoyed that.
  • [25:42] Keith: Right? Like oh don't don't tickle me there. Um, right? right? Yeah yeah I mean I just feel like I've been seeing this a lot lately women asking about how to. Get their man to be more assertive to have more animalistic sex and I Just think what they're actually experiencing is some sort of dead bedroom for some other reason and.
  • [26:16] Mike: Um, that's interesting. You think that the guy just isn't into them at all.
  • [26:18] Keith: I don't know I mean we have 3 sentences here to get to work on so I don't know. Yeah.
  • [26:24] Mike: But you've seen you and I have too seen a number of this kind of like these kinds of questions this this is a topic that floats around like maybe it's late stage feminism or something like women trying to get their needs. Met No I mean to be fair like women are like hey I want I want something more here. Um.
  • [26:37] Keith: Um, yeah, yeah, it could be that men are like too passive.
  • [26:41] Mike: I Just think they have to ask in real-time because a guy you're worried I mean like yeah, you don't want to physically hurt her like yeah, you're not sure you don't really know if what you're doing is painful or causing problems or whatever and I think there's a bunch of act. Do do you ever get the harder faster sort of feedback.
  • [26:49] Keith: Um, right.
  • [26:52] Keith: Right? right.
  • [27:01] Mike: Now.
  • [27:03] Keith: Ah, no, not very on I mean maybe ever sure but not very often. It is a super but I think when people are watching porn. They're really objectifying the woman and like having a woman beg for it harder like might.
  • [27:08] Mike: Um, it's such a standard porn trope right.
  • [27:21] Keith: Be useful I feel like that might make porn better but in real life in real life in in normal life. The thing you hear more is keep doing that.
  • [27:26] Mike: Um, if you did though? yeah.
  • [27:32] Mike: Yeah, that's true if but if if you're a pretty gentle gentleman ultimately and I think you're not like you're not I don't think you're into like hardcore bdsam or anything and as that kind of a gentleman if you had a woman say harder or faster say so let's say so say harder.
  • [27:48] Keith: Um, yeah, yeah of course you oblige? yeah.
  • [27:49] Mike: She was being very clear. She went hard. You would do it right? Okay, so it would work like all all she has to do is be like yeah really slam me or what she can come up with some verbiage to use. Ah.
  • [27:58] Keith: Sure, Yeah, no, a woman shouldn't feel concerned to express this one.
  • [28:03] Mike: Yeah, yeah, well I mean he might tell other people that she said those things or something like actually he probably will Yeah, he'll be proud of himself.
  • [28:09] Keith: How fine, but like yeah, you probably will. But yeah, exactly all right? Let's go to the next one. Um, this one Unfortunately the post has been deleted but I remember what they said. And I thought it was sort of interesting. So This person says I don't like how my boyfriend has to focus on not coming and she wrote a few paragraphs on this and I really regret that I can't find it but the general notion of her post was she was aware that her boyfriend was constantly thinking about other things.
  • [28:33] Mike: Um, first.
  • [28:42] Mike: Baseball.
  • [28:45] Keith: To avoid not coming. Yeah so his grandmother or baseball or you know whatever the least sexy thing they can think of in their mind so they're not.
  • [28:54] Mike: Um, for you, You can't think of sports because Sports makes you come right? is that.
  • [28:57] Keith: I Do I now I could think of I mean you're just basically trying not to focus on the the woman but you're just trying to get you're trying to displace your mind.
  • [29:07] Mike: Okay, okay, so what do you think of? what's your go to. It's.
  • [29:13] Keith: I Don't know if I have a thing sports would be fine politics like anything other than like this attractive woman underneath me.
  • [29:18] Mike: I Have to be honest to like I don't do that I remember doing that I don't do that very much anymore I think because I'd be worried that like I would yeah I'd be worried that I would just like totally get out of the frame of mind I don't know if I would like be impotent. That's not the thing. It's just I would.
  • [29:24] Keith: That comes with age.
  • [29:36] Mike: I would actually just be like oh I don't feel like doing this anymore.
  • [29:37] Keith: I think I have enough control over by like orgasm and cues now that I don't need to just.
  • [29:44] Mike: Oh I don't mean orgasm I mean I mean oh I see what you're saying. Okay, but yeah, so this doesn't come up. Yeah, this doesn't come up anymore I get it even on a first encounter with a new partner.
  • [29:48] Keith: And I don't need to displace my mind to stop myself from coming. Yeah. It does but I would just slow down or change positions or something I have I have other techniques but this notion that this girl has I don't remember how old she was but this this notion that she doesn't like how her boyfriend is basically spending the entire sexual encounter thinking of.
  • [30:02] Mike: I see I see Orgasm Cues I got it.
  • [30:18] Keith: Anything but her I thought that was sort of a reasonable complaint.
  • [30:22] Mike: Well I mean but isn't there the standard trope that like ah say during you know for the majority of women who receive less pleasure than the man does during PiV sex that a lot of times they're like going over their you know to do list for the next day well being so.
  • [30:33] Keith: Not with me. But yeah and I'm sure women are just so engaged by my incredible lovemaking.
  • [30:38] Mike: How do you know, not with you. Okay, fine I sort of like the idea of the guy thinking of whatever like baseball or politics while she's thinking ever to do less for the next day
  • [30:51] Keith: Ah, they're both just totally disconnected from the physical mechanical act.
  • [30:53] Mike: Right? What is shit I mean I think generally here's 1 thing I would say that I've learned is that I think that women generally don't understand. It's a little confusing to them. Why guys will try to hold off coming. And I think that's there's a couple things there one is that for themselves. It's the opposite direction where like they might have trouble getting there and so it's like well if I'm close I'm not going to like like the much more frustrating thing is to have something get changed. So then you don't get over the edge and the other one is like I don't think I think that in most cases.
  • [31:17] Keith: Um, yeah.
  • [31:24] Keith: Um, yeah.
  • [31:29] Mike: Setting aside like the coming from the blow at the beginning of the encounter that we talked about earlier but I think in most cases like delaying. It say 3 minutes or 5 minutes doesn't she's like why like what do you get it? What more are you getting out of that. Um.
  • [31:39] Keith: I Think the I don't know I I guess I kind of disagree I Think there's some collectively bargained cultural norms around how long you're supposed to do the various things like the woman starts by by blowing me for.
  • [31:56] Mike: Okay, let me get out a pencil here. Okay so you've got a blow keep going on.
  • [31:59] Keith: X minutes and I don't know what X is supposed to be in that case. That's why I'm yeah so interested and then you know you you take off her clothes. Maybe you go down on her for y minutes and then you know and then.
  • [32:09] Mike: So we'll call that cunolingus go on.
  • [32:15] Keith: You know you probably start with missionary and then you know at some point you turn them over or they'll climb on top of you and you'll do each of those for for z and z one and z 2 minutes
  • [32:19] Mike: Missionary. Okay.
  • [32:24] Mike: Would you would you? where would you reconsider the flipping or over thing if you knew that she had like you gone on a date and she'd gone to the restroom for longer than say 3 minutes
  • [32:37] Keith: I think I think most of the women that I end up in bed with have pretty good sanitation habits and I think women do think about the appearance of their butthole but I don't know if they like use wipes or.
  • [32:39] Mike: Is it alter your.
  • [32:56] Keith: You know a wet.
  • [32:59] Mike: This is interesting. So you think that if ah if you're on it on a third date with the woman or a date where she's expecting to have sex and she has to poop goes to the toilet during the date. She's going to very carefully clean her butthole so it has the best possible appearance later when you're looking at it.
  • [33:03] Keith: Um, yeah.
  • [33:09] Keith: Um.
  • [33:15] Keith: Maybe it doesn't now that you put it that way I think less. So.
  • [33:15] Mike: You think that actually happens. I Hope it does I like I like the the cunning and the sort of the effort but I suspect it doesn't I suspect. She just has a routine she goes through like I Just don't think people think about this quite as much as as we do.
  • [33:30] Keith: I Used to have I don't know if I heard this on a podcast or read it in a book somewhere but somebody recommended having wet wipes in your in an obvious place in your bathroom. So that women can like wipe down their vagina or wipe down their asshole if they're feeling unclean.
  • [33:40] Mike: Yeah, as a guy.
  • [33:49] Keith: And insecure about that. You're going to worry about the smell right.
  • [33:51] Mike: Um, the thing I don't like about that I remember reading that and I don't I'm always like well would it actually? yeah I'm going to worry about the wet wipe flavor or whatever but hey okay, hang on. So so what we got here. We got blow then remove her clothes and oral on her.
  • [34:03] Keith: Yeah.
  • [34:05] Mike: Ah, missionary doggy and or her on top then what happens.
  • [34:08] Keith: I mean then at that point I can probably choose my own position that I prefer right? and and she's already come 3 times at this point.
  • [34:12] Mike: So it's the come. The come for Keith okay, when does she so is she lord? Okay, but but presumably you went down on her for her to orgasm that was the idea behind that.
  • [34:26] Keith: And that yeah, that ideally.
  • [34:30] Mike: Was it that or was it for her to be more lubricated for your missionary or both.
  • [34:34] Keith: Find that women are normally plenty wet without even without oral.
  • [34:40] Mike: Plenty for you. Um, some yeah well I'm just what I mean is I mean the woman might have a higher standard for what lubrication she like it's It's probably not going to hurt you? No no I wasn't I wasn't.
  • [34:45] Keith: Ah, wow.
  • [34:52] Keith: Ok I thought you were ba a small penis joke. Not this time.
  • [34:58] Mike: Actually, but there's a good point. It could have been okay and does each of these segments are at last now I'm not going to get into the timings of each and but I get it. Okay.
  • [35:03] Keith: I Don't know I mean I know I know what my sort of Ca it is but I don't I don't want to give specifics here because what? what if I'm someday having sex with a listener I don't want them to know and I don't want to reveal my recipe.
  • [35:16] Mike: Right? I got it that would never happen. You've never had sex with a listener right? Okay, so so that during this last segment the come for Keith segment. Um, this is the area where I think you could wind up thinking about politics while she's doing her. To do list right? because what if that lasted 8 minutes or something could last a little bit longer.
  • [35:34] Keith: Well at this at this time I'm probably trying to come so I don't think it would I wouldn't have any incentive to think about other stuff.
  • [35:42] Mike: Nice see what does that in count Andtail trying to come.
  • [35:47] Keith: Well not trying not to come but ah hold on Mike Importantly the trying not to come part could come up in those first segments right? that the initial missionary or the first few position right? like I think that if you come too soon there I think.
  • [35:52] Mike: I see ah.
  • [36:00] Mike: Crap point.
  • [36:06] Keith: Some women would be upset I think you would argue they wouldn't I think myself in this ah fan of the show would probably argue that yeah I think there's some I don't know it's like it's like a square dance. You're supposed to do I step here then they step there and if you miss step.
  • [36:17] Mike: Duration.
  • [36:25] Mike: I Don't know about that because as much as there's a position that she might like I think it's very likely that some percentage of women don't want to be on top or don't like the doggy style position and so like you're just as likely to missstep there when you put them into that position.
  • [36:26] Keith: There could be some offense or some irritation.
  • [36:38] Keith: Yeah, although in ah in an early sexual encounter I Think you're just trying to demonstrate that you like know the array of tricks or something.
  • [36:47] Mike: But okay, but I mean they they know you know the array of tricks you've scolded me before as a man in his forty s like nobody's confused about that. They know that you you you can go through the whole pattern I see it's like going to the ballet for her.
  • [36:56] Keith: Yeah, but you still want to see it performed. Yeah.
  • [37:06] Mike: For you. It's going to the ballet except at the end you come. This makes the ballet a lot better tell you? Um, okay, so then so then so I but but the main point here is that I think okay fine if you're having to do it during the mission. The the missionary one we can call it.
  • [37:11] Keith: Yeah, yeah.
  • [37:25] Mike: I don't know what position you want to nut in but missionary one or the the sort of earlier positions fine. But I think that a woman might be perplexed as to like the guy wanting to basically edge himself like make it take 5 minutes longer um just like I think it's really reminds me of that thing where women find perplexing the notion that a guy.
  • [37:35] Keith: Ah.
  • [37:44] Mike: Wants to have like wants to have variety or novelty and his sexual partners like that can be confusing to them. It's like why not just have sex with your girlfriend. It's like well men and women are different honey. Yeah you you don't ever. You don't ever like purposely make it take longer because you're just like this is great I Just want to keep doing this for a while.
  • [37:52] Keith: Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
  • [38:01] Keith: Yeah, but I don't but I can vary pacing or the angle so that I'm like feeling less stimulated or stop looking at her breasts I don't know there's just various things you can do.
  • [38:05] Mike: Nice am nice him.
  • [38:17] Mike: You can cover what I do is I like to cover her with a sheet her her head So I can't see her.
  • [38:23] Keith: Yeah, that you tried the bag technique and they seem to not like that. Let's that's consider it.
  • [38:29] Mike: Ah, it's easier to breathe through a sheet that's the difference. Yeah, if you if you write. Ah yeah, no I mean I whatever just obscures that it's a person I'm going for the more like Android sort of real doll experience. Yeah.
  • [38:41] Keith: Um, all right? Um, there were a couple questions about penis sanitation that I thought were a little interesting and I'm not sure if they're related or not and I'm not really sure what's going on.
  • [38:50] Mike: Yeah.
  • [38:58] Keith: And either 1 of these but the first one is that is I guess more generalizable this person says my friends with benefits wiped his dick off then put it back in. Oh no wait. Sorry it is oh yeah.
  • [39:09] Mike: Well, that's from a song if I'm going too far I'll pull it out and wipe it off and put it back up. It's from a song off. Ah the drre's celebrated album 2001 songs called fuck you unclear.
  • [39:21] Keith: Um, why? why are they wiping it off. Okay well this person this person this person wonders the same thing right? right? right? right? What is that thing Rap Genius does that still exist and then they like actually.
  • [39:26] Mike: If He goes too far up look I just I just report the lyrics I don't understand them go on. Yeah, Genius exist. But this is the they I haven't even looked up these lyrics because they're It's pretty good. Song. It's nice.
  • [39:39] Keith: And explain them the lyrics I think Amazon bought rap genius or somebody bought rap genius. Okay, anyway I'm so confused by what happened the other night that I need to ask Reddit l lol so I female 29 was hooking up with my new friends with benefits male 36 it was her second time hooking up and the sex is really fantastic. He was fucking me from behind he pulled out and wiped his stick off with his t-shirt then he put it back in and kept fucking me his t-shirt was off of him but on the bed next to him I'm just confused why he would do this and I'm too nervous to ask him I was just wondering if this has happened to anyone else before.
  • [40:09] Mike: It's a pro move when when you hear. When I hear and this is just me like whatever people I have my own personality I have my own problems believe me. But when I hear that it's a woman 29 with her f her new fwb I immediately view her I immediately like lot lowers are attractive. Its by like 4 points when she says she's got an fwb is that. I you don't have to answer this. But for me it does i.
  • [40:35] Keith: Ah, because because okay that your theory of mine. There is that she wouldn't she doesn't really want a friends with benefits that she's tolerating it indicates something about her ability to score a real boyfriend.
  • [40:45] Mike: Yeah, that's right as if she if you had said my boyfriend I would have like had 1 picture of her in head in mind. But as soon as you said fwb like the picture changed substantially in my brain but that's neither here nor there. Um, and okay so he wiped it off on his shirt.
  • [40:51] Keith: Um, yeah, right? Yeah, that tracks which he had on the bed next to him maybe perhaps for this reason or maybe.
  • [41:02] Mike: Okay I mean.
  • [41:08] Keith: You know in their fit of passion throwing their clothes off it just happened to be there.
  • [41:12] Mike: I'm going to guess I'm going to guess I mean I don't know did she X did she talk to him about or is at the end of the question. Okay I'm going to guess that I'm going to give him the benefit the doubt here there. It could be something that I actually would be.
  • [41:15] Keith: No, she's too nervous to ask him.
  • [41:26] Mike: Something I would enjoy where he like is like I want more friction or something someone to take some lube off. He's He's like a baseball pitcher with a piece of sandpaper but I don't think it's that I think that there I think there was something that got on his cock that was kind of gross from her or him.
  • [41:28] Keith: Yeah.
  • [41:36] Keith: Let's just scuff up the ball.
  • [41:43] Keith: Um, oh.
  • [41:44] Mike: And he wanted to remove it in a polite way. So like there was some something that looked like snot or something that got on there. Yeah, nice. So I'm here rather than the baseball pitcher.
  • [41:48] Keith: Oh that's a great theory Mike I couldn't think of anything other than yeah, it was just slippery so he's like going to try and plunge out some of the lubrication I don't think that would work I think like.
  • [42:02] Mike: He's got his tremble tool out.
  • [42:05] Keith: I Just feel like yeah I feel like there's sufficient lubrication in there. It's like yeah, it's like sticking your dick in a glass of water that pulling it out and wiping off the water then sticking it back in like it's still wet like you're not That's not enough lubrication removal. Sure.
  • [42:17] Mike: Yeah, it could also have been like it could have also been blood but then she would have I would then I thought oh she would see it. Yeah yes, might have been a piece of poop might have been something. Yeah, it's a.
  • [42:25] Keith: I Like this idea there was something quote unquote gross something unseemly. Maybe he was doing it for her benefit who knows I don't you know.
  • [42:36] Mike: And like if his t-shirt is dark colored. You wouldn't even be able to see it if it was white. You might see it on there I mean using his t-shirts a little gross because I'm going to guess he put it back on not loving that. Um, yeah I hope he didn't do that.
  • [42:46] Keith: Yeah I don't love that either ok like let's let's get to this I think you nailed it I think you got it? Well, it's either some weird lubrication reduction attempt or he was cleaning something off all right? This person says.
  • [42:54] Mike: Good.
  • [42:59] Mike: Or she was fucking Devin the dude and he'd gone up too far anyway, go ahead. That's the rapper. Yes, yes.
  • [43:04] Keith: Oh is that is that a callback to those lyrics. Ok all right? How soon after having sex. Do you wash your dick after Sex. My boyfriend washes his stick right Away. So when I informed him that some men don't he was shocked I mean immediately when I say within a minute please be honest. Um, just interested about what is usual.
  • [43:23] Mike: I'm I'm sorry she informed him that most guys do it after or before and I spaced.
  • [43:30] Keith: Ah, after so he has sex and then immediately goes to the bathroom to wash his tick off. Yeah, she says that some men don't do that. Some men don't wash immediately after she is correct many many men myself included do not.
  • [43:34] Mike: And she's saying that's not normal.
  • [43:41] Mike: Yeah I mean the.
  • [43:46] Keith: Immediately raced to the bathroom to acid wash their penas.
  • [43:48] Mike: Raising to the bathroom. No but I can understand it for the following reason I have had the experience as a man of having my penis get sort of glued to my underwear afterward and then when you have to peel the underwear off of the penis. It actually kind of hurts especially if it's.
  • [43:53] Keith: Came.
  • [44:00] Keith: Yeah, yeah, yeah, and then like yeah when you pee it'll like make this messy stream because there's like Crusty Seaman
  • [44:08] Mike: Loot it toward like the the tip the ah you know the head or the opening.
  • [44:18] Mike: Well, it's not I mean it's who knows exactly which secretions it is but like the the attaching to the underwear thing is just a drag. So um, not the not the needing to not to know but I'm I'm not talking about that I'm talking about like the penis skin being.
  • [44:19] Keith: Right? Sure crust eat something? Yeah yeah, this happens after masturbating too though. So I don't know whose secretions are to blame.
  • [44:34] Mike: Glued Deer underwear. It's different that doesn't happen after masturbation does it.
  • [44:36] Keith: Um, I hear you.
  • [44:40] Keith: Um, it can if you're using a sock For example.
  • [44:45] Mike: Go on.
  • [44:48] Keith: But Forever interested in the mechanics of my masterty.
  • [44:53] Mike: We were Keith as an as a a man in his forty s you still use a sock. We.
  • [44:59] Keith: Are not often. But if I'm trying to contain if I Where do you put your semen.
  • [45:08] Mike: Well okay I want to okay I'll answer your question First. So ever since learning your habits I have discovered the the advantages of your methodology of sort of like standing up and doing it on a ah. Paper towel or something that's on a desk I actually think that's a pretty clever move so I have done that more although also on my stomach I think like most men do in porns or whatever if you see a guy getting a hand job or if you have the misfortune to see a guy just beating off in a porn. Um, okay, but why would you as an adult as a kid I get it. But as an adult.
  • [45:23] Keith: So um, ah.
  • [45:34] Keith: Yeah.
  • [45:41] Mike: And are we talking a ah like ah a white Costco sock. Are we talking like a black or a green athletic sock. You know like a colored are we are we talking about one that's supposed to shed sweat or not wiking. Yeah, that.
  • [45:53] Keith: Waking. Ah I actually God Damn it all right I sometimes use. Ah okay I have a preferred preferred thing that I use.
  • [46:01] Mike: New mouth. Jesus now this is when I have to think about baseball I'm gonna vomit go on. Is it a lubricant thing who whoa whoa is.
  • [46:10] Keith: I Don't really I don't really I don't really want to share. It's not unusual. Um, but I think it might be I think it might be related to how tightly I'm circumcised like if I use I can create like a little bit of a sheath Using. Um I can use my underwear actually so I take my underwear off and then I can use my underwear and I and it and I masturbate with it and it both catches the semen and provides a sheath around my cock that makes masturbating more comfortable. And just using my hand. Yeah I'm sorry I'm not putting poop on my penis.
  • [46:46] Mike: I I hate all of this I hate I hate that you probably are putting poop on your penis I hate that you are that means that means your underwears had semen just all in it. Um, and the other thing I hate and I hate a lot of things and if you want to know what I like just take the opposite of what I hate So I do like things too. Um.
  • [47:01] Keith: And right.
  • [47:04] Mike: Ah, this is look when people this is this is what like society is doing to seriously to men and boys by just not giving a fuck about them. It's like this is why circumcision is evil.
  • [47:14] Keith: Yeah.
  • [47:17] Mike: Right here. It's like it's like what what's going on here like basically society's pushed you into this like maybe this is why you feel so ashamed of yourself after you've nut after you're masturbating I feel great I feel like man I'm so happy like I'll see like the puddle and I'm like I did that I feel great I feel like Jackson Pollock but but maybe you feel look here's the point is if I'm in.
  • [47:29] Keith: I Don't feel that ashamed. But I hear you I hear you.
  • [47:36] Mike: Room A and you're room B and I'm doing my normal thing and you're doing your thing when I finish I've just you know, rubbed it with my hand and it's fine. You have this weird contraption with your underwear and all this stuff where you're dealing with these friction issues and like honestly if I had if I had to do that. Maybe I would feel ashamed because I had to do so much paraphernalia.
  • [47:44] Keith: I Do I do yeah.
  • [47:54] Mike: And so like even so this is the the Victorian ethos is still infecting and the thing about it that actually I hate is everybody gives everybody cares so much about all these other groups of people and here's this thing that you're doing to young men and nobody gives a shit nobody gives a shit nobody's like hey by the way like we're making people.
  • [48:11] Keith: You should You should run for congress on the ah anti Circumcis agenda. Okay, wait hold on where do you put your? where do you put your semen. So if you're on your back. It just lands on your stomach.
  • [48:11] Mike: All these young men feel terrible about themselves.
  • [48:18] Mike: I'm deeply against Circumcision. I wouldn't normally I'd either be seated or standing. Let's say I wouldn't normally be on my back if I'm standing and it goes on whatever is in front of me like near your belly button I think that's sort of normal.
  • [48:26] Keith: Okay, if you're seated then what did you just like Sportts up in the air and then like lands backed out like where does it go? Okay, okay and then standing it goes out and forward onto paper towels or some sort of receptacle. Okay.
  • [48:42] Mike: Yeah, sure sure yeah it depends on whether you have something that's made of a material that's very cleanable or if you you know you can have a paper towel. It's not that's true. Yes, you can sort of like clean it off? yeah.
  • [48:45] Keith: Even then even then there's some semen on the tip of your penis.
  • [48:55] Keith: You can You can you can use a kleenex or paper towel.
  • [49:00] Mike: Find that if I'm standing there. It's pretty. There's not a whole lot left and also if you go pee afterward. It's really gone then and also I've found that that issue that one encounters I'm sure every guy knows this that if you beat off that issue of like your pee going everywhere. It doesn't happen in the same way as it does after P I v.
  • [49:05] Keith: Yes.
  • [49:15] Keith: I Think that's true. Yeah.
  • [49:19] Mike: And after a blow it doesn't happen either. So it's something specific about the vagina that like Jacks up your ability to pee afterward. Yeah Saliva is much much better as a deposit location.
  • [49:21] Keith: Hu Yeah, some secretion there? yeah. Um, yeah, um, how often do you I don't I mean do you wash your penis off after you have sex.
  • [49:41] Mike: Only if there only if like there's something untoward going on. So like if it's if there's just like a lot of stuff on it then maybe so it's going to depend on other factors.
  • [49:51] Keith: Um, okay yeah, right.
  • [49:56] Mike: Meaning meaning how much like lubrication there was and stuff like that. But and I would say as an ordinary matter. No I'd say it's less than 10 percent of the time.
  • [50:04] Keith: Um, why do you think this guy's running to the bathroom to do so.
  • [50:09] Mike: He's probably just one of these people that like was taught by his parents probably his mom to wash his hands all the time So He's just like he's uncomfortable with Bodies. He doesn't realize he doesn't really realize how like germs work and stuff so he thinks like oh I'm and I Ah I'm gonna fix it. You know I mean like. There are people even before Covid like I knew people who would just relentlessly put that crap on their hands. What's that stuff called you know the stuff that like has alcohol in it. You can drink it. Yeah, they put hand sanitizer everywhere and it's like guys like I mean just so people know like that doesn't do anything like.
  • [50:34] Keith: Oh hand sanitizer.
  • [50:45] Mike: Bacteria grow exponentially and just go ah look at an exponential function or look at a bacteria growth under a microscope and you will realize very quickly that like even if you have 10 of them left just give them an hour and they'll be like a billion or what I don't I don't know the numbers exactly but the point is killing 99% of them does nothing. Because you know exponentially they come back so quickly. Um, yeah.
  • [51:04] Keith: I Definitely not going to comment on this that sounds like a thing that could be right.
  • [51:09] Mike: What What do you think? what? what? what? What would they think? what do what would they think it does now if you have a cut if you have a open wound that's different of course surgeries should be done in a sterile environment I'm not saying that I'm just saying like hand it sanitizing your hands that have no wounds on them just does nothing. It's just pointless.
  • [51:22] Keith: Right? right.
  • [51:26] Mike: It is funny I've told you the story before of my friend who had sex with a woman. He was very unsure about and he he used a condom but he was so worried about st eyes that he would only he claimed he only penetrated her halfway and then afterward he went to the bathroom took the condom off and poured listerine on his cock. Look it was I I have a suspicion now that it was a lady of the night I don't know it was definitely somebody. He should not have been having sex with and he he told me the story I think because he was like so uptight about it. He needed to get something out. But anyway that Listerine story was funny to me I bet that burned.
  • [51:48] Keith: Yeah.
  • [51:55] Keith: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's Scott I don't know if it has enough alcohol to kill things like aren't hand sanitizer like is it listerine like 20% alcohol and aren't hand sanitizers like almost all alcohol.
  • [52:14] Mike: Yes I think directionally yes like you can't yeah and I know end I mean to the question of whether it would affect the herpes virus I have no idea probably it might might do some. It might do you some good if you're actually exposed to herpes. Okay, fine, but like.
  • [52:15] Keith: Okay, but yeah, Necessity's the mother of all invention right? He did right writing right? The the herpes bacteria will have really good breath the Herpes virus.
  • [52:31] Mike: Virus. It's a virus. Yeah, exactly.
  • [52:34] Keith: Viry I Don't think they have teeth. Okay, this person has a sexual pet peeve they say please don't change rhythm guys when you're in any position. A girl says she's going to come. Do not change the rhythm or pace when you have a girl in doggie style and she flattens and reaches out to grab the sheets do not switch it up so to big. Such a big shit off when a girl is about to reach that point I don't is this some like Gen Z Expression I don't know oh I bet what she meant to say is such a big turnoff such a big turnoff when a girl is about to reach that point and it's taken away by the giver.
  • [53:03] Mike: There you go.
  • [53:11] Keith: Just keep doing the good shit you were and I promise you will be so loved why are women's orgasms so fickle.
  • [53:18] Mike: Well I mean they aren't that fickle right? If they if if they're if they're masturbating. It's much more reliable just like frankly it is kind of for a man. Ah, it's easier to get there and and specifically the position. She's talking about is not.
  • [53:26] Keith: Um, yeah, yeah.
  • [53:36] Mike: You know it's going to be 1 of the more challenging positions for it to happen and why I mean you want to know evolutionarily because women's orgasms. Don't matter That's why because like the no it's I mean this is the thing is like the species would rep if if women if if you if you took away all females ability to orgasm forever. Ah, the species would propagate just fine if you did that the men that would be the end. Well medical science would like extract sperm and stuff but like ignoring that capability would they would be the end and so yeah, women's women's orgasms are sort of a byproduct of something that's why.
  • [54:07] Keith: Um, are are women's is women's is are women women's ability to orgasm decreasing as the generations go on because it's not selected for.
  • [54:17] Mike: I Don't think anybody knows that I don't think and oh I see it? No I think I don't think that's how that works the way it works is. It's just it's not selected for and it's not unselected for um so it just sort of doesn't matter and ah and because it is very important for the male and because men and women are very very similar. It would be more complicated for to like for women to not have that ability than for them to have it. That's that's the most likely explanation. Yes I Know there's all these people that argue. Oh no, no, it has some evolutionary purpose like it bonds the man and the woman blah Blah blah Maybe but most likely it's just one of these things where it's like it's like why do men have nipples like.
  • [54:40] Keith: Um, yeah.
  • [54:53] Mike: Yes, evolution could have removed the male nipple but it's more complicated to do that and it doesn't hurt. You dev a nipple and the same thing for a woman having an orgasm. Um, ah, there's something else I wanted to say trying to think of let's see so she she oh she flattens out she says oh yeah, so here's what I wanted to say.
  • [54:57] Keith: Right? Nice analogy.
  • [55:12] Mike: Um, I actually found it kind of hot the notion that the guy would like it's like a ruined orgasm kind of situation where he like like like so if what if what if he's changing things up to tease you That's kind of cool right? unless like I guess if she never gets there.
  • [55:15] Keith: Yeah.
  • [55:27] Keith: Ah, yeah, but he better be pretty. He better be pretty confident. He's going to be able to re some get her to resummit that mountain. Otherwise she's going to be really annoyed.
  • [55:35] Mike: Ah, yeah, but you I mean have you ever done that where you purposely will I'm sure you have were you back off on purpose to like you. It's fun, right? Do you find that it it amps up her.
  • [55:40] Keith: I have yeah I have yeah it is but I wouldn't I don't think I would do that with at an early encounter because I wouldn't be I wouldn't know.
  • [55:53] Mike: Oh I think I would.
  • [55:58] Keith: I wouldn't know how easy orgasming is for that person and so I don't know if I'm being if I'm being cute or if I'm being a jerk.
  • [56:01] Mike: God damn man. Why do you do you think this is because you were like raised in a more female environment or something that you have this kind of that was a theory that got floated to me a couple weeks ago like why do you care so much like oh I want her to have a good time. Yeah why you care about that too. But like.
  • [56:13] Keith: What's this about the woman's pleasure.
  • [56:20] Mike: My primary thing in that situation is like I don't know I get this urge to like dominate like this like like I go into this other head space where it's like I'm just going to I I want to have things happen and and and what i' found in my life is like that pretty much correlates with what she wants and you know it's like it's actually fine like I don't I Genuinely don't think that causes a problem but you're really worried about.
  • [56:28] Keith: Um, yeah.
  • [56:34] Keith: Um, yeah.
  • [56:40] Mike: The other person's subjective experience doesn't that like you think that comes from like some kind of you know life experience.
  • [56:40] Keith: Yes. I Don't know I mean I don't really have I don't know what the counterfactual is and I don't know yeah like I enjoy the things that I enjoy and there are times in my life where I wish that I was less.
  • [56:57] Mike: Um, yeah, yeah.
  • [57:04] Keith: If Empathetics the word less sensitive to the other person's experience sexually or in any other walks of life. Um, but I just sort of am the way I am.
  • [57:13] Mike: Well, it's ironic because you talk about being very rational about like like making certain kinds of decisions or or sorry dealing with yet dealing with the situation like oh this, you know, let's say ah the risk of having an Sti I think you mentioned that a couple episodes ago like oh.
  • [57:31] Keith: Um, yeah.
  • [57:32] Mike: You you know find I have a 1% risk or a point one percent risk and you'll be very rational whereas me. Ah I wouldn't be asleep that at night it would really upset me like I wouldn't be rational about it. It's interesting right? So it's like these things come out in different places in 1 ne's personality whereas like on this one like I would be less sensitive whereas your're moya.
  • [57:41] Keith: Yeah.
  • [57:49] Keith: Yeah.
  • [57:50] Mike: People Yeah, you're ah you're more sensitive about other people and not about yourself. Yeah I care about myself I love myself who is your the greatest love of um I empathize with myself.
  • [57:59] Keith: Um, I mean it's weird I mean you know it's There's some psychologists or every act that anybody does is selfish right? like there's no nobody's ever really doing something unselfishly so it's just that.
  • [58:07] Mike: Go ahead. Sure That's True. You're in a society. No no, but that's like there's some sort of a goal. There is. There's an objective. No, it's but I mean yeah, ironically like in a sexual environment.
  • [58:17] Keith: It's just that my behaviors seem less selfish.
  • [58:26] Mike: It's entirely possible that but as a guy you know you're aware what I probably want to say as a guy focusing on the woman actually can make her experience worse because like she wants you to ah do whatever? Yeah oh have you gotten that feedback to that Why you picked that? okay.
  • [58:29] Keith: Um, yeah, definitely right? She wants me to she wants me to be more animalistic. No, but I thought it was a good callback to earlier in the episode.
  • [58:46] Mike: Yeah, yeah.
  • [58:48] Keith: Um, yeah, but yeah, this notion that yeah they want to be objectified and you know be an object for the man is a pretty common one and yeah, right.
  • [58:58] Mike: Yeah, that means just people have roles right? They want people want to fit into the role and so yeah, like ah this this topic this issue of like worrying about their Experience. No, it's yeah, just doesn't but the thing about it is. It's not like I try to I joke about making the woman's experience terrible I don't actually do that. Um. But it's the point is it's consonant with what they want like I'm not messing their experience Up. It's like but but but I am actually pursuing my own kind of selfish games.
  • [59:17] Keith: Right. Yeah I mean it I was going to say it happens to be the case but maybe evolutionarily It's the case that women want men to be dominant and selfish and in bed at times and so me trying to did abuse.
  • [59:36] Mike: Well I mean they know I mean part of that is they.
  • [59:41] Keith: Meet me trying to disabuse myself of some of those instincts might actually be bad.
  • [59:44] Mike: Yeah, that well there's an analogy to like the Madonna horror thing like outside of the bed. They they want much more control and so on and so they want to be fawned over outside the bed. So it's like there's this they get theirs right? I mean it's but but it's the it's the change in behavior that that's very attractive and you it's like ah.
  • [59:51] Keith: Um.
  • [59:54] Keith: Um, yeah.
  • [01:00:01] Mike: Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde or teen wolf too or whatever these things are all just callbacks about teen wolf where the guy like gets the beard have you seen te wolf with Michael J Fox I always thought that was just an allegory for puberty right? He's this teenage kid and then he learns that his dad has a beard and everybody in his family has a beard.
  • [01:00:08] Keith: Yeah, it's Michael J Fox yeah
  • [01:00:19] Mike: Like at night on the full moon and I'm like well this just pubic hair right? I mean this is just this is just this is just that ah like a teenager realizing that he's like going to become a man and like there's all' going to have to start beating off like having crazy behaviors. In other words like anyway and that's what the werewolf ultimately is right.
  • [01:00:22] Keith: Yes.
  • [01:00:30] Keith: I Wonder if the I wonder if the writer of Teen wolf is available to be interviewed about this. What with the writer strike.
  • [01:00:40] Mike: Well, but I mean that's what where wool wereolves are right? It's just like ah it's like there's a lot of stories that just call back to that idea of the man with his 2 sided personality.
  • [01:00:45] Keith: Right? right? All right? That's enough for this episode of your mileage may vary. You can email us at why MMvPoddGmailDotCom please send us feedback. We'll pay you $10 for your insights.
  • [01:00:58] Mike: Oh and especially especially that dude who who told us that Keith shouts me down too much. Please give more feedback I like that one listen to what Mike has to say he's great. His.
  • [01:01:03] Keith: Yeah I can't believe I couldn't believe that feedback the notion that like the notion that you're like crying after our episodes because I've been shouting you doubt is like unbelievable.
  • [01:01:17] Mike: Look consider this guys consider this guy's experience in the last like month first Tucker Carlson got fired and now I'm getting shouted down. He's just like he's like all my my conservative buddies are just getting the shaft all right? sorry.
  • [01:01:24] Keith: Right? know right? Yeah, it's it's it's sped rough. So anyway, maybe that'll tease more feedback from him. But yeah, send us feedback. It's why I M v.
  • [01:01:37] Mike: Yeah.
  • [01:01:41] Keith: podedgmail.com we like getting feedback and we will try not to shame you if we don't like the feedback. Ah, that's also the place to ask us questions which will have a pretty good chance of being answered on the air unless you tell us you'd like to keep us private.
  • [01:01:44] Mike: I liked it.
  • [01:01:56] Keith: Thanks for time and we look forward to catch you next time on your mileage may vary.