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Episode 168: Blowjob Derangement Syndrome, Vaginal Sensations, Oral Initiation, Refusal To Reciprocate

Team YMMV | 5-17-2024 | 1:04:19

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It's an oft-discussed trope that women become much more attached to men after the first time they have sex. But, does the same logic apply to oral sex performed on the guy? That is to say, does it matter where exactly the penis goes? And, does it matter where the semen goes?

Keith is interested in understanding how, in a normal relationship, a blowjob is initiated. Is there a verbal request? Does the man "push her head down" as is often suggested online? Or is there some other protocol?

And, a man who is dating a transwoman would like to know what a vagina feels like. How does it compare to the anus or the mouth?

Here's the link to the Tenga egg product discussed on the episode:


We get a lot of our questions from Reddit, so for our listeners' enjoyment, here are links to some of the questions we discussed this week:




Episode Transcript

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  • [00:00] Keith: Hello and welcome to your mileage may vary. We talk about sex and relationships with frankness that is often controversial but mostly in good faith I'm looking forward to a few of our topics today including a man who isn't doing his part to keep his partner satisfied a discussion about how to initiate blowjobs.
  • [00:19] Mike: And.
  • [00:19] Keith: A description of what vaginas feel like and more I am Keith my cohost is Mike and we somehow messed up the audio again last week although this time I guess it was my fault. Yeah I mean it wasn't great. The problem was we were physically in the same space and so we were using.
  • [00:31] Mike: Um, we got yelled at well.
  • [00:39] Keith: And omnidirectional microphone and also we were in that little nook in my apartment and so maybe that made it sound a little bit echoey but I still don't even really know what we did Wrong. We were sitting equidistant from the microphone. And you sounded softer than me.
  • [01:00] Mike: Yeah, it was strange right? like you sound like your anyway nobody cares. But you you sounded like you were on a normal microphone and I sounded really quiet. Don't know why? yeah.
  • [01:11] Keith: um yeah yeah um I have like a bunch of like banter to talk about today. Um I guess the first and like most serious one is the last few episodes. We've spent a lot of time talking about.
  • [01:17] Mike: Sco.
  • [01:28] Keith: Our mental Healths and particularly that both of us have been struggling a little bit lately. Do you think that our frankness in talking about that is jarring for people like do you think people hear us talking and worry about us at all.
  • [01:31] Mike: Um, oh good.
  • [01:46] Mike: Um, now I don't think they care I'm like pretty confident nobody cares. Yeah, it was like it was.
  • [01:51] Keith: So should we I feel like it makes somewhat interesting talk about ah so a somewhat interesting subject to talk about because we we do talk about it with a candidness that I think is unusual. Ah, but.
  • [02:00] Mike: Sure either was somebody I was telling recently because this is ah like some form of this is often the way a way to diffuse. Well, it's like when people are of. Have a fear of public speaking. That's the one that that where this came up recently or relatively recently for me I was trying to tell a person look nobody nobody cares what you say and for me that's like ah, useful and it's all I recognize it is true. The like people.
  • [02:21] Keith: Hm.
  • [02:37] Mike: It's that they don't care at all. They mostly don't care. But this person actually found that like irritating they didn't They did not find that helpful as the thing to say and they're like yeah everybody says that.
  • [02:44] Keith: Oh the notion that nothing you say is really that important you're sort of catastrophizing for no reason.
  • [02:54] Mike: Um, yeah I mean it's just well. It's just that. Ah, let's see people who I guess when people are afraid of public speaking they're afraid.
  • [03:09] Mike: What is the implicit fear there. There's some, there's some like fear that like everybody's going to make fun of them or like it's some social fear and in fact, it's not well grounded because people are much more indexing on themselves than other people most of the time in fact, basically all the time.
  • [03:24] Keith: I Say right.
  • [03:28] Mike: But that was surprisingly unhelpful for this person so I was like oh sorry sorry sorry for not helping.
  • [03:33] Keith: Um I would expect that to be helpful in the context of getting over their fear of public speaking but unhelpful in the context of enjoying their life like the reality that you aren't that important to other people in the world is something that isn't fun to face down. But.
  • [03:42] Mike: Um, welcome.
  • [03:50] Mike: Sure Yeah I Guess that's true. It's oh it's okay, but so let's now let's hear it.
  • [03:50] Keith: It is the reality. Yeah yeah, right? So on the topic of my mental health. Ah I think I only left the house once over like the last five days well twice because I I did something very healthy and helpful today. But before today I think I had like a five day streak of basically being a recluse hermit.
  • [04:14] Mike: And this was not because you were watching the stream on Youtube that this guy has of where he street live streams I don't even know I think he like finds people tickt talking it and he live streams every concert in the eras tour by Taylor Swift you were not doing that.
  • [04:29] Keith: Oh my God No I wasn't.
  • [04:33] Mike: Yes, he's this Asian fellow and he's just it's It's pretty impressive. He's there for it.
  • [04:37] Keith: Um, he live streams himself live streaming watching live streams of the concerts.
  • [04:43] Mike: Yeah, that's right and like sometimes like the live stream will cut out which I assume is because you know whoever has got it on their phone. Their phone dies or they lose signal. He'll quickly switch to another one so you were not doing that.
  • [04:54] Keith: My word now.
  • [05:00] Mike: I'm sure I'm sure he's doing it right now. Give me a sack I can tell you I think she's in Finland or Norway or something.
  • [05:03] Keith: I know she's in Europe because a friend of mine posted on Strava that she was at the eras tour in Paris I think it was there were 4 in Paris how many were there in l a.
  • [05:11] Mike: Yeah, yeah, he's live streamed all four of those concerts. Yeah, that's right here is Stockholm night one agree on here he is.
  • [05:22] Keith: I thought just two were there night one. This is is it currently going on I mean it's it's ah it's it's afternoon right now in California is there.
  • [05:28] Mike: So in nice, he's got this so we're on the surprise songs now. Yeah, high your Chicago please send me a message. She's wearing a lovely red sort of maroon dress. Please send me a message anyway. So you were not doing that. What were you doing.
  • [05:42] Keith: That's great. All right I wasn't doing much I mean I um I would well I think I can I conceded last week that I had downloaded these mobile games that had almost.
  • [05:50] Mike: Um, you were playing video games masturbating.
  • [05:59] Keith: Like ah a pyramid scheme like addiction mechanic and I I did uninstall all of those so that was that was a good start. But ah yeah, I've played ah other video games and I've been watching the top 200 romantic comedies of all time. According to rotten tomatoes. So you know that that of course takes up time. Yeah, and what else did I do yeah so masturbating of course, got it got to keep the prostate healthy.
  • [06:20] Mike: Um, 200 that's that's a lot of movies. Okay.
  • [06:30] Mike: Um, do you? Ah so do you have enough food for this like do you run out of food.
  • [06:36] Keith: Ah, yes I do but well first I have some food in the house. Um I can't remember if I shared this on the podcast. But I I was trying to buy a pancake batter and I was on Amazon and.
  • [06:41] Mike: Right.
  • [06:54] Keith: You know you can search by price per ounce or whatever and I got whatever the lowest price per ounce was for pancake mix and I wasn't paying attention to the volume and I got like a ah £10 like a box of like 10 different £1 boxes of pancake mix I've been. Slowly working my so my way through that. But of course you can't eat that for every meal. Well actually you can, but ah I can't and have but you know that variety is the spice of life you you need a little something else. But yeah, there's these services like yes door dash intacart.
  • [07:18] Mike: You could.
  • [07:26] Mike: Do you get? Do you get food delivered. That's interesting. So I wonder if ah I wonder if alongside ah things like Tiktok Instagram reels which have their effects on mental health. I wonder if all these delivery services have an effect too because basically they enable people to just sit in bed for weeks on end if they want that was the other thing I was going to ask is like are you what? I mean. Do you go around your apartment or do you just sit in bet.
  • [07:50] Keith: Yes.
  • [08:02] Keith: Um.
  • [08:03] Mike: Like how close are you to the legendary Brian Wilson of the beach boys who like lay in bed for like 2 years or whatever it was I can check out long.
  • [08:06] Keith: Yeah I know so I know some people when they get into the you know the very troughs of depression. They'll sort of cur curl up in the fetal position and they basically can't get out of bed I can get out of bed you you sort of have to do that in order to.
  • [08:13] Mike: 3 years right go to the bathroom.
  • [08:25] Keith: Go to the bathroom interface with my computer so I can play video games I've been coding a side project. So I spent some time on that and I did go grocery shopping twice but the grocery store is less than a block away so that that barely counts as leaving the house. Um, but I don't know.
  • [08:40] Mike: Okay.
  • [08:44] Keith: I went for a run today I ran sixteen miles and obviously that always helps me feel better. But yeah, it's crazy like last week I ran sixty miles in this week. It's Friday and so far I've run just the 16 It's.
  • [09:00] Mike: Who.
  • [09:03] Keith: Everyone knows that exercise helps with depression I feel much better today than I did. Um, yeah, even just a few hours ago and I expect this to sort of have some momentum that carries forward into into future days and I I have plans this evening so I'm going to go hang out with a friend. So ah yeah, hopefully things are on.
  • [09:11] Mike: Um, yeah.
  • [09:14] Mike: Sure or.
  • [09:23] Keith: The upswing here. My sister suggested that ah I should consider an antidepressant but I've always been loathe to do that I don't I don't think I'm there yet. Yeah I Just don't want to change.
  • [09:32] Mike: Not yet.
  • [09:39] Keith: Like the way my brain works for the most part. It's been sort of annoying the last couple weeks ever since my marathon there's been this like post marathon comedown. But ah I've always dug out of it before and I'm sure I will hear and so I would rather not depend on a ssri or benzo or.
  • [09:51] Mike: Sure.
  • [09:58] Keith: Whatever people take these days.
  • [09:58] Mike: Well Bss or I here. Yeah Okay, what's your other. What are your other topics. What ah what you found what I found under my bed.
  • [10:05] Keith: Um, um, do you remember? ah when I was dating Alyssa we found these like masturbation toys called tenga eggs. Ah.
  • [10:17] Mike: Yes.
  • [10:21] Keith: Found those this week I came across them ah because I only tried it once? Um, and I tried it again this week and it was much better than I remember last time like it was a pretty.
  • [10:36] Mike: Are.
  • [10:41] Keith: Materially compelling experience. It's strange. It definitely feels much more like a real vagina than using my hand for masturbating.
  • [10:50] Mike: Now Do you does I Forget if it has lubric lubricant in it or do you have to like.
  • [10:56] Keith: It comes with lubricant. So it's ah it's a 1 time use thing. Ah, you're meant to throw it away after 1 after 1 use. Yeah I don't remember ah I tenka egg.
  • [11:07] Mike: Um, ah, that's sort of too bad. How much do they cost then I mean that that's it's got to get.
  • [11:15] Keith: Sell them in 6 packs I was on the website this week ah let's see here a 6 pack a 6 pack is is thirty bucks yeah
  • [11:22] Mike: There's something compelling about that. Yeah thirty bucks okay yeah there's something compelling about that because you guys are not necessarily going to want to clean, right? right.
  • [11:31] Keith: Yeah, yeah, the cleanup of of men's sex toys is can't be that great. Um, but yeah I just wanted to flag it that it was more satisfying than I remembered it being not so much like my intuition was that. You could imagine a male sex toy that is so good that you basically never want to masturbate without it again. Sort of like I think sort of like how I think women are with vibrators like they basically get to a point where they can't imagine masturbating without it. Um, but so far I haven't found a male sex Toy. That's like that for me.
  • [11:53] Mike: Um, right.
  • [12:06] Keith: I liked it. It was It was a different experience maybe better in some ways but but not good enough that I think I'm going to go through the trouble.
  • [12:06] Mike: Um, I'm watching.
  • [12:14] Mike: Yeah I'm watching a man use 1 on Pornhub here and it looks like it's in some ways it looks like kind of a replacement for skin. It's and there there's some kind of lubrication inside of it I take it.
  • [12:21] Keith: Yes, yeah I think that's a good analogy. Yeah, it comes with like a loop packet that you can put on your yeah that you just put in inside.
  • [12:35] Mike: Um, and it's not oh why he finished now he's squeezing out the nut all over his cock like don't Why did you didn't do that you yeah.
  • [12:40] Keith: Yeah I did not do that I like like a normal man I sort of sheepishly and embarrassingly just to take it off my cock and then throw it into the trash.
  • [12:52] Mike: Seems like you could make one that's like flushable I'd be nice like maybe made of something that bio degrades.
  • [12:58] Keith: Yeah I haven't had any company this week but if I did this is the kind of thing you don't want to be sitting on the top of your trash can for what is this.
  • [13:11] Mike: I don't think most women are like I think the vast majority of women would not know what this was now this right? George does? Yeah, okay yeah, this woman's yeah okay so the the egg.
  • [13:17] Keith: What's that Sidefeld episode where he ah eats the aclare out of the trash. Yeah yeah.
  • [13:30] Mike: It's like a condom on some level right? It's it's it doesn't have a It's not open on both ends but somehow error doesn't get caught air doesn't get caught in it.
  • [13:37] Keith: It's not I was sort of surprised like when I jizzed in it I thought that it might come like squirting out the bottom of it or something but it it didn't I don't quite understand the physics.
  • [13:48] Mike: Ah.
  • [13:50] Mike: It contained it and then you did use the Lube packet. So how much cleanup was required Beyond just putting this thing in the trash.
  • [13:53] Keith: Yeah I did yeah.
  • [14:02] Keith: Um, well you sort of have the lube and probably a bit of your semen around the shaft of your cocks I Just used to moist paper towel to clean up. Yeah.
  • [14:10] Mike: Okay, it's not too bad. Okay so how many do you have left.
  • [14:18] Keith: I have one left so I had 2 of the standard tenga eggs and then they have something called like a a mega Tenga or something ah be see if I could see it on their website I don't.
  • [14:25] Mike: All right mega tenga. So you still have that one That's probably reusable right? I don't know.
  • [14:35] Keith: Oh yeah, it's called a vacuum cup. Ah, and I haven't used it yet. So I I can't speak to its effectiveness but it.
  • [14:40] Mike: I search for vacuum cup and I just got like you know things for drinking coffee out of but okay, all righty.
  • [14:47] Keith: Here I'll I I Just pasted you the link and you can you can include it in the show notes. So that ah the listeners can see it.
  • [14:54] Mike: Um, so is redesign for the next level of pleasure. Okay, this looks reusable. Okay.
  • [14:57] Keith: Yeah, so anyway I'll if I get to it this week I'll give a full report next. But I can't imagine it being materially better than the the other tenga. But maybe we'll see.
  • [15:13] Mike: The the the ease of clean, clean up for the other one seems like a pretty significant positive.
  • [15:19] Keith: Yeah, but $5 is kind of a lot to masturbate and with shipping it probably ends up being six and a half or something.
  • [15:28] Mike: It's true. Yeah I I appreciate that Amazon appears to have it like next day. In fact I think I could get same day. Maybe I'll order some same day. They do no, they still do.
  • [15:37] Keith: Remember when Amazon had same day delivery for a while what what happened to that. Okay I haven't noticed that recently.
  • [15:51] Mike: Ah, no, it's tomorrow I can get it tomorrow 10 am to three p M that was my bad. It's good though.
  • [15:56] Keith: Um, before the pandemic there was some service I don't remember what they called it but they had like a warehouse in San Francisco um and
  • [16:09] Mike: Like Tanga Tenga incorporated tenga. It wasn't just for 10 gags. Okay.
  • [16:11] Keith: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, it was Amazon no it was Amazon it was Amazon and and they had a limited number of stuff but you know you can imagine they identify like the top 300 things that people order and that's probably 80% of their sales volume and if they could keep those in ah in a factory and be able to say you know. Same day dropship. You could imagine that that having ah that being good for their revenue. But yeah I don't think they do that anymore or at least I haven't noticed it since the pandemic anyway, um, okay I 1 other thing I wanted to talk about which is.
  • [16:39] Mike: Um, yeah.
  • [16:43] Mike: To to spendy. Okay.
  • [16:50] Keith: Um, did you see the chat Gp T Four O demo.
  • [16:55] Mike: I Did the one where you could it it it. Ah they had it carry on an actual conversation. It seemed like it somehow was linked up with a voice recognition system. So that's what you mean? yes and I now have as a as a customer I now have access to it Although I think it it.
  • [17:03] Keith: Yes, yeah, it's free. Four o is free. So for the first time a lot of people are getting access to chet g p t four chet g p two four used to only be available for paying customers.
  • [17:13] Mike: 4 o is free.
  • [17:23] Keith: But 4 I was available for everyone I don't know I I need to understand that I'm not sure.
  • [17:23] Mike: Why why am I paying then because I'm stupid I just assumed it was rolled out to paying people that ok ah it seemed faster meaning it gives faster responses than than.
  • [17:36] Keith: Yes, but did you notice did you notice that whenever it responded it would basically buy itself some time I think the guy's name was ricky so it would be like Ha Ha Oh ricky and then it would like give its response and I think it's because it was using that.
  • [17:39] Mike: The original.
  • [17:56] Keith: I Think it had basically some clever techniques to stall for time. Um Humans probably do that in their conversation. Um, or or if they just start speaking sometimes they get halfway into a sentence before they realize that the way that they started it probably isn't.
  • [17:58] Mike: Um, make sense. Sure yeah.
  • [18:15] Keith: The way they would have started it if they knew what they were going to say before they started it. Um, yeah, um, or sometimes you'll like start talking, you'll be like oh that's not what I thought you were going to say let me change what I'm saying now based on. Um, so anyway, yeah, it's not crazy that that's the way that a.
  • [18:16] Mike: Yeah, you stall Basically that that that's that's right.
  • [18:34] Keith: Ah, system that seemed natural would behave Anyway, the thing I wanted to bring up was a lot of people complained or pointed out that the voice that chat Gp T used was quite flirty and I ah.
  • [18:48] Mike: I Noticed that yes I liked that part people were complaining about that.
  • [18:53] Keith: I I I don't know but maybe ok well, that's interesting that that was your impression too. My take was that it wasn't that flirty. It was a human female talking politely but is is that flirting like I don't know.
  • [19:11] Mike: Kind of because it was it was laughing and stuff like that. So yeah I think I think there's a I think there's a flirtatious dimension to that kind of conversation.
  • [19:12] Keith: I Thought it was.
  • [19:23] Keith: Ah, yeah I Guess in some ways I felt a little bit. It's like yeah like if a woman wears. Ah, but here this might be a good analogy for you because I know what you think of this if a woman wears Yoga pants. Ah, all men assume that. You know she's she's wearing that on purpose and many women will claim like what? no I Just wear it because it's comfortable and I think a woman might say like oh I just talk like that because that's the way I talk I'm not I'm not flirting and so yeah, there's some sort of.
  • [19:55] Mike: I mean I think yeah I mean they can say that but there but there I'm sure this is something that's been studied that they're different registers of female voice depending on you know who who's being interacted with.
  • [19:56] Keith: Complex line there.
  • [20:07] Keith: Well, it sounds more natural and the voice they chose sounded like she was 25 or something or maybe 30 um and it it because it sounds more natural. It sounds more human like I think it comes off.
  • [20:18] Mike: Ah.
  • [20:24] Keith: As um, like Alexa and Siri and the Google assistant don't sound like that because they're sort of I'm not sure if it's because they're engineered not to but it's because they're.
  • [20:43] Keith: Um, not as sophisticated in the way they speak and if you make a woman sound like a woman and they're being friendly does that I don't know maybe this is that interesting.
  • [20:56] Mike: Um, it makes sense to me that an a I and it makes sense to me that an Ai that could convincingly be sort of flirty would be more successful with men. So I'm confident. That's the direction that will go.
  • [21:11] Keith: Yeah I mean everybody brought up that movie her with walking Phoenix. Um, yeah I mean we're we're there right? like we're the thing where you can talk to.
  • [21:16] Mike: Um, yeah.
  • [21:27] Keith: A compelling human female that will be nice to you and care about what you're saying is here and if you don't think it's here yet. It'll be here in six months so um we'd sort of have to like wrestle with that reality now which is.
  • [21:33] Mike: Um, right.
  • [21:39] Mike: Yes, yeah, and then they I mean the obvious the obvious next steps will be adding in um, video I mean it'll be some time before it's you know a robot or whatever but adding in video where it appears to be whatever you know. Busty Buxom Whatever you're interested In. That's got a fairly straightforward to add that in too.
  • [22:01] Keith: yeah yeah I mean Chet Ept has all kinds of governors and guardrails to stop people from using it for for ah, you know porn or anything nefarious. But.
  • [22:15] Mike: Ah.
  • [22:15] Keith: Six months behind are the open source solutions and they'll all be here soon enough and so buckle up I guess yeah, um, did you have anything you want to talk about or shall I get into our topics for the day.
  • [22:20] Mike: That's right.
  • [22:25] Mike: Um, yeah, agreed.
  • [22:32] Mike: Um, we should move on. Let's get into the topics.
  • [22:34] Keith: All right? Okay, ah I'd liked. This is a long thread and there's a number of directions. We can go for this go with this but let me read it and then you can decide where we go with it. My boyfriend promised. We would go again. He instead flipped over and went on tiktok I don't know if I have to censor stuff so I'm just going to my boyfriend finishes within like 20 seconds of us going all the way. That's her way of saying having sex then he flips over and goes on Tiktok when we're done not caring if I finish.
  • [23:04] Mike: Um, yeah.
  • [23:09] Keith: I don't know what's going on but we haven't gone all the way in like a week finally yesterday we were making out and I thought we would he asked me to give him head so I did even though he never does for me. He said he was about to finish. So I said we should stop so we can actually do the full thing. He he said no just finish giving me head I'll finish. And we can go again in 5 minutes I told him that he does this literally every time twice now he has finished from head then says we will go again and he just turns around and goes on Tiktok. So I told him I know I told him I know him he will just literally go back on Tiktok so we have kind of a rule.
  • [23:38] Mike: Um, clever man.
  • [23:46] Keith: We only pinky promise if we were telling the truth 100% any pinky promise me that after I finished giving him head we would go another round so I give him head till he finishes that I get him a washcloth to clean himself up like ah she gets him a washcloth. He says.
  • [24:02] Mike: So wait wait hang on I Just want to make sure I understand this so she gives him head and then she gets him a washcloth to clean up Interesting. Yeah I mean I guess I'm assuming she well. There's some question is right? There's some questions where the semen went here but okay well I mean.
  • [24:02] Keith: Actually you were right? I'm pretty tired. Yep yes. Clean up What? yeah.
  • [24:20] Mike: Maybe her Saliva irritates his fragile penis sensitive penis later but okay, all right.
  • [24:25] Keith: Right? I mean Nevertheless he could probably in any case all right? Um, let's see here so give him head yeah right? he says actually you were right I am pretty tired I ask him if he was serious.
  • [24:33] Mike: Sorry yeah I cut you off.
  • [24:39] Keith: Laughed and said yeah okay sure and he said he meant it I asked if he pink he promised he said yes so I get pissed off Rollover push his arms off me and tell him goodnight then he claims he was just joking and was going to do it before I quote freaked out on him and started quote being crabby and besides he brings up.
  • [24:58] Mike: Stopping a bitch.
  • [24:58] Keith: He brings up. He didn't actually use this finky to promise. He just said he did I told him by know he's lie and he should just be honest I knew he was like because it happens every time I asked him if he actually wants to go to sleep. He says kind of so I flip over once again and don't engage with him. He goes on Tiktok for another hour. Says he feels like I'm really mad at him I tell him I am mad and I don't have anything to say to him right now I turned off my location sharing because he doesn't even share his with me this morning. He tried to tell me he loved me before he went to work I just ignored him. He texted me good morning as well as like as well like 5 hours ago and I just have not responded to him I don't even want to. What would I even say am I in the wrong if I just don't talk to him for a while and don't respond he knows why I'm mad I'm pretty sure and I told him yesterday I got literally nothing out of giving him head if he just wanted to flip over and go on Tiktok. Also when was he quote so tired he went on Tiktok for an hour after he finished advice. Okay there's a edit. And maybe we'll get to that. But there's a number of directions. We can go here first is the the thing that I always notice in these things which is here's yet another woman that clearly doesn't want to be giving blowjobs. Ah we've we've explored that so much that we don't need need to.
  • [25:58] Mike: Yeah.
  • [26:07] Mike: No ok, no, it's not that I don't agree with you I mean she's not she's not mad that that happened.
  • [26:16] Keith: All right? they at least she she's describing it as getting literally nothing she uses those exact words but I understand what I know what your counter argument would be. We don't We don't have to get into it. We could talk about.
  • [26:25] Mike: Okay, go on. Yeah yeah I mean look if the what? yes if the entire if the entire sexual act for the woman is just sucking a guy's cock every time That's not going to satisfy her. So yeah I agree.
  • [26:37] Keith: Right? right? Um, we could talk about you know Tiktok generation and how it's just so addictive and people can't you know you there? Yes, this location sharing thing that like men.
  • [26:48] Mike: There's a number of things here. Look I mean the ah the location sharing thing I can.
  • [26:55] Keith: Insist on their partners doing is oh I don't that reference whooshed over my head can you describe it to me and our other Okay, okay.
  • [26:57] Mike: I yeah can I can drop a Taylor Swift reference how will she know if he goes to the black dog. Ah I know no I won't no nobody wants to hear about it. But the ah.
  • [27:17] Mike: Expectations around. Yeah I mean like he yeah, he's obviously addicted to Tick Tock bla bla but but I actually think the most the most in in the expectations around location sharing are kind of insane. They're not that's like the mediating.
  • [27:26] Keith: M.
  • [27:33] Mike: Your social interactions through digital devices is definitely ah like the way to unhappiness like um like the whole this whole thing is definitely not like look. You're not the human mind is not set up to behave this way but the core thing here. That's bizarre is and and.
  • [27:37] Keith: Yeah.
  • [27:52] Mike: Okay, not bizarre is that the the core thing that's interesting to me is how this is I think representative of women's tolerance for like insane behavior once you know the guy comes as Nikki Glaser would say right? So presumably. There was a time in their relationship when he was wooing her behavior on his best behavior but something happened I don't know for you. Do you? What do? What do you consider that point to be when it goes in.
  • [28:11] Keith: Right.
  • [28:21] Keith: Yeah I mean that she tolerates this at all that she's at all confused about whether this is bad behavior on his part is sort of astounding to me I mean she must be young I mean she calls having sex going all the way and her.
  • [28:32] Mike: Well.
  • [28:37] Mike: I Kind of like that. It's funny.
  • [28:41] Keith: Her verdacular and the way that she thinks that pinky promises are legally binding and like just so much about the way this is written is implies that she is at best early 20 s ah, but in any case that she tolerates this is.
  • [28:54] Mike: Um, sure.
  • [29:00] Keith: Just I he sounds like basically a loser in every possible sense like what is she doing is she like go ahead.
  • [29:08] Mike: Um, well, but but I mean what? but it's this is this is just a version of the power changing hands when some switch flips in the woman's head right? and I mean the the Nicki Glaser thing is. Or like the thing that she's postulated in her comedy is this happens because when the guy comes inside you your brain now thinks you're pregnant by him. So basically as a woman you're like oh now that's it I'm I'm possessed by this man and you've you've told me before that there's something like this that you've experienced with women right? where like. There's a ah moment when you like palpably can feel that the power is shifted in the relationship right? and that moment being what? yeah like.
  • [29:51] Keith: Um, yeah yeah I mean I'm not sure what it is I mean you joked that it's like yeah like as the as the penis like penetrates the vagina for the first time that's an interesting thought. Um.
  • [30:04] Mike: Right? And maybe if you're wearing a condom. It doesn't matter I wonder does this happen when you nut on her comforter under her when in dogie style when you pull out that first encounter. But yeah, but it it might not it might actually not engage it. My suspicion is that it does.
  • [30:08] Keith: M.
  • [30:14] Keith: Ah, they never go to let me live that down.
  • [30:19] Keith: Lie hear you.
  • [30:23] Mike: Suspicion is that having a penis go in your vagina engages it basically because you're this part of the mind. The brain is very simple. Yeah, so she's yeah, she's just putting putting up with stuff.
  • [30:31] Keith: Yeah, yeah, she seems to be can. She seems to be confused about refractory period as well like she's like oh well, if he's on Tiktok then he can't have been that tired and it's like well there's. Being able to have sex again. There's being willing to hold up your end of the bargain. Even after you've orgasmed which is a topic we've discussed um, he's not willing to do any of it. But ah.
  • [30:58] Mike: Right.
  • [31:06] Keith: Specifically like not be able to penetrate her right after she finishes blowing him to completion is not necessarily a red flag.
  • [31:11] Mike: Yeah, but an hour of tick talk is just I can't that must god it's like it's hard for me to even imagine like tick talkinging.
  • [31:21] Keith: Right? I mean they're in bed together. He's rolling over he's he's pulling out his phone and then like refusing to talk to her is she in her edit she points out something that's kind of funny because I didn't read all the comments. But the edit says what one of the comments must have said. Want to point out that it's not the lack of sex afterwards that bothers me, it's more so that he just turns around and goes on Tiktok. The rest of the night after having sex no cuddling nothing once he comes after 10 seconds it's done and I get nothing out of it and then she goes on I get that consent can be revoked and I agree shouldn't feel pressured somebody must have like shamed her for.
  • [31:56] Mike: Um, huh.
  • [31:58] Keith: Pressuring him to have sex but he consistently tells me he will go again and lies every time and him deflecting blame unto me is the reason I am so pissed. Yeah I think she's reasonable to feel this way. It's just that she should break up with him. Just said he is really sorry but can't go again. I would obviously still be pissed because I just sucked him off for 10 minutes once again getting absolutely nothing out of the experience but I would be less pissed.
  • [32:18] Mike: She should set up her phone on his stomach and watch Tiktok while blowing him. He probably wouldn't care. Actually I mean I actually am relatively certain. He wouldn't care to be like that's kind of cool. Maybe but I mean like.
  • [32:26] Keith: Oh this guy doesn't care about her he he views her as like a a mouth sleeve.
  • [32:35] Mike: There's also this element these well I don't know let's assume she's doing it too. But I mean you basically just have 2 what amount to like heroin or oxycontin addicts together. They're addicted to this. The reason he's doing the Tiktok thing is because he's completely fucking addicted to it.
  • [32:50] Keith: Yes.
  • [32:54] Mike: So it's so it's like he reaches for it. Yeah I mean to yeah, well somebody doing in an hour with a naked chick next to you in bed I mean that's what that you know would be like um it reminds me of those studies where.
  • [32:57] Keith: Oh compulsively because he can't stop himself.
  • [33:13] Mike: I'm going to get this slightly wrong, but they ah took mice and tried stimulating directly the dopamine system in their brain and the mice like if they pushed a lever or something and the mice would basically starve themselves to death right? You'd have food something like this isnt is ah is a real experiment They they'd have food next to it and the mouse would just sit there pushing the lever.
  • [33:21] Keith: Um, yeah.
  • [33:33] Mike: Because they're like this is basically I can just give myself orgasms all the time and I think this is close to that right? you have a guy with let's just give her the benefit of doubt that she's reasonably attractive next to him naked like this is what he's supposed to want and he's like nah what's the next video on Tiktok.
  • [33:34] Keith: Yeah, yeah.
  • [33:49] Keith: Yeah I mean it's tricky. He just orgasmed I mean look I don't want to be too sanctimonious here because yeah I guess.
  • [33:55] Mike: Um, not for an hour I'm not sanctimonious at all I'm saying he's he's like like this is these these kinds of problems are stemming from this like crazy addiction like I feel bad for him.
  • [34:01] Keith: Specific? Yeah, but specifically in my case I mean I spent the better part of the last two weeks playing these mobile games that are made to be maximally addicting and it's the same thing I have had Tiktok in the past on my phone.
  • [34:12] Mike: Um, yeah, it's the same thing.
  • [34:20] Keith: And um I'm really I I had it for a couple weeks and at some point I was like this is bad I have to get rid of it like I can tell that this is going to get its hooks into me and I I know a lot of people that.
  • [34:33] Mike: Um, right.
  • [34:39] Keith: Basically do the stance where they install it they uninstall it they install it they uninstall it and it really is they really have I don't know how they got the dials on their addiction. Engine. So perfectly tuned. Maybe they have enough users that it's basically. Pretty easy to use machine learning to figure out what the right kind of stuff is but there's there's there's more to it than that. There's the content creators I think are also learning but in any case.
  • [35:00] Mike: Um, yeah.
  • [35:12] Keith: I think there are large swaths of society particularly amongst the 25 and undercrowd that sort of unironically have given up on fighting the addiction and will just pull it out and sit in a room and just for hours scroll on this thing and.
  • [35:24] Mike: Right.
  • [35:32] Keith: That's what Tiktok is designed to make you want to do some of us. Ah, particularly maybe people who are older 25 get have like almost an embarrassment reflex where they like force they like force themselves to stop or maybe the machine learning algorithm doesn't quite work on older people quite as well. I'm not I'm not. Sure exactly what's going on there but ah yeah, this is bad.
  • [35:53] Mike: Well there's certainly a lot of there's certainly a lot of a lot of media telling that there are strong correlations between these things and depression anxiety like this you know increases in mental health issues particularly among younger folks and it's clearly associated with this sort of stuff and. Look again a guy lying next to a naked chick who wants him to fuck her not wanting to do that and he's young is strongly suggestive a problem. Okay, notwithstanding the refractory period. But I mean you know 30 minutes later
  • [36:19] Keith: Yeah.
  • [36:27] Keith: I mean he was able to I guess I mean he was definitely able to put it down long enough to get the blowjob although to her point he only lasts 10 seconds got to get back to that ticktock bad you think Tiktok's going to surf itself.
  • [36:29] Mike: Yeah, it would be completely reasonable to like want to do something for 10 minutes
  • [36:40] Mike: Um, yeah, they ah they you know another you mentioned ssri people get prescribed Ssris for premature ejaculation so you could look into that ah because it slows down. It makes ejaculation take longer.
  • [36:55] Keith: Um, it's it. Yeah I think for a lot of people. It messes up with Arousal period.
  • [36:59] Mike: Yeah I forgot to actually during our banter segment I forgot to bring up blood tests. Do you ever go get like blood tests at quest or Labcorp to like see what your levels are.
  • [37:10] Keith: No, my sister is an MD and my brother in law is too. And yeah, they're really quite anti-diagnostic medicine because so much of it leads to like people panicking about stuff that there's no differential outcome for um.
  • [37:15] Mike: Um, they told you that's a waste of time.
  • [37:28] Keith: You know, like the the classic example is they'll do an X-ray of your lungs and they'll see like a couple spots on there and it's like well we don't know exactly what these are we can go in and do us a surgical biopsy of the inside of your lung but the complications from that surgery are risk than the probability that those things are actually cancerous.
  • [37:45] Mike: Interesting.
  • [37:47] Keith: And so getting the diagnostic medicine done in the first place actually ah is worse than not getting it done because it causes people to do sort of insane things and diagnostic medicine is is expensive. It's time consuming and it often leads to worse health outcomes on average. So anyway there they.
  • [38:03] Mike: So okay.
  • [38:07] Keith: They are fairly ah discouraging of it and because naturally I would rather not go through the trouble I just haven't done it. But yeah, tell me about yours.
  • [38:15] Mike: Okay, oh no is well the the reason why I asked is because they I was completely unaware of this industry now. It reminds me of Theranos a little bit like ah the promise of Theranos before Lizzie went to prison. Um.
  • [38:30] Keith: She's ah she's going to get out. They just shortened her term again. Um yeah, she's not getting out at anytime soon. But it's less time. Yeah Lizzie.
  • [38:33] Mike: They did. That's great. Well I mean look honestly who gives a shit I I they they had yeah they had Amanda say free to play her in the the biopic. So I ah I have a certain. Crush on her now because of that. Ah because it's a me. Yeah, which for whom oh ah, that's right we did? Ah, okay, so so.
  • [38:53] Keith: We had a co-worker an old coworker who had a big thing for her I ah for a man to say freeed I like her I like Elizabeth holmes less I i. Didn't find Elizabeth Holmes sexualizable but in the way that I think a lot of people must have been to justify all that hate for her.
  • [39:08] Mike: We're sure.
  • [39:15] Mike: Ah, yeah, that's that's where I agree with that it yes, the the yes agreed I agreed but she was targeting like 80 year old men. So that's part of it.
  • [39:18] Keith: If she looked like Amanda say free I would I would much more understand the amount of like interest there is in Elizabeth Holmes yeah all right anyway.
  • [39:31] Mike: Ah, so ah, the yeah anyway you can go to quest diagnostics online now and order up like diagnostic tests I did not do this I did not do this I had the mortar by a doctor but I but I became aware of this just because yeah.
  • [39:38] Keith: Um, okay, okay, okay, but you can do it. You can do it all a car you're yourself and just go. Yeah.
  • [39:50] Mike: You can? Ah so and yeah I became aware of this because all of these systems now have I like the last time I'd had blood work done was like ten years ago and back then they would give you a piece of paper which is amazing. You think ten years ago they would have been online but whatever now it's all completely delivered online. And yeah, you can absolutely go and like do these do these various tests. Ah yeah, and in like all my tests came back normal. Um, but 1 thing that I thought could be useful is the cholesterol. The cholesterol test was like a little high. It's like okay so maybe I'll eat better. There's nothing wrong with that kind of diagnostic test. Don't you think Well maybe it's probably meaningless. The doctor said it was meaningless but still you see it. You're like oh it's like a video game. It's like I could get that number better by like eating more fruit and stuff.
  • [40:28] Keith: Um, yeah, that seems useful.
  • [40:40] Keith: Ah, there should be research on whether people who find out that they have imperfect cholesterol. Ah, whether that whether that foments any kind of positive change.
  • [40:45] Mike: But most people are such assholes. They're just you know, but most people it's not going to do anything and the other thing is that I learned after getting these results and talking to some folks that like there's imperfect cholesterol and then there's like apparently there's people with genetic. Traits that cause them to have preposterously hyper cholesterol which that sucks. So then they go on Medications and stuff like that and I I don't I'm lucky enough not to have that but that that's one I don't know you you ah you're very like quantified so I could have imagined you being like oh yeah, I go to. Quest diagnostics every six months and get my blah blah blah tested I had no idea.
  • [41:23] Keith: It makes me nervous that I haven't basically seen a doctor in 30 years ah I think the last time the last time I had a general checkup was in high school I think in high school you're like required to.
  • [41:32] Mike: Um, having you got you've gotten like a.
  • [41:38] Keith: Or I was required to to be to be on the tennis team or something. Yes.
  • [41:39] Mike: Didn't but you've had vaccinations and stuff right? you you like for example they they hit me. Ah I had this doctor's appointment and they hit me with ah and the reason. Yeah I mean I got all these because like and I've done this before I was. Feeling anxious a lot and so I wanted to see like there can be thyroid condition stuff. You want to check everything and everything came back normal anyway, they gave me a hit me with a a tetanus shot which is still hurts man takes like four or five days do you just go to like you just go somewhere and get the tetanus shot. You just do manage that yourself. Okay.
  • [42:01] Keith: Yeah, that was that one's known for hurting correct. Yeah yeah. Yep Yeah I had a um I wonder Okay I'm going to tell this story and then we can edit it out if if you think.
  • [42:20] Mike: At some point Keith you do want to hang on at some point you do want to have like blood work just as a baseline so that you know what it was like before you got old right? I think that's a normal thing to want but you know right? So you can see like you can track some deltas from it.
  • [42:30] Keith: Yeah.
  • [42:38] Keith: I'm going to ask my sister again. This conversation is has spurred me and then you should ask your dad as well. So that we have opinions from different doctors here and then we can.
  • [42:47] Mike: Ask Well my dad'll just say why are you asking me fuck off.
  • [42:51] Keith: No say like what does he think would be useful to know for comparison stake if anything. Okay, okay, and that's what he said? okay.
  • [42:57] Mike: A standard metabolic panel I already asked him that yeah P Sa the one for for a man. The prostate thing is useful. Ah, but yeah that you just go to a doctor and there's like a standard set of shit. They'll pull. You'll be healthy and it'll be fine, but then you have it and and now it's all electronic. So it's cool. You can then compare it.
  • [43:15] Keith: Ah, right, right? right? Ah yeah I um was doing some international travel last summer and I was going to West Africa so I wanted I needed a yellow fever vaccine and.
  • [43:17] Mike: 10 years from now or whatever. Anyway, what's the thing you were going to consider editing out. That's always fun.
  • [43:34] Keith: I also wanted um to get the latest covid by I think at the time it was the bivalent vaccine and um I wasn't allowed to get the covid vaccine because it hadn't been approved for people under 60
  • [43:42] Mike: Yep.
  • [43:51] Mike: Right? See you lied.
  • [43:53] Keith: Or non-immunocompromised people. So yeah I lied I told them that I had arthritis and I was on I had early onset arthritis and I was on a medication that made me. Immunocompromised because apparently the way to fight early onset arthritis is to take a medicine that makes your immune system less sensitive which.
  • [44:14] Mike: Look this isn't embarrassing at all like the original covid vaccine I got by becoming an uber eats driver. So then I was an essential worker and people could fuck off like I wanted that vaccine I wasn't like first in line by the way I got it when they were like doing it at the colise see like there was.
  • [44:20] Keith: Right. Yes, I've had 7 Covid vaccines.
  • [44:33] Mike: I waited Yeah I wasn't like a complete asshole about it but like once it was clear. There were enough vaccines.
  • [44:35] Keith: Yeah I think the thing that convinced I think the thing that convinced both of us that it was worth lying to get it was that they said that they were throwing vaccines away at the end of the day because they weren't using all the capacity. So it's like all right right.
  • [44:44] Mike: Yeah, that's right, yeah I waited for that I I waited it I wasn't like I wasn't jumping in front of like a 90 year old like come on. Yeah ok now 7
  • [44:54] Keith: Right? I've had to lie to get 6 of my 7 vaccines. Um, because there was ah yeah, and I would have had more except I finally actually got covered. Um anyway. So I told them that. Ah yeah, so the way to fight early onside arthritis is to take something that makes your. Immune system less sensitive which in effect makes you immunocompromised and so they gave me the covid vaccine and then um I needed the yellow fever vaccine but they wouldn't give it to me because to get the yellow fever vaccine. You can't be immunocompromised.
  • [45:13] Mike: Makes sense.
  • [45:32] Keith: So I was at the Walgreens and as soon as as soon as they like basically finished with the plunger putting the covered one in my arm I was like ok so I lied about being immunocompromised I'm not on that medicine can I please have the yellow vaccine yellow fever vaccine now and she was like ah. She was like of course she was like of course I do you were lying I was like yeah I wasn't trying to be subtle. Um and she was like no you were not um and I said well can you can you give it to me now and she was like actually I can't the way that things are coded in our computer it like actually won't let me give it to you.
  • [45:51] Mike: That's awesome.
  • [46:08] Mike: Okay, there isn't There isn't a code in the computer for customer admitted to lying.
  • [46:10] Keith: Um, and and she was like and I'm not willing to like lose my job over this? um.
  • [46:17] Keith: Correct exactly and so then um I But yeah she was She was actually great. She was like but there is another Walgreens just down the street I actually made you an appointment there. Um, she was like so you could just go down there. They're expecting you and I was like wow.
  • [46:27] Mike: Yeah.
  • [46:33] Mike: Well these they're getting paid. They're getting paid their business. Whatever and like.
  • [46:34] Keith: Thank you! That was really nice of you. Yeah, she and she doesn't care Anyway, I don't know if revealing this is a federal affairs already pick so that so we can decide whether we need to edit this out I think we're good though. Oh oh and hypothetically I did this.
  • [46:44] Mike: It's not look you told the truth eventually yeah someone who's not me did this.
  • [46:53] Keith: Yeah, haha we were just kidding. We were telling it in the first person because it's better to tell stories that way. Um, ok, um, here's another blowjob question. This is for men who regularly get blowjobs who's partnered whose partners regularly give head.
  • [46:55] Mike: Yeah.
  • [47:11] Keith: You have to ask most of the time or do they pleasure you on their own initiative. My Fiance does not do us. Do it unless I ask I don't like to ask but my female friend says it's normal too interested in seeing what the consensus is okay so I have my experience and my experience is that people always want to blow me. And that I never have to ask. It's like a natural thing that they want to do usually before penetrative sex occurs but I'm pretty weird about it like I don't think I've ever requested a blowjob and so it could be the case that because I'm never requesting it. It's making women get like blowjob derangements. Ah syndrome and where like they're much more likely to ask so I wanted to ask you someone who ah has been a blowjob appreciator for much longer than I have ah is your experience that you normally have to ask or like.
  • [47:53] Mike: Sure.
  • [48:08] Keith: Sort of insinuate their head down there. You know we've all seen the thing we're like the frat boys are like sort of guiding the the woman's head down to that area like how does the average blowjob ah get suggested or initiated.
  • [48:21] Mike: Um, yeah I mean I don't think it's typically verbal. So I think that it's and this is one of the reasons why consent culture is complicated is that it's It's much more typical for these kinds of conversations to happen. Ah physically than it is verbally.
  • [48:39] Mike: Um, I Also think that the kind of guiding the head thing is it's possible. But I think that's like I'm not sure my impression would be that's less somewhat less common and the reason why is that there's some kind of a meme or typical. Expression that you see particularly like in movies and stuff like that or even in porn but more in movie like in normal movies where the guy is not going to interact interact with his own junk I remember in high school being really reluctant to like touch my own penis in front of my girlfriend and. I Think it was because of this kind of ex cultural vibe that I'd picked up that like guys don't do that because it's like implying masturbating or something So the point being that I think it's much more common for a guy to just like Maneuver his penis to her mouth right? So it just depends on exactly what position you're in like where.
  • [49:34] Keith: But even if you're maneuvering the penis toward the mouth that's sort of non consensual right? like that implies your.
  • [49:35] Mike: Your bodies are.
  • [49:44] Mike: Well, she can reject the maneuvering.
  • [49:47] Keith: Yeah, that's right, That's right it? Yeah I Guess that's it's a nonverbal way of asking for consent or something.
  • [49:51] Mike: Yeah I mean that's the thing is that that that's the thing what I was saying with consent is that it's It's tricky because most consent is sort of done nonverbally and if you insist everything be verbal. It's just not realistic that will never happen. It will never happen that most stuff will happen verbally.
  • [49:59] Keith: Yeah, okay.
  • [50:09] Keith: Is it Your experience is it your experience or expectation that a woman will ah decline the suggestion very often.
  • [50:09] Mike: It's not it will take people out of the moment.
  • [50:19] Mike: Um, I've had that happen. Sure Yeah I mean it's right, It's it's not I would say it's not like the most common thing I think it's more common for a woman to ah reject is not the right word but to.
  • [50:23] Keith: Huh.
  • [50:36] Mike: Have suspicions around the semen part that like that ah that I seen more variety of reactions to than just oral in general which makes sense to me because most women want oral performed on them to some extent but like the semen thing is like that's.
  • [50:54] Keith: Right.
  • [50:55] Mike: Touchier have you experienced that to be touchier. You're saying that like the this blowjob derangement syndrome does this extend to them like being like look man I got to I have to taste that Keith Sperm does it good I mean are they upset if they can't swallow your come.
  • [51:12] Keith: I've mostly I I don't think I've seen like a spitter since high school or something like this this thing where people ah are yeah.
  • [51:22] Mike: Ah.
  • [51:30] Keith: Hesitant to yeah that yeah like afraid of semen I think is yeah.
  • [51:35] Mike: Okay, but but but you understand this is more of like a positive take on it like when they are upset at you because you're not requesting a blowjob. You're not letting them blow you. Whatever does this go is this like are they satisfied.
  • [51:47] Keith: Yeah.
  • [51:51] Mike: In that situation just by putting your penis in their mouth for a little while or is it like look what I really want is I want to feel that semen pumping in my mouth.
  • [51:57] Keith: I think I think what they really want is is for the load. Yeah, there's some sort of like there's some sort of like intimacy some sort of agency that they have some sort of sense of a job. Well done. Maybe I'm I'm not sure exactly.
  • [52:02] Mike: Um, yeah, yeah, that makes sense to me.
  • [52:16] Keith: But it feels unfinished I think.
  • [52:16] Mike: Well think about it this way. It's more present. Ah, ah when you know in in Seinfeld there's an episode where Elaine is complaining. She's trying to turn a gay man straight and she talks about how women only have access to the equipment. Couple hours a week on a good week and then Jerry says look. That's why their team loses so few members. That's not why but it's a funny joke. Ah, but when you're doing p I v sex like she doesn't really have access to the equipment. You know what? I mean like you're like.
  • [52:36] Keith: Ah, right right? yeah.
  • [52:52] Keith: Um, yeah.
  • [52:53] Mike: It's It's sort of separated from the from well from the parts of her body that have more conscious control over what's going on so her hands her mouth her face I Guess if you're one of those weirdos her feet God I get so tired of those people who want foot job porn.
  • [53:02] Keith: Yeah.
  • [53:08] Keith: Yeah I find that I'm always annoyed because it it makes it obvious how fake everything is and.
  • [53:11] Mike: But jobs are so stupid. Yeah. Yeah, exactly exactly when like this is the thing when anytime you add a foot job scene. It's just and I know why it's there and blah blah blah and I don't don't understand it's I don't yeah I don't know where the foot job thing I have this suspicion because there's this thing in certain countries where if you like.
  • [53:20] Keith: Yeah.
  • [53:34] Mike: Show The bottom of your shoe to someone. It's like an insult you know what I'm talking about so like the bottoms of people's feet are considered dirty or unclean. So I have the suspicion that like the foot fetish thing relates to that Somehow it's like oh use the unclean part of your body on me. Yeah.
  • [53:36] Keith: Yes, yeah, oh it's like some sort of forbidden. Yeah I say.
  • [53:50] Mike: But it as an american man it just or whatever I do I know they're foot fetishes in the Us. But I think that it just makes no sense to me what they're going for there.
  • [53:56] Keith: Yeah, when women are doing a calculus about whether or not they want to give a blowjob are they doing some sort of like score Keeping. Do they have like. Some intuition about when the man has earned quote unquote a blowjob and in their mind or like ah how like what's going on there.
  • [54:22] Mike: It's a good question. What I've always and I think this comes from something like men are from Mars women or from venus I know women hate that book but probably nowadays people don't even know what that book is because it's from like the 90 s anyway the claim I think it was in that book was that men score keep much more than women and that women it's like they're they're giving giving giving giving and then like something breaks and they just that's it. Ah, so that would if if you believe that that would suggest they do not score keep and decide when the guy deserves a blowjob. Like sort of either willing to do it or not in general which has been my experience generally in life that women don't seem to want to like say oh you did the dishes here's a blowjob that doesn't seem to be a thing. Yeah.
  • [54:57] Keith: I mean.
  • [55:07] Keith: Maybe it's speak. Maybe it's because they're always so far ahead in in the score that you know like men. Oh men think if they do the dishes once right? but so let's suddenly it's time for anal. Um.
  • [55:14] Mike: What do you mean by a head. Oh sure.
  • [55:24] Keith: And and women are like wait What the fuck like I've been doing everything always like what like there's no point to them scorekeeping because.
  • [55:33] Mike: Well, that's not I mean ah yeah, it's like there there theirre whole like ticktock ah accounts dedicated to this. That's not exactly right because although this is changing like men are basically giving up in our society but historically men you know would have earned the money and stuff like that. But yeah.
  • [55:43] Keith: Yeah, yeah.
  • [55:50] Mike: Look there that belief structure and maybe just men being shitheads I'm not sure is leading to men doing nothing that's true like our young man who rolled over and did Tiktok like that's he's like ah he's ah the great apollo getting off his chariot.
  • [55:57] Keith: Right? right.
  • [56:07] Mike: And giving up. It's like fuck it.
  • [56:09] Keith: Yeah I mean there's yeah, there's certainly no need for her to score keep because the score is ten million to zero um all right? Let's do one less topic this person wonders. How does it feel to have vaginal sex I Reddit I'm a thirty year old straight man. Been living for 3 years with my girlfriend who is a trans woman and who is also the only person with whom I have had sexual relations. Obviously I have never done it vaginally I would like to know if it is very different from anal sex or if it is a very different experience from the sex I am used to.
  • [56:29] Mike: There It is right.
  • [56:42] Mike: Yes, it's very different people are probably going to say No no, it's the same they're gonna be night. They're going to like sort of try to sugar code it.
  • [56:44] Keith: Thanks for the answer.
  • [56:48] Keith: Ah, would you hypothetically be interested in having sex with a post-op Trans woman.
  • [56:58] Mike: Not really not really, it's I don't I'm not like ah I'm not a big body modification person generally like I don't ah not interested in breast implants either or Brazilian Buttlifts amputees. Um.
  • [57:08] Keith: Right? Yeah me neither I assume I I assume all of those things are less satisfying than the natural thing but that that is my intuition but it might not be right? like it could be like okay.
  • [57:15] Mike: People with no arms.
  • [57:21] Mike: I Don't know I mean look I'm sure there's.
  • [57:28] Keith: I have experienced steak breasts and I am yet to come up across a pair that's better than real ones. But maybe I don't even know I look I haven't done nearly as much research on this as you probably have like what do they do? What is the operation for post-op Trans women.
  • [57:47] Mike: Oh well, they yeah they invert your penis. Basically I mean they they make up. They make a hole in there. They take the glands right? The head of the penis and turn it into a clit. They obviously try to maintain the yeah, you just maintain the nerves. Ah.
  • [57:48] Keith: We got a big. We got a big airfall not to get canceled here. But.
  • [57:58] Keith: How does that work.
  • [58:05] Mike: And kind of shrink things down and put it where the clit would go and then you create ah an orifice and use the nuts the the scrotum to make a labiat Cetera et Cetera et Cetera and of course I mean of course it doesn't work that well because you know.
  • [58:20] Keith: I Mean yeah I was going to say you make it sound so easy.
  • [58:24] Mike: But but and also hang on. Yeah in the female I believe that when you put people on female hormones. There's even a certain amount of lubrication that starts happening like that skin starts behaving differently or something. Yeah, they're various behaviors that start happening I know that? ah.
  • [58:42] Mike: Guys that are on female hormones I Yeah they start they start like making a lot more precom I think because that's basically lubrication I can't remember but there's there's things like that that happen.
  • [58:53] Keith: So I mean I can imagine it being possible that a surgical Vagina feels pretty good. What no well he doesn't.
  • [58:58] Mike: You realize this person' question is talking about an anus though. So there's a there's a ding donng flabbing around down there. He's talking about an anus. This is a preop Trans person that he's fucking. He said is it is it different than an anus I mean it doesn't it doesn't render your question immaterial but like.
  • [59:12] Keith: O He doth idaia.
  • [59:18] Mike: Yeah, that's that's a pretty different situation I mean you've got boobs a butthole and a dick flapping around and then there's this whole question and I've done some research on this of you know some gay men when receiving anal stay hard and some don't.
  • [59:35] Keith: Yeah.
  • [59:37] Mike: You know and that matters because then you know if it's not hard. It's going to be knockinging. It's your nuts. Maybe um anyway, so I what was your question.
  • [59:42] Keith: Yeah.
  • [59:49] Keith: Well this well ok I wanted to read the first comment here because I thought it was pretty good and it might actually be a good time to sign off on the ship anything to say other after it but all right here we go every hole feels different mouths have suction and moving tongues which feel great anuss have intense heat a tight entrance muscle ring.
  • [59:54] Mike: Okay.
  • [01:00:06] Mike: No.
  • [01:00:08] Keith: And a kind of weird smooth stretchy feel and vaginas are like a warm wet glove that fits you perfectly and you never want to take off all vaginas feel a bit different in shape size stretchiness. But they all have a slippery textured feel with ridges and lumps called Ruge don't know that word.
  • [01:00:23] Mike: Yeah, well I'd say rugai I Guess G A E yeah.
  • [01:00:27] Keith: Yeah, it's are you g a if you look at some of the adverts for male masturbation toys where they show the inside. You can see that they are trying to approximate the same texture feel. Some women have a small entrance but a large vagina and some are the other way around you never know until you put it in. Okay, when you first slide in usually the woman is a little tight but when they get excited they relax more and the vagina can feel more mushy. Some women need a little lube and some are naturally as wet as the nile sometimes if it's too wet you lose sensation but too dry hurts. Both of you. The absolute best thing about vaginas compared to anuses is the muscles. A woman can grip you all along the shaft of your cock and if she's experienced. She can almost milk you inside her. It's indescribable and I've never had anal or oral sex that came close to it. Ah I don't know if I agree with all of his descriptions there. But.
  • [01:01:17] Mike: Right? I don't agree with the anus thing.
  • [01:01:19] Keith: That's yeah, but he is right that a vaginal sex is quite different than anal and oral. Um Im sure. Yeah I don't think that's materially different than a vagina.
  • [01:01:28] Mike: Sure sure I Just don't know about the intense heat of the anus that didn't stat strike me right.
  • [01:01:39] Keith: Um I think sometimes when you use Lube Everything feels a bit warmer and so maybe that's what maybe he's getting confused with that. Um, yeah, look I if I had only if I were.
  • [01:01:51] Mike: Um, yeah.
  • [01:01:57] Keith: If I were a straight man and I had only had sex with a trans woman I think I would be pretty curious about how a vagina feels too. Yes, but the comments on this got blocked after like about 4 seconds of course because that's.
  • [01:02:01] Mike: Or you'd be gay.
  • [01:02:12] Mike: Um, because of this argument. Well, it's a fair question I mean is he really hetero which I think is something that people could do I know but it's something people could do like soul searchching about like yeah I mean maybe you don't want to have sex with a vagina.
  • [01:02:13] Keith: Yeah, everyone wants to basically.
  • [01:02:21] Keith: I Don't want to touch that but you're welcome to yeah right, right? Um, all right? You have anything else all right? let's.
  • [01:02:29] Mike: Which is fine. Yeah, what's it.
  • [01:02:38] Keith: Let's wrap this up that'll do it for this episode of your mileage may vary. You can send us feedback or questions to y um mmvpod at Gmail.com if you send us feedback we will pay you ten whole dollars just for the blessing of your feedback again. That's ymmvpod at Gmail.com if you ask us a question. Let us know if you'd like us to not use it on air and we won't thanks for listening and we'll catch you next week on your mileage may vary.