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Episode 169: Cuckolding Before Nutting, MMF Repeat Orgasms, Too Much Exhibitionism, Competitive Dominance

Team YMMV | 5-24-2024 | 1:06:07

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Even men who are into cuckolding tend to restrict it to their fantasies or to what they think about when pretty aroused. We discuss a man who wants deeply to interact with the penis of another man, until he orgasms at which point the desire recedes immediately. What should he do? Simply remain aroused as long as possible?

A woman is tired of turning over when she wakes up to find her partner masturbating in bed while ogling her body. Is this a reasonable reaction? And, what would it be like if the gender roles were reversed?

We delve again into a relationship that tried an MMF scenario, only to find that the added "M" gave the female partner way more orgasms than her male partner expected. She says it's not a big deal, but is it?

And, how should a relationship proceed when both partners want to be dominant?

If listeners are interested in the video we discussed about dreams and the brain, here is the link:


We get a lot of our questions from Reddit, so for our listeners' enjoyment, here are links to some of the questions we discussed this week:






Episode Transcript

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  • [00:00] Keith: Hello and welcome to your mileage may vary. We talk about sex and relationships with frankness that is often controversial but mostly in good faith. We have a great list of topics to cover today including a classic threesome disaster a couple struggling with their sex life and a man thinking about delving into cuckoldism I am Keith.
  • [00:17] Mike: Um, yeah.
  • [00:19] Keith: My co-host is Mike Mike do you like when the days are as long as they are right now.
  • [00:26] Mike: Yeah I do I do I mean I ah it depends on how I'm feeling that day sometimes if I sometimes I want the night to be longer because I'm tired and stuff like that. But I think ah in general I do because it's annoying.
  • [00:33] Keith: Um, yeah, aha.
  • [00:39] Mike: There's a specific thing of having to go out and exercise before like five p M is annoying in the winter.
  • [00:43] Keith: I see yeah I've noticed you are often running in the dark in the in the winters I always run in the mornings when it's light regardless of time of year. Yeah.
  • [00:51] Mike: Yeah I procrastinate it. Yeah, it's something that I'm working on actually and failing is trying to not trying to unprocrastinate that it's just yeah, it's just it's just flat out procrastination like I'll I'll actually sit and do like some activity. That's just pointless to it.
  • [01:08] Keith: Right.
  • [01:10] Mike: And it's ah it's subconscious like I'm not thinking. Oh yeah, I'm avoiding going out and exercising but I am and then I wind up exercising at like 8 p m which is stupid.
  • [01:16] Keith: Yeah, it's stupid because if you do it at 8 a m then you get the whole day to carry the like positive brain chemicals you get from the exercise.
  • [01:28] Mike: That's a good point I actually hadn't thought that much well no I have thought about that. But it's really hard for me to motivate a a a yeah yeah, no, it's good I I don't yeah I want to go back to sleep at 8 a m.
  • [01:34] Keith: I hear you well actually I don't I I easily motivate in the mornings. But you're like most people. Yeah I don't love these ah like I think Sunrise this morning was like six zero a m or something and.
  • [01:44] Mike: Often. So.
  • [01:51] Mike: It's five forty I think yeah yeah eight thirty yeah it's late. Yeah, it's too much son.
  • [01:51] Keith: Right? Okay and sunset is like eight forty or something. Yeah I I don't love it I mean I wake up early naturally anyway, but now yeah like I wake up when the sun comes up so I'm waking up at like 5 20 or whenever. Civil twilight is you know little bit before actual dawn.
  • [02:11] Mike: Um, you know I I've not I've I've often wondered. Ah this is a true that I've often. It's true that I've often wondered why there aren't more people who use the difference between the hemispheres to kind of optimize their life like somebody who's got some cash or something or maybe in this. Modern age people who are um, working remotely. Ah yeah I mean you can like let's say that you prefer winter you can actually just all eternally live in winter right? I mean you just go back and forth like Argentina or Australia or something.
  • [02:40] Keith: Yes.
  • [02:44] Mike: Or you prefer summer. Okay, or you mean you know you go to like live in Colombia or some some place that's like tropical or that's not exactly tropical necessarily but like you, you know what? I mean it's that it doesn't have seasons too much exactly? Yeah but I don't but I'm not aware of people sort of optimizing that.
  • [02:53] Keith: Right? Well you're close to the equator. So there's not that much change in Sunrise and sunset times either.
  • [03:02] Mike: Um, I used to think that this is true I used to think like in my twenty s that like I would like to just live in eternal winter. So go back and forth that way. But I never did it and ah now it doesn't seem as appealing because yeah, the darkness the darkness gets sort of annoying but you you mean like. You you could fairly easily I mean you could go back and forth between Iceland and like the bottom of New Zealand or chera del fuego or some somewhere deep south of Chile and pretty much never see the sun. Yeah.
  • [03:24] Keith: For sure. Yes, yes, this has occurred to me before ah I actually spent some time north of the arctic circle in December once and the sun never came above the horizon.
  • [03:37] Mike: You know.
  • [03:42] Keith: You would get a little bit of twilight at like noon but this you'd never see actual sunraes.
  • [03:47] Mike: Was it. Did you find it affected your mood or you probably weren't there long enough to have a negative. Yeah, it's not enough. yeah yeah I assume there's a lot of artificial lighting in places like Finland Norway. Yeah.
  • [03:52] Keith: Yeah I was there for five days or something and for sure it affects your mood. It's weird. Um, yeah, this was in Northern Norway and I expect that after a few weeks of that your body would acclimate a bit.
  • [04:08] Mike: Now.
  • [04:09] Keith: But I mean you've heard about seasonal effectiveness disorder and people will get these like Thousand watt light bulb setups to help combat that.
  • [04:18] Mike: Right? And we know people it's seasonal effective disorder we know. Ah you just Smith said it? Yeah yes, you did? Yeah I don't know I mean it's like it's like I've looked at the same thing. Ah there there are interesting things like if you.
  • [04:22] Keith: Oh what did I say effectiveness.
  • [04:35] Mike: Like rain you can live in Hilo Hawaii and just on the other side of the island and Kona it basically doesn't rain so you could have like you could have you could imagine a person who's like oh yeah I just like to control. It's like it's like it's like being one of those people you being able to control the weather. You're like oh today I want rain you just drive over to.
  • [04:41] Keith: Yeah.
  • [04:51] Keith: Yeah.
  • [04:54] Mike: Helo. So I mean they're these. They're these things that you could imagine people doing but I think generally family constraints jobs and so forth. They don't optimize quite at that level. Yeah.
  • [05:01] Keith: Yeah I don't know why wealthy people don't do that more I mean you do you have snowbirds you know these people that live in like Cleveland in the summers and then you know Orlando in the winters. Um, which is getting there but they're not really.
  • [05:06] Mike: Now.
  • [05:12] Mike: Right? right? That's the form of that sure.
  • [05:19] Keith: Messing with the sunrise and sunset times like they could if they switched hemispheres.
  • [05:22] Mike: Right? Exactly? Yeah, you could really change that experience. Yeah.
  • [05:28] Keith: Um, I'm getting ready to embark on some travels myself and I might be going to the southern part of Africa and so I'll be there during the sort of apex of their winter and so yeah.
  • [05:43] Mike: Know that's interesting. Maybe tro maybe tough because you know they they're having a ah big shocker I shouldn't and I want to get into politics here but like ah they're having problems with electricity generation and stuff their their government is not performing.
  • [05:44] Keith: I'm curious how that will feel.
  • [05:57] Keith: Oh it's South Africa proper yes
  • [06:00] Mike: Very well oh you oh you? Yeah South Africa I mean every every well it's country by country. There are other countries in that area that are doing pretty poorly as well. But South Africa particularly will you go to djibouti now is that is is.
  • [06:13] Keith: Ah I don't think not on that trip but jebu is so substantially north right? Oh there's s whattini and then there's and there's 2 There's 2 actually. Ah.
  • [06:17] Mike: Oh that's not what I meant to say then there's some country that's landlocked inside of South Africa that's the one I maybe that? yeah sorry I didn't meanjibujibouti is on like the horn of Africa or something I think that's that that misspoke.
  • [06:33] Keith: Ah, djibouti is a country I think it's in East Africa it's near like Ethiopia or something.
  • [06:36] Mike: Yeah I think it's right on the it's right on the tip of ah I think of one of those inlets or something there you go less soho so you could get a you could knock out 2 more countries right? okay.
  • [06:41] Keith: The other red sea. Ah la soho is the other. That's the other country inside of South Africa yeah that's the plan so I was thinking Namibia botswana Zimbabwe South Africa Lasotto Eswatini and mozambique and.
  • [06:57] Mike: Now you know you have to drive on the left in a lot of those countries I'm I'm not as comfortable.
  • [07:02] Keith: Yes, I'm very comfortable driving on the left I spent I spent two weeks in Ireland um, it's pretty wild right? like that roads are super narrow and you're driving on the left and.
  • [07:10] Mike: Um, yeah I drove in Ireland a little it was the thing I have difficulty I find that I don't use the rearview mirror properly because I I what I would do is I would always look to the right? So I would use the right hand. Um.
  • [07:25] Keith: Um, side view.
  • [07:26] Mike: Whatever that mirror is called outside outside of the door. Ah inside your mirror. Yes I would I tended to use that and and then the standard tendency is that you you're too close on the left or whatever like you you you you stay too close on the wrong side because you're because you're. You feel like you know where you are on the on the wrong side anyway.
  • [07:46] Keith: Right? Yeah I mean I've been to a bunch of countries that drive on the left and I've done it a bunch of times it it takes a while there's a lot of Caribbean countries that drive on the left as well because they're former English colonies. Um, so anyway.
  • [07:51] Mike: All right? Oh okay.
  • [08:03] Keith: Graham Kaman I think is one of them can't rimp can't remember.
  • [08:04] Mike: Right? There are came there. There are islands in the caribbean that are technically part of France but you would never go there right? because that's not a technically another country.
  • [08:16] Keith: Ah, yeah, you're talking about martinique and guadalloup I have almost assiduously avoided those 2 eyelets I've been to dominiica and st lucia and I'm going to go to Antigua and there's another saint.
  • [08:19] Mike: Um, guade loop. Yeah, you would.
  • [08:27] Mike: Um, right? yeah.
  • [08:33] Mike: Same kits same kits and Nevis Yeah there we go.
  • [08:33] Keith: Not st martin because Saint Saint yes saint kits is another country. Yeah I need to go to Saint Saint Kits and Antigua but I don't need to go to Martinique or guadadeloupe or Saint Martin because they're sub countriesries of or their subterritories of France and the Netherlands.
  • [08:44] Mike: yeah yeah yeah I think they're just part of France. So like if you if you're born there. You're a french citizen you can move to Paris there I think you are.
  • [08:51] Keith: Yes, well I'm not sure about martinique and guadalloup. But yeah I think Aruba no not Aruba. 1 of the Abc Islands Aruba bonair or cura so is 2 of them are like not technically Dutch. And 1 of them is technically touch even though they speak dutch on all 3 anyway, this isn't that exciting. Um I've been watching I think I mentioned this last episode I've been watching old romantic comedies and yeah.
  • [09:10] Mike: I Okay, that's useful. Yeah.
  • [09:23] Mike: Yeah, the top 200 or something.
  • [09:29] Keith: It's just it really is amazing. How I don't know if misogynist is the word I think it is the word. Um like I watched this one with Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert came out in like ah. 34 it's called it happened one night and it's a little bit famous because it won best picture. Best director, best actress and best actor it's one of like four films to ever do that I think the most recent is silence of the lambs. It's sort of interesting anyway, I mean the whole.
  • [09:54] Mike: Income.
  • [09:59] Mike: No, but.
  • [10:06] Keith: Plot I mean yeah Clark Gable is kind of a dick to her the entire movie There's this one scene where like she tries to buy something. They're on a bus and he like snatches her wallet from her because he thinks she's not responsible enough with her money and when she protests he just tells her to shut up. And that's like the end of the scene and I it's I think it was supposed to be I think it was supposed to evoke like guffaws out of the audience. Yeah, and that like in ah the Philadelphia story like the first scene Carrie Grant just like shoves Katherine Hepburn to the ground. It's just like this is.
  • [10:30] Mike: Ah, the good old days.
  • [10:41] Mike: Um, this is making me think of Didty is what it's doing to me. Um, well he.
  • [10:44] Keith: Ah, so what is going on with him he like he like he assaulted somebody and then he was getting he was going to court about it but he claimed they did didn't do it but then a video got released.
  • [10:54] Mike: Yeah, he's well he paid a an out of court settlement with the lady in the particular video he has other accusations including from men because there are people that argue that or that that claim that he's actually bisexual or potentially gay. Um, and there's just a lot of violence in the accusations and.
  • [11:01] Keith: Ah.
  • [11:07] Keith: Okay.
  • [11:14] Mike: Yeah, the problem he has. It's it's it's like the bill cosby situation where he's claimed. There's none of it. There's a lot of accusations and now you have like it. Well, it's worse the bill Cosby in sense because he because you have actual evidence of one of them and and once somebody's shown to be lying once I think the natural tendency just is to assume.
  • [11:21] Keith: A videotape.
  • [11:33] Mike: Your your ah default but the presumption of innocence tends to switch in people's minds put it that way. Yeah, yes, yes I mean people write. It's it's it's hard to regain your credibility. Ah so yeah and he but he yeah he too. Maybe he was just acting out an early.
  • [11:35] Keith: Right? This is part of the problem with Michael Cohen Trump's fixer right.
  • [11:51] Mike: Twentieth Century romantic comedy he's like look this is just what we what we do? Yeah because yeah, he I don't know if you watch the video but he a lot of kicking more kicking than well it's pretty violent I mean it's not. It's it's violent and complete.
  • [11:54] Keith: That's right, This is how it was done. Yeah.
  • [12:01] Keith: Um I haven't seen the video I've heard that it is you know quote unquote bad. Ah.
  • [12:10] Mike: Maybe violence is never justified but this is just he's she's just on the floor and he walks up and kicks her so it's not like it's There's just no, it's not like. Ah yeah, there's it's not like he could argue. Oh she was falling and I was grabbing her as me know there's nothing like that. There's no, there's no way to excuse it right.
  • [12:13] Keith: Yeah, it's malicious.
  • [12:21] Keith: Right? It's an uncontroversial.
  • [12:29] Mike: Okay, so you don't You've you, you're you're you think that the I mean there there are elements of ah positive I mean there is like yeah. There There is probably something positive about that cultural framework that you're describing from those romantic comedies right? Well I mean ah, kind of clearer gender roles or something like there's some sort of cultural.
  • [12:50] Keith: What go on.
  • [13:01] Mike: Like that situation isn't all negative for women.
  • [13:03] Keith: Yeah, it's it's tricky like this is a time when like if you polled women and asked them whether a woman should be president. You know 70% would say no right like that that.
  • [13:18] Mike: Okay.
  • [13:23] Keith: You know famously was the way that polls were back then and so you know even women believed that there was ah that that women were I wouldn't be careful here.
  • [13:36] Keith: But the gist of what I'm saying is that I think even women believed that women were you know the the fairer less capable more emotional sex and that line of thinking has completely gone out the window. Um.
  • [13:51] Mike: It has well fairer I don't think has more emotional I don't think has so would be the more capable one that I think your would would be debatable I think we I think we now I think we okay.
  • [13:55] Keith: Um, no, that's true.
  • [14:04] Keith: Ah, no I think people I think people would argue. It's tricky like specifically Visa V the like can they be um, good politicians.
  • [14:15] Mike: Ah, or comedians.
  • [14:19] Keith: Well I want to get to the um emotional point like there was concern that like women would be too emotional and you know would make hasty or rash or overly emotional decisions and that was one of the reasons given for like why.
  • [14:20] Mike: Okay, okay.
  • [14:35] Keith: You know women shouldn't be politicians. But.
  • [14:36] Mike: Well, the the thing there is I would argue that I mean first of all, there are men with sort of more feminine traits who could do that but the women who are likely to sort of think of like Margaret Thatcher Hillary Clinton like these people are kind of not. Emotional in the way you would normally associate with women with more femininity right? So so the point being that it's just these these roles. These jobs are going to attract women who have fewer of those traits right? any person or manning good. It's too emotional right.
  • [15:05] Keith: Yeah, like Angela Merkel Angela Merkel or marine le pen are also sort of considered although Maloney is it um Georgia Maloney that's the italian one. She's she's a little bit more.
  • [15:13] Mike: Yeah, oh I don't remember her name doesn't matter. She's pretty hardcore she because she's far right.
  • [15:26] Keith: Well she is but she's she has like ah a bit of a family values platform slash rate slash racist platform right? right.
  • [15:31] Mike: Well yeah I mean that's what that's what that comes to I mean so does so does marine le pen and in in France I mean they're in favor of income redistribution helping out the poor and stuff like that. But it's all in service of being more french so ah, but yeah I mean they're going to but but you see my point that like.
  • [15:43] Keith: Right.
  • [15:50] Mike: A guy who you know famous. Let's see ah that guy who was um, speaker of the house. The United States the the guy who would smoke I forget his name he was republican anyway, he cried a few times. No no, no, he wasn't the speaker he was in the senate. Ah he was like 3 speakers of the house beat ago.
  • [15:59] Keith: Oh so strum Thurmond did he i.
  • [16:10] Mike: But he cried he was from Ohio too I think and then people sort of know wasn't Gingrich and they people didn't like the fact that he he sort of showed emotion in that way and that he kind of makes sense to me I'll give you the name in a second. It's not Mike Johnson that's the current speaker of the house. Yeah.
  • [16:10] Keith: Gingrich.
  • [16:22] Keith: Um, yeah, yes, ah I don't remember oh John Banner I remember yeah he was he was the orange guy. He always had that weird tan.
  • [16:29] Mike: John boehner John Boehner and from Ohio same. Well yeah, then they had Dennis Hastert who I think was a pedophile anyway, there's always something wrong.
  • [16:44] Keith: Well, what was the guy from Minnesota the republican he was around for a while he was trying to fight the tea party anyway, ah, it's just interesting seeing these movies because.
  • [16:47] Mike: I Don't know.
  • [16:56] Mike: Okay.
  • [16:59] Keith: You know these movies are were considered the like pinnacle of pop culture at the time and just how.
  • [17:08] Mike: Um, I Just don't think there is wrong in terms of the interactions as you think they are like this they're they're they're depicting kind of they're depicting kind of the Median man and the Median woman and nowadays we're more attuned. Okay.
  • [17:17] Keith: For sure. That's why it's interesting and it would be considered. It's not would be considered. They are considered totally outrageous by today's standards like these women have like no agency. The man is like totally in charge.
  • [17:29] Mike: Ah, for media I guess but I mean that's.
  • [17:35] Keith: Like the love stories always have these women falling for these men. Even the men don't seem to have much redeeming qualities. Um other than being sort of Alpha um it as you do.
  • [17:42] Mike: Ah I don't know man I was watching a Britney Spears video earlier today from when she was like yeah from when she was like 20 it's called. Don't let me be the last to know and she was ah in the video. She's at the beach with this really muscled. Very attractive man and you know he's wooing her and all this kind of stuff and they seem very happy of obviously he's an actor but keep in mind like she married. Yeah, she married Kevin Federline like this is this is what happens like she's a super high value woman and like they don't it's it's when that once.
  • [18:07] Keith: That's not Kevin Federline right
  • [18:17] Mike: There's the the great mystery of the woman's heart like they often like that's point being like that's not that unrealistic like for them just to make these insane decisions.
  • [18:27] Keith: I used to joke with some friends of mine. What I was said my mid 20 s that this is going to sound awful but um, just I've I've started that given like a couple dates with just about any woman in the world that I could seedduce them.
  • [18:42] Mike: Ah, oh okay.
  • [18:43] Keith: And I really believe that and they would like at the time we were talking about Anna Kornikova Do you remember her She was like this beautiful tennis player. Yeah, and I think she dated enrique iglesias for a long time. Um, and but yeah, like the notion that.
  • [18:49] Mike: Um, sure and this player. Yeah.
  • [19:02] Keith: Ah, ah ish Yeah I think women maybe men too but like people just fall for each other if they're like forced to be with the rent around each other. Um and there's there's less sort of ah like.
  • [19:10] Mike: Sure.
  • [19:20] Keith: Your value matters at the very beginning but what really matters is is exposure so I don't know why Federline was exposed to her but you know he got okay, so yeah, he got to like chat with her and like tell her how great she was.
  • [19:25] Mike: Yeah, that's I was listening to it. He was a dancer. He was a backup dancer. Whatever for her? Yeah yeah I was listening to a podcast yesterday while weightlifting and there was ah it was about dreams.
  • [19:41] Keith: Oh.
  • [19:41] Mike: And you talked about erotic dreams a couple interesting things. Actually 1 is that ah people have a few things people don't masturbate during erotic dreams. So I don't know how they get this in the lab I guess they I don't know anyway, they know that people don't this is claim.
  • [19:57] Keith: Um I don't think that's true for me Anyway, like I I don't beat off but I'll like find myself grinding against my mattress or something.
  • [20:01] Mike: You think you do you start? beating off.
  • [20:07] Mike: Okay, his claim was that people don't do that. You're the maybe you were lucid erotic dreaming.
  • [20:11] Keith: Huh I don't think so it's like I would wake up I don't know. Yeah, it's I haven't had a wet dream in a long time. Unfortunately, yeah, go ahead.
  • [20:20] Mike: Okay, well a couple other things. Ah, they people have start having adolescents start having erotic dreams before before they've ever like in.
  • [20:31] Keith: Orgasmed.
  • [20:32] Mike: Yeah, or before they've ever like sort of encountered a sexual situation. So the point is like it's built into your mind like you. There's like an evolutionary adaptation there where you you know what sex is somehow as an adolescent without having done it which I thought was sort of interesting.
  • [20:45] Keith: What how do they know what the these preteens are dreaming about.
  • [20:52] Mike: I Think they I think um I think he said that they um, ah they ask Catholic priests.
  • [20:58] Keith: Ha Ha ha. So This is Awful. It's awful.
  • [21:04] Mike: No I don't know I don't know his claim was his claim his claim was they do. They did have some sort of doing way of doing research I Assume they ask they have to ask adolescence what's going on. Um.
  • [21:13] Keith: Of well I mean they would be preadolescent and then like how do you yell I would be really curious if like you're in your mind's eye. You can somehow construct like labia and a vagina before you've like seen or interacted with 1
  • [21:27] Mike: Um, I know yeah it's surprising maybe yeah I I I don't know the details somebody some some listener would have to look that up. It's this guy's a neurocientist and from in London I think.
  • [21:41] Keith: Well and you know how famously men slash boys are surprised when they encounter their first vagina and it's like lower less less front facing than they're expecting. Yeah so like are the dreams of these boys did like these women have like.
  • [21:52] Mike: Yeah, the details of where the hole is are confusing. Yeah I don't think that I don't think that that is intimate or whatever. Ah sexual dreams are that detailed right? Yeah, it's it's less.
  • [21:58] Keith: Weird front holes.
  • [22:03] Keith: Yeah, they're more abstract.
  • [22:08] Mike: Yes, it's more the emotions than specifically like where where does part x go in part y ah okay so wait. There was 1 other thing about that was relevant to what we were talking about now about about sexual dreams now I forgot what were you talking about before this.
  • [22:14] Keith: Yeah, okay, fine the movies. Um.
  • [22:26] Keith: Ah, yeah, some of them probably remember too.
  • [22:26] Mike: That's going to frustrate the listeners. Yeah yeah, we ah yeah, so we yeah, yeah, but yeah, there was something else about erotic dreams ah and sex that was brought up on that podcast that was relevant to the thing we were just talking about but I don't remember some.
  • [22:44] Keith: I Will all right? Well this is a good time to pivot to the standard threesome disaster This is from like central casting or like yeah, it's like the most stereotypical threesome disaster. You could possibly imagine. Um this person says.
  • [22:45] Mike: Yeah, all right. All right.
  • [23:02] Keith: My husband wasn't ready for the threesome that he wanted. So my husband who's a 34 year old man wanted to try a MMF threesome so that's the threesome where the man is ah the men are interfacing with each other as well as with the woman.
  • [23:09] Mike: Um, Harry. Okay.
  • [23:17] Mike: Yeah, it's 2 men and a woman and it's not ah, it's not just what do they call that where the spit roasting. It's not just the wobbly h right? The woman the woman is off to the side sometimes so the man could be typically it's going to involve oral between the men. Not anal.
  • [23:22] Keith: Right up.
  • [23:34] Keith: Who who knows we spoke about it for ages and I eventually agreed it could be exciting and it took some time but we eventually found someone that we were both comfortable with anyway once we got all down and dirty. It turned out the other guy was an absolute pro. It's very hard to explain it but he just knew exactly where and when to squeeze Slap Tickle Spank tease and suck.
  • [23:35] Mike: Let's hear it.
  • [23:53] Keith: He's also very very generously endowed god just a nightmare for her husband. He gave me 5 orgasms that night and a couple of big squirts which has only happened to me once before and I didn't come at all while my husband was doing anything now. My husband is pissed off at me. He's not talking much at all and.
  • [24:03] Mike: Now right.
  • [24:12] Keith: And had said he's never doing it ever again. It's been a few days and he's still not really talking this also annoys me too because I feel like he organized it for his pleasure and the fact I at a good time seems very low on his list of priorities I could take it or leave it. We we have a good marriage I Love him like crazy and it was really just a fun night.
  • [24:15] Mike: Um, yeah.
  • [24:29] Keith: I Don't mind if we don't do it again. But I just wish he wasn't so angry. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this I did say to him that we could maybe try a M f f threesome and his reply was you would like that wouldn't you well? Okay, he's just being right? um.
  • [24:43] Mike: Well, that's he's just being stupid is he he should have counter offered MFFF although they'd have to find the finding the f is harder than finding the m but yeah, ah, okay.
  • [24:48] Keith: Right? Keep going with the fs just like right.
  • [25:00] Mike: I mean the squirting I'm obviously a little suspicious about ah the well I guess there's several things here to be a little suspicious about the 5 orgasms the squirting suspicious I mean because.
  • [25:17] Mike: That's a that does suggest. Okay, she's trying to say oh this guy was just so good at manipulating me my body but it does suggest that she was more psychologically aroused by this other guy right.
  • [25:26] Keith: Yeah I mean one of the people in the comments explains it away by saying 1 thing to consider sex experts talk about how important novelty is in the bedroom that is why most often advice about a dead bedroom starts with trying new things. Fresh is sexy I mean.
  • [25:46] Mike: Um, I think that's more true for men than for women.
  • [25:46] Keith: Yeah, but yeah, that's a fair point but look if you can barely ever make your wife come and then you like get into this threesome situation and she's just like having the time of her life. I Don't know how you pull back from that like his ego is going to just be so smushed and like there's a set of things she should try to say um I don't know exactly what they are but something like you know it was just.
  • [26:06] Mike: Well.
  • [26:21] Keith: 1 thing like the novelty was like a big deal to me like I still love having sex with you. She can maybe tell some white lies although I hate doing that I would not want to do that that might actually be helpful here. Um.
  • [26:33] Mike: It's a little hard for me to connect with I mean for I could and I it makes sense to me that a guy in an mff situation could have this happen where basically he okay actually I actually think this would be like the common case in an mff situation basically is the guy. Ignores his wife and or wants to at least ignore his wife and just totally concentrate on the other woman and has like a massive orgasm because it's a novel partner but for a woman it strikes me I know you could. It's just but it strikes me as less likely that that would happen with a woman.
  • [26:51] Keith: Right? Yeah, of course, right? but you could at least hide that by.
  • [27:08] Mike: That she would have this just transformative experience or whatever you want to call it with with the other male partner. Um I would think they would yeah it just I don't know but I mean she's yeah, she's claiming it happens. Okay, so then then.
  • [27:19] Keith: Well it happened here.
  • [27:28] Mike: I Okay I guess given that it makes it more troubling like the guy's reaction isn't that crazy because it's like well what's going on here. Yeah.
  • [27:32] Keith: No, his reaction is totally reasonable. It's like you don't like having sex with me because it was just very obvious that you loved having sex with this other person I saw it with my own eyes and and so.
  • [27:43] Mike: Right? right? I'm not sure. There's anything she can do about it though because maybe well my my prior would be. There is something she can do because I think that women's enjoyment of sex has a lot more to do with intimacy and relationship.
  • [27:52] Keith: Um, no I don't either.
  • [28:00] Mike: That's my prior but here. Okay, she appears to not she appears to value novelty. Okay fine. So she has she's more masculine in that way and so yeah, it's tricky for this guy I mean ah yeah, leaning into the mff thing might be smart trying to get novelty in a way that's more fun for him.
  • [28:09] Keith: Um, yeah.
  • [28:18] Mike: But the same thing's going to happen. She's going to get a really strong orgasm from the other woman. Maybe it just wouldn't be that maybe well you one of our topics coming up is about Cuck holding Maybe this is to the road to the dark side of Cuck holding is like you just you're like well this is what my wife likes.
  • [28:21] Keith: Seems likely.
  • [28:33] Keith: This is what my partner wants. Yeah, right we could skip ahead to the Cuck holding question just because it's all right? Wife asked the cuckold question now. What.
  • [28:36] Mike: Yeah, she just wants she wants novelty. So whatever I guess we'll do novelty all the time. So just like lots of dick would you hang on we? Okay, fine. Maybe we should do that.
  • [28:53] Keith: My wife 32 year old and I 38 love watching cuckled porn and fantasizing. She's told me that she would love to act it out in real life if I was up for it I'm not interested in men and have no desire to experiment with a man but I love our fantasy of me being restrained watching a bull plow. My wife.
  • [29:11] Mike: Um, oh he's he's supposed to be restrained interesting.
  • [29:11] Keith: Ah, even get hard thinking about I guess I even get hard thinking about them making me clean her up, clean his dick up anything really nothing really gets yeah.
  • [29:20] Mike: Wait What he gets hard thinking about cleaning up the guy's dick with his mouth presumably.
  • [29:27] Keith: Yeah I even get hard thinking about them making me clean her up, clean his dick up anything really nothing gets her hotter than me admitting I'd take a dick if she commanded it then the post nut clarity kicks in and I'm left with an internal weight. What.
  • [29:40] Mike: Oh oh I see.
  • [29:44] Keith: I've told her maybe we leave it a fantasy but she's made some compelling points. We can always stop. She also brought up my thirty year old birthday where she let her very attractive. Very single friend blow me the 2 of us were blindfolded while she watched those that have tried this type of thing and are those who have considered and decided against I welcome any and all guidance. So my first.
  • [30:00] Mike: They were both blindfolded.
  • [30:03] Keith: My first pass here is yet. Don't go down this road like.
  • [30:07] Mike: Why Why did? Why did they have to both be blindfolded during this blow.
  • [30:11] Keith: Probably some I've probably made his wife feel better.
  • [30:14] Mike: Well did I mean but did she I mean maybe it wasn't even the best friend maybe I mean if you're blindfolded. You're not sure what's maybe it was a guy anyway. Okay, well it just okay.
  • [30:22] Keith: Oh you're going, You're going to glory hole You yeah, you just can't you just can't It's your favorite topic.
  • [30:34] Mike: It's just weird I mean requiring everybody be blindfolded makes me suspicious. It's like did you feel any stubble from the okay, okay, she's like like.
  • [30:38] Keith: It is a little suspicious of course but you know I I think Occham's razor here is that his wife didn't want him like in addition to like having the sensations a different person. He didn't want him like oggling another person but who knows.
  • [30:55] Mike: Why But okay, fine. Ah yeah.
  • [30:56] Keith: I Agree it's nonsense Once you've decided you're going to let somebody else blow your your husband. Why not let him.
  • [31:06] Mike: Right? And why does the friend have to be a blindfolder but anyway okay so you want to talk about ah you want to talk about what the ah the the cleanup clean up on aisle seven here.
  • [31:07] Keith: Yeah, that part's weird.
  • [31:15] Keith: I mean I mean look I ah that that set of words I Love our fantasy of me being restrained watching my bull plow my wife I even get hard thinking about them making me clean her up, clean his dick up anything really like that.
  • [31:30] Mike: Um, yeah.
  • [31:31] Keith: I Just can't look Yeah I guess I can feel comfortable that like I don't have any cuckold leanings. But if if he.
  • [31:40] Mike: Um, well what if you were super aroused and and it was a really hot woman. Oh actually you probably never be into this yeah because you're not going to get sex. You're just because yeah, he's just so the Cuck old fantasy. In this case is just.
  • [31:52] Keith: Um, yeah.
  • [31:58] Mike: He gets super aroused does this sort of cleanup job and then that's the end. There's no release for the husband here. No I know but and he's worried. So yeah, he just has to meet he has to. He's safe as long as for the rest of his life. He remains in a constantly aroused state.
  • [32:01] Keith: Um, well they haven't done it. That's but his fantasy seems to be around that.
  • [32:17] Mike: So that he doesn't ever get post that clarity and and have to deal with the psychological consequences of having done this cleanup job right.
  • [32:23] Keith: Um I don't think I've had a sexual experience. Okay, oh that reminds me well. Okay, first thing. I don't think I've had a sexual experience where like after I've been like I really really really wish I hadn't done that.
  • [32:44] Mike: Um, I have really well you said, really a lot of times but but yeah, the the negative I've experienced was ah.
  • [32:45] Keith: Okay, yeah, well maybe I have and I'm not remembering.
  • [32:59] Mike: Complete It was more like relational and that it's like oh now I've set this expectation with this woman that like this is what we do and so now it's like yeah I sort of knew like that you know great now I'm gonna have to put up with a bunch of bullshit.
  • [33:01] Keith: Yes.
  • [33:11] Keith: I've had so I've had sex with people that I was not super attracted to and I was worried about the implication of the sex afterwards. Yeah, but that's different than like being like I feel really badly about having.
  • [33:12] Mike: Yeah, well yeah, that's a rational worry. It's correct like you, you'll have problems up.
  • [33:28] Keith: Licked the come off this guy's penis like I feel like that's a different kind of regret.
  • [33:32] Mike: So you're saying that when you've licked the come off of guy's penises. You did not feel badly.
  • [33:38] Keith: Ah, ah I have not ah under I've not done that specific act. But yeah I think that that kind of regret is just a different universe than.
  • [33:42] Mike: Okay.
  • [33:50] Keith: Oh I'm worried about the implications now of what what this woman is going to want from me.
  • [33:56] Mike: Um, it's possible I mean um so what do you think that the regret would be primary psychological like the worry that you're going to get an Sti from the guy where what's like what's the primary anxiety there.
  • [34:10] Keith: Ah I think I would have the anxiety and prospect which is I don't want to be gay. Yeah.
  • [34:16] Mike: I'm going to have to lick a guy's cock with not all red doesn't well that doesn't I don't want to be gay. Okay, but but being gay would be kind of cool because if you were gay then you have a lot more sexual opportunity. So you kind of do want to be gay right.
  • [34:27] Keith: Yeah I Guess yeah, that's true being gay would actually be awesome. Um.
  • [34:32] Mike: Well, there's there's at least 1 axis along which it would be awesome in plethora of options. But you yes you you don't want to like have your world yourself your identification as straight be challenged in this way or something you're you're certain you're not gay. Yeah.
  • [34:37] Keith: Right.
  • [34:46] Keith: I Guess it's that I I mean I think in prospect I would find the act of like licking semen off a man's penis disgusting and in retrospect and like the post not clarity I would find it extremely disgusting like.
  • [34:56] Mike: If.
  • [35:04] Keith: If you if you could construct some sort of you know, crazy situation like you know we have like Taylor Swift or like Emily Radiowski like you know sitting on my bed naked and they're like Keith you can take me. But first you have to like lick this Duke's cock like I would.
  • [35:21] Mike: Ah.
  • [35:22] Keith: Probably do that I would be like well all right? Um, you know and and you could figure out if you would do it like how much money would someone have to pay you to you know do that and it's like okay well this is you know a couple thousand dollars and then.
  • [35:25] Mike: Actually it's.
  • [35:36] Mike: Um, there's actually there's actually a hidden track on Taylor Swifts's latest album about this that her her fantasy her ultimate yeah her fantasy is to sit there have some random guy and tell him he has to lick another guy's cock and then only then can he have sex with her and she's like look that just shows.
  • [35:39] Keith: No, there's not.
  • [35:47] Keith: Yeah.
  • [35:52] Mike: He's the night and shining armor. He's willing to do anything for me women. Yeah that this should be a thing women demand right? because it's like it's a high priced, well kind of a something test impurity test. Okay, right.
  • [35:54] Keith: That's right, he has her on the ultimate pedestal. It's a purity test.
  • [36:07] Keith: It's how much you're willing to s sim for them right? Um, yeah I think I think it would be very unattractive for Emily Radihouse gear or Taylor Swift in this circumstance like oh look at what this guy's like doing he's like prostituting himself.
  • [36:11] Mike: Okay, so in that case, you know.
  • [36:23] Mike: We've established before how much money it would take for you to blow a guy I think it was like 10 k or something and somebody sort of offered to pay maybe but then disappeared when we were like trying to negotiate. Yeah, um, so you think that amount of money would.
  • [36:25] Keith: Yeah, something like that. Yeah yeah, they ghosted us. It's too bad.
  • [36:39] Mike: Overcome You'd feel. You'd always feel like Wow it was worth it.
  • [36:41] Keith: Yeah, for 10 grand I'll do just about anything as long as it's physically safe.
  • [36:46] Mike: Right? Because you just say well it's just this nasty substance I'm having to eat.
  • [36:53] Keith: Yeah I mean there's some downside with risk of psychological trauma. Ah and I and I have that concern but that's why I wouldn't do it for much less that that's what the money's for.
  • [36:56] Mike: Yeah I'd be worried about that for sure.
  • [37:05] Mike: I think I guess psychological trauma is a reasonable way of describing I'd be worried about having this memory. Yeah I mean it'd be like you know as a yeah as a kid getting scared by a clown or something or having a nightmare right.
  • [37:12] Keith: Like haunt you a little bit right and now like anytime anything's clown adjacent. You feel a little uneasy.
  • [37:25] Mike: Right? So that would yeah that would be that would be disconcerting ah but but all that being said I think that ah I don't shame with shame's the wrong word I don't judge this guy that much for the things he thinks about when he's aroused. Because look I mean that's the nature of arousals it decreases your disgust like yeah, there's a lot of like really weird porn that I've looked at when aroused now not all of it I'm like oh this is you know I'm not going to nut to all of it like a lot of it's just stupid. But it's stuff that like. In if I was totally unarroused I might find you know flat out disgusting there are but that being said I mean like two girls one cup I always find flat out disgusting right? The poop eating I'm sure there used to be a website called the shit eaters. Their tagline was no. It's called shit.
  • [38:10] Keith: I've never seen it I Know that's what happens in it and so I'm I'm not.
  • [38:17] Keith: Trying to remember.
  • [38:20] Mike: It was called shit City and ah their tagline was we shit on everything. Ah, that website was disgusting even aroused so there there's a limit but I don't know if well actually I do know and I don't love watching Gay blow jobs even when aroused.
  • [38:24] Keith: Great. We would.
  • [38:38] Mike: It's but it's it's less annoying when I'm aroused so it's like I don't you know? Okay, so this guy look Ultimately, this guy's fantasies. He just it's a little bit of like a more feminine fantasy. He's like I want to be used I Want to kind of service people.
  • [38:49] Keith: No, he wants his partner. Well yeah, he wants his partner to be used and then when when when they're finished. Yeah I Guess yeah.
  • [38:56] Mike: Well, that's by extension him. Yeah, he wants he he wants to like be restrained and have this thing happen to him where he has no control and I can sort of yeah, that's like a fantasy fantasy life thing. Um.
  • [39:08] Keith: But the thing he has no control over is like the worst possible thing that can happen to a man like that's not great.
  • [39:15] Mike: No, you could have somebody cut your leg off that's worse or your cock. But I I would definitely rather have this scenario but have it be a woman who's dominating my partner with a strap on.
  • [39:21] Keith: Um, okay, the worst psychological thing that can happen or.
  • [39:33] Mike: Then it be a guy because I think that having a guy do it would evoke a bunch of feelings that were really uncomfortable for me just like kind of deep deep feelings of like hey I have to save my partner from this or you need that kind of stuff I might my wife like I think I don't think that would I think it would be.
  • [39:40] Keith: Yeah.
  • [39:47] Keith: Yeah.
  • [39:52] Mike: I don't I would I actually know that I wouldn't enjoy it. Yeah right? It wouldn't it would yeah and it's because there's some sort of like mate competition thing that it would evoke in me and it would just it would just make me sad and stuff it wouldn't be great right.
  • [39:57] Keith: Ah, that's so really cutting edge revelation there.
  • [40:07] Keith: Um, yeah, it's not the normal state of Affairs I'm surprised that this is a ah such a common kink. Maybe it's not that common you hear about it a lot I'm not sure if it actually happens a lot.
  • [40:14] Mike: Um, yeah.
  • [40:21] Mike: Yeah, you hear about a lot. There's a lot of but there's a lot of porn. It's It's like the stepsister stepmother thing on porn. There's a lot of Cuck holding a lot of bulls. The bull is often a black man which is a little weird. Ah and also I noticed that um.
  • [40:30] Keith: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
  • [40:37] Mike: In I think in the text you read. He said my bull. Oh I thought it was oh I Thought you said my bull and I was thinking oh is this is even going further. It's like he owns the man that's bizarre it's fucked up. Um.
  • [40:41] Keith: And now he said watching Abel Plow my wife yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
  • [40:55] Mike: Anyway, so there's yes, so the the point being that. Okay I I assume the reason why it's often a large penist black man is because black you know, physical dominance right? They're trying to make the man. Oh and I should say it's it's not Kevin Hart it's a fucking muscular big black man maybe bald like muscular. So.
  • [41:06] Keith: Um, yeah, it's the most humiliating thing right? right.
  • [41:14] Mike: Yeah, this is what they're looking for. Okay, you know that's at least can intellectually understand it I don't share the feelings but I don't I don't know if I yeah I don't judge it for it that much because yeah I mean um, okay. I Think that a guy that feels that way should think I said this like a few episodes ago a guy This is feels that way should consider just going ahead and having sex with men because if you want to be dominated. That's that's you're going to get that that you know having a guy fuck your mouth or whatever like you're then you're yeah.
  • [41:40] Keith: Yeah I Wonder if this is like some sort of gateway to ah to homosexuality.
  • [41:45] Mike: I feel like it's adjacent. Yeah, and it's like look like not no shame in that like you. That's what you want you like men are more dominant the women ah notwithstanding our cultural evolution since the days of Kerry Grant ah thiss the way it is.
  • [42:00] Keith: Yeah, all right? Well now we've infuriated the entire kink community by by even speculating that being into cuckold might correlate with homosexuality. Um.
  • [42:04] Mike: Um, I Still don't remember what the point. Ah.
  • [42:12] Mike: Um, yeah, yeah.
  • [42:16] Keith: All right? Let's get back to this Ah I don't know why I included this? Oh yeah, okay, remember all right husband and I finally having good sex when my thirty year old husband and I of 29 have been together for 8 years married for 3 prior to meeting I had a very adventurous sex life. However, I was my husband's first sexual partner sex has not been great for me for the duration of our relationship. However, every other aspect of our relationship ship has been fabulous. So I decided I could live with not great sex while trying to make it better with time and communication. That's the first thing I want to flag like that's kind of a thing that I I think i'm.
  • [42:47] Mike: Oops.
  • [42:52] Keith: Less men would be willing to tolerate than women.
  • [42:56] Mike: Um, yeah, and I and I don't know the end there. Yeah, go ahead.
  • [42:59] Keith: Like would a man in general get married to some of they're like man the sex is really bad but um, she's just so nice to me when I get home from work like I.
  • [43:04] Mike: Right? There are multiple I mean there are multiple axes along which this could happen. There could be enthusiasm. There could be like some act that you want your partner to perform or participate in that you won't so yeah, so and it's complicated so there could be something that you're willing to compromise on but this sounds like kind of a global compromise.
  • [43:13] Keith: Yeah, okay.
  • [43:24] Mike: And I don't even I mean I yeah it feels like there could be this. There's some detail here like he doesn't like to perform oral or something but but go on. Yeah.
  • [43:31] Keith: Yeah, all right recently we've been reading come as you are and wow it changed our sex lives dramatically for a week we had mind-blowing sex I felt so lucky that I had finally found great sex in this person I love so much. Yeah, importantly, for just a week that weekend we were having sex when I suggested anal play. We've done this before but not for a while.
  • [43:38] Mike: For a week
  • [43:51] Keith: We've talked through anno play a few times for it I've expressed that I need to start with our smallest toy every time as we started things seemed a little painful so I asked this is the smallest toy right twice to which my husband said it was he pushed it in pretty quickly and when it went in I gasped in pain. He then said to me in a seductive voice. Yeah.
  • [44:04] Mike: It was the rubber fist.
  • [44:08] Keith: Was naughty and lied to you. This wasn't the smallest toy. It was actually a much larger toy I was very upset and ended sex getting the toy out was extremely painful I started feeling angry asking him why he lied to me said it was a mistake and that he was trying to be sexy all right? So that's second thing I want to flag like I I do believe him.
  • [44:22] Mike: I Believe him but ok.
  • [44:28] Keith: Very bad misread on his part but like I don't think this was malicious all right. That's think to all right here's thing 3 that was two weeks ago and not only has sex been infrequent and lacking the passion we had found our relationship has been weird too if you'll lied to and if I'm honest violated by my person plus trust in him plus interest in sex I'm feeling a lot.
  • [44:41] Mike: Yep.
  • [44:46] Keith: Ah, feelings about myself and about how to move past this realized that this was lack of experience with other partners and it was truly an accident but Jesus Christ we've worked our whole relationship for the sex. We had two weeks ago now it feels like all of that progress and intimacy has been lost. He's been apologetic but I'm still frustrated I'm mad at him for not listening to me and for lying to me.
  • [45:04] Mike: Um, this chick is super bossy.
  • [45:05] Keith: Looking for advice. Yeah for myself to move on from feeling violated and for our relationship to move forward or rather backwards to that good place and I guess I'm also looking for validation that I'm not crazy for feeling gross about this whole thing. Any advice is is.
  • [45:20] Mike: Um, I feel violated by listening to her story.
  • [45:24] Keith: Yeah, so there's the normal set of comments that are like he raped you. You should report him. Um, it's too right right? And to you know some more nuanced points of view. Um.
  • [45:31] Mike: Ah, you raped you with the anal probe that you bought. Yeah.
  • [45:40] Mike: Ah.
  • [45:41] Keith: I mean I understand why she's angry. But I think it can be hard for men to figure out like what amount of like alphaness the woman wants.
  • [45:43] Mike: I Do too.
  • [45:54] Keith: Like someone in like really want to be choked and slapped and have like pain inflicted upon them in a surprising manner like that's not a thing that like 0 women want that's a thing that like there are books and movie series that hit the mainstream that are very popular that men.
  • [46:08] Mike: Um.
  • [46:13] Keith: Could get potentially confused by now of course porn I think spikes the football on this and makes men think that a lot of like rather extreme acts. Are you know more normal than they actually are but I don't think it's insane for this guy to think like this might have been like a little bit sexy for him to do.
  • [46:24] Mike: Yep.
  • [46:31] Keith: And so yeah.
  • [46:31] Mike: Um, not at all I think I think I think that he ah yeah I think that my guess as to what happened here guess my guess as to what happened here is that. He started to feel more agency in sex like probably this is not the first time that they've had this kind of renaissance of sex and then so and then he gets cut down ah because he yeah he feels like oh okay I can have some more agency or I can.
  • [46:46] Keith: Right.
  • [46:54] Keith: Ah.
  • [47:04] Mike: Do some exciting stuff and then he goes too far and I yeah I could totally understand that like now I see it from her perspective too. She says well it hurt. Yeah I mean this this makes it difficult that there's actually potentially damage being done to her like that's that's serious business. Um, yeah.
  • [47:16] Keith: Yeah, yeah, was a misread on his part for sure.
  • [47:23] Mike: Ah, but the way she approaches this definitely. It's why I called her bossy definitely makes me suspicious that this is like an ongoing issue. They have that like she is She's actually in charge. Yeah yeah.
  • [47:32] Keith: Yeah I feel like if he takes one misstep. You know she's aggrandizing the misstep here and and ah to be fair as I've said several times it was a misread. It was a misstep but she's almost aggressively trying not to get over it in my opinion.
  • [47:41] Mike: Right.
  • [47:49] Mike: Well, it's It's kind of too late like she because the way she reacted was so aggressive that ah I don't want to but I sort of do want to blame the victim but she look it didn't accomplish what is you have She have to ask herself what her goal is and it's it's trick I suspect. In situations like this where there's a mismatch of who wants to be in charge during sex. Actually it's that a match they both want to be in Charge. Ah, but it's a mismatch because they don't have like the traditional dominant submissive relationship and of course you could have the nontraditional work was the other direction like the Cuck old guy.
  • [48:11] Keith: Um, yeah.
  • [48:25] Mike: But with that you yeah like you ah they wind up butting heads and somebody's going to just yeah, this kind of thing would happen and so I don't really know what to tell her because it's like yeah she really is causing this by you know it's either a bad partner match or maybe they could alternate who's in charge or something and also.
  • [48:45] Mike: Ah, whatever they could alternate. Yeah, but this this anal faupa. There's a lot of faupas. He could do like that like they could be doing something with oral and he could like go too far cause her to gag or something. There's like a lot of things like this that can happen more commonly to the woman.
  • [49:00] Keith: Yeah I was trying to think of a good analogy. Ah one I thought of was like if someone like grabbed my nipple and twisted it I I can imagine some men being into that I'm not and.
  • [49:10] Mike: Yeah, or like if she's too aggressively on top and you start getting nervous that your penis is going to get bent like like that. Yeah it's It's genuinely scary and let's say it actually does get bent it hurts like that's not fun right here to you So I yeah I understand.
  • [49:15] Keith: Oh yeah, yeah.
  • [49:22] Keith: Right? right? But then do you tell her and she apologizes and you try to move on.
  • [49:27] Mike: Or she could do something anal to you frankly. Um, well, but you see it's let's see it's easier there because it's easier there because of the traditional gender role right? because the guy is sort of assuming authority the thing that's hard in this situation is she wants to be in charge as the woman. Right? And so then now it's like he's got he gets butt hurt because she's telling him what to do and like it creates this whole like cycle of nonsense. Um, and and I don't like if he was someone who liked that because he was more submissive. It would be fine, but the thing is he evidently wants to be more dominant because he got really excited when like he.
  • [49:58] Keith: Yeah.
  • [50:08] Keith: Yeah, he thought he had a window of opportunity.
  • [50:09] Mike: You know he playful excited right? and so he's like oh this is this is how sex is supposed to be and then she's like no, we're not, We're not having sex that way. Um, so it's yeah, it's I'm not they could alternate days even days he's in charge odd days. She's in charge. They'd have to both learn.
  • [50:25] Keith: Yeah, but she doesn't she doesn't and I think she would not like this suggestion.
  • [50:29] Mike: To be submissive. But I mean part of being submissive is yeah I know part of being submissive is like taking the risk that something might happen that you don't like um and she doesn't yeah she doesn't want to do that which I understand as a guy I completely understand.
  • [50:37] Keith: Right.
  • [50:47] Keith: Right? Yeah, but men aren't expected to as much.
  • [50:48] Mike: I Don't want to do that either pretty much but ah that leaves it makes yeah basically their sex just turns into like a weird cockfight is pecking at each other anyway.
  • [50:59] Keith: Right? Yeah, all right? Let's move on. Ah this person says my boyfriend jerks off to me when he wakes up before me when I spend the night over at my boyfriend's house. He usually wakes up before me I'll wake up and he's watching me while jerking off I'll start getting ready. And he just watches me. He just watches me while jerking off That's nice of you'd offer. You can dm her. Ah he says don't mind me but it's usually most mornings rather than not is this just a thing that men with morning would do no.
  • [51:16] Mike: I'd like to do that I'd like to watch her. Yeah yeah I will.
  • [51:32] Keith: Ah, used to exclusively date women. So this is new to me I'm not sure if it makes me uncomfortable I'll sometimes help him or give a moral but usually I don't wake up in the mood to be sexual I just liked this because like yeah, just imagine like every time she wakes up for like the first like hour of the day. Her boyfriend's just sort of following around drinking it.
  • [51:50] Mike: Well assume I'm assuming it doesn't It's cool if it takes him an hour but I'm assuming he's not not getting a priapism here. It's probably just a few minutes. What how would you feel if a woman did this to you like every time you wake up, She's there like looking at your body frigging herself.
  • [51:51] Keith: I gotta like that visual.
  • [51:57] Keith: Now.
  • [52:07] Keith: I Think that would be pretty cool but that's because it's just so beyond the pale like ah I mean.
  • [52:09] Mike: Would it what about unlike the twentieth time.
  • [52:18] Keith: There's so much here. That's like unrelatable from a male perspective like I would just like be like ok well then let's have sex now and presumably he would do that. It's just that she's not interested. So he's been driven to this.
  • [52:19] Mike: Yeah.
  • [52:29] Mike: Well, there'd be an expect. So now you're like expected I mean the thing is even even you well maybe especially you if it was every time every time for 20 times what you know you're going to stop wanting to be forced to have sex every time right? So that's.
  • [52:45] Keith: Yeah I think if every morning twenty days in a row. My partner was you know rubbing one out. Ah when I woke up I would be pleased.
  • [52:56] Mike: Now.
  • [52:58] Keith: You know, 70% of the time or something but then 30% of the time. It'd be like ok well I'm just going to go about my day and then yeah, if she just wanted to keep you know doing what she's doing following me around while I'm you know shaving and you know eating my cheerios.
  • [53:07] Mike: I'm not sure if I'd be pleased. You know I I think you just run I don't yeah okay, they be funny I'm imagining like somebody doing like a Zoom call for work and. There's a girl just in the background masturbating.
  • [53:23] Keith: Ah, ah, off to this side. There's this vibration sound.
  • [53:29] Mike: Yeah, ah so but I think that like the female experiences. Yeah, it's hard to make it relatable. But I mean one difference between the male and the female experience is that like I think when you imagine as a guy when you imagine a woman looking at you and doing that you'd probably imagine her looking at your face. Maybe maybe at your dick. Maybe. Your chest to my God but ah, ah, but a lot of face imagine instead. She's only looking at your anus and the reason I say this is I think this is a little like women experience like it's so impersonal like I was I was um I was at a place yesterday. Well I was actually when I was weightlifting and I.
  • [54:02] Keith: Ah, right right.
  • [54:07] Mike: Ah, well instead. Ah they have a swim pool there swimming pool and I'll go for ah between sets of squats I'll walk around the swimming pool just to shake my legs out and there were ah 2 young women in the hot tub and I was I actually aggressively don't look at them.
  • [54:16] Keith: Um, yep.
  • [54:20] Keith: Nice.
  • [54:26] Mike: Because I because I know this but I was thinking to myself like if I was going to look at these women the typical male behavior and you can in this type of situation. You can watch the men's eyes. They just look at their ass or their tits that you can tell the angle of the ah pupils and so this is analogous is like it's like.
  • [54:36] Keith: Right? right.
  • [54:45] Mike: Right? So so would it bother you or would you find odd if her she just stared at your anus and master find it would you find that cool.
  • [54:54] Keith: Ah, you know, but but no because Mike this also isn't really relatable as a man because men don't really get to have the experience where they're being like sexualized purely for their body like I think it I think initially would be kind of cool and be like wow this person really wants me.
  • [55:02] Mike: All right? okay.
  • [55:09] Mike: Okay, maybe that's how women I mean you know what? sometimes that's how women pick.
  • [55:11] Keith: Um I I I take your point though which is that for women. It's like probably annoying to have their like Genitalia constantly stared at because it's like hey you know my eyes are up here. Um like like it. Yeah.
  • [55:22] Mike: Right? Well genitals chests. Whatever it buts and and of course the last thing I was going to add. But it's you're right? It's not relatable is what if the woman was unattractive Now you have an unattractive woman staring your anus fastating and I think that's like that's close to what women experience in this situation.
  • [55:33] Keith: Um, yeah.
  • [55:39] Keith: Um, yeah, constantly right? like everywhere they go. They're constantly being like undressed by the eyes of men.
  • [55:41] Mike: Ah, it's it's rough. Yeah.
  • [55:48] Mike: Right? right? but you but you mean your take on it I'm sure is a common one that women have is like oh look. He's so into me look how look how cool I am this makes me popular. This makes me high value.
  • [56:02] Keith: I Think it's complicated I think is a combination of frustrating and becomes part of your identity And yeah I think yeah I think that's a complicated part of the female experience. Um.
  • [56:08] Mike: Um.
  • [56:13] Mike: Um, yeah.
  • [56:18] Keith: Okay, this person says my partner is an exhibitionist I a 25 year old woman have been seeing my partner a 32 year old man for a few months now everything is going well in the sexist great last weekend I was meeting him at a restaurant and as instructed I wore a skirt with no panties. He loves the idea of me not wearing anything underneath.
  • [56:34] Mike: And I do too. Yeah, no, we.
  • [56:37] Keith: Do too after dinner. We stuck into the toilets and he bent me over and came in under a minute. The problem is we only ever have sex in public places. That's the only way he can get hard. Is there anything I could do.
  • [56:49] Mike: Um, she said the sex was great but okay.
  • [56:51] Keith: I know is there anything I could do in the bedroom to in high said yeah she did she said the sex is great and then she's like oh we have sex for 1 minute in the like restaurant bathroom.
  • [56:58] Mike: They should ah they should ah she could wear a mask and they could be camming. It's an idea they could make money.
  • [57:04] Keith: Yeah people ah people suggested you could you could do camming people suggested you could talk about you know public place sex like while you're in the bedroom. You know the fantasy can get you get your mind in the right place but man what a chore.
  • [57:16] Mike: Ah.
  • [57:18] Keith: If like the only time you could have sex with your partner was like why you were out and about.
  • [57:21] Mike: Well for a woman. It's not just a chore. It's like kind of a guarantee that she's not going to enjoy it that much right? because she's not. There's not going to be enough time for her to warm up as it were so he's basically being selfish.
  • [57:34] Keith: Yeah, this this this person has since deleted their post I love it would people like create a ah like alt account and then they describe very specific behavior and they say their ages. It's like this is the the fingerprint here is unique to just 1 person in the world like.
  • [57:40] Mike: Who.
  • [57:52] Keith: Creating it all to out to do this didn't yeah know.
  • [57:52] Mike: Yeah, didn't do anything. Yeah yeah I mean that's ah.
  • [57:59] Keith: Oh, and then sorry 1 more like Reddit thing I like it when they accidentally delete their account before they delete the post because once your account's deleted. You can't delete the post something the post stays up. Yeah, right? but.
  • [58:09] Mike: Oh I never thought about that. So yeah, but yeah, their assumption is when they delete the account. The post will disappear So instead. Yeah.
  • [58:18] Keith: That they were incompetent to post it in the first place with a all and with identify your characteristics implies that they're kind of idiots in the first place. So it's not surprising to see this sort of sequence of bad decisions being made.
  • [58:27] Mike: Yeah, so would you would you find I mean obviously I like the idea of women going around with our underwear on with skirts. But do you would you find like is this something you would ever ask for? Do you find this compelling a compelling situation.
  • [58:36] Keith: Me too. Yeah yeah.
  • [58:47] Keith: Ah.
  • [58:52] Keith: Um, bathroom sex is kind of gross like the surfaces in there are all just disgusting.
  • [58:54] Mike: Um, yeah.
  • [58:59] Mike: Um, would we you would pick this over say a blumpkin though.
  • [59:01] Keith: For my to be a foot of block is.
  • [59:06] Mike: That's where you're sitting on the toilet taking a shit and she's blowing you.
  • [59:10] Keith: Oh ah I mean i' the only difference is a bit a bathroom at both situations. The only differences in what case I'm I'm taking a dump at the time. Yes I would prefer not taking a dump while having exacts. Yeah.
  • [59:22] Mike: Yeah I mean there's some really good porns of women sort of up on bathroom counters being fucked. Um, so no, no I don't It's well to me. It's not the dirtiness. It's just like the position is compelling like the.
  • [59:27] Keith: Yeah, for sure. Yeah, there's something about the like dirtiness that makes it compelling to watch in a porn.
  • [59:35] Keith: Yeah, sure. Yeah, they have like 1 one knee maybe up on the up on the sink. Yeah.
  • [59:40] Mike: Ah, yeah, that? Yeah yeah, I don't I don't actually think of much about whether the bathroom's sturdy. That's a fair point. It probably is typically so then okay, but this is not I've never done this I mean the closest I've come to This was one time I was at a. A bar with a group of people and a woman who is getting married shortly thereafter followed me into the bathroom to try to have sex when I was going going into the bathroom we did not at that point have sex.
  • [01:00:06] Keith: He.
  • [01:00:13] Keith: Um, how did she let you know of her interest.
  • [01:00:17] Mike: I Went into the bathroom and she I was she followed me and then started making out you know, kissing me and stuff. Yeah, she was drunk and probably ah.
  • [01:00:24] Keith: Yeah, okay, yeah, that seems that seems pretty unambiguous.
  • [01:00:32] Mike: Probably high on something too. But I've never had I've never had like 1 of these sort of like hey let's plan to I don't like yeah I would be worried about um I don't know I mean for 1 thing you have you be pretty sure that you're going to nut within like 3 minutes ah and
  • [01:00:48] Keith: Yeah, there's a timing and logistics issue and like there's there's also like ah there really is no goldilocks zone here of the perfect place to do such a thing like if you're at like a dirty dive bar For starters.
  • [01:00:51] Mike: Yeah, the position might maybe not compelling. Um, yeah.
  • [01:01:05] Keith: Oftentimes the stalls are like positioned in a way that like you you don't have much privacy so it's not even really possible. Um, and they're particularly disgusting but but if you're at like a nice restaurant then like you know, usually the service staff or somebody will notice if you're gone or will.
  • [01:01:05] Mike: Um, and.
  • [01:01:10] Mike: Um, right.
  • [01:01:22] Keith: Definitely notice if 2 people go into the same restroom. Yeah, right? Who knows.
  • [01:01:22] Mike: Um, you think you're dining and dashing. Maybe yeah, yeah, and would you go I Guess let's say let's say you were in a restaurant that had last question here we can I know we're out of time. But if you had a in a restaurant that had a men's and a women's bathroom which one would you pick.
  • [01:01:35] Keith: Um, yeah.
  • [01:01:42] Mike: For this.
  • [01:01:44] Keith: I've become somewhat comfortable going into women's bathrooms. There are well yeah I guess I owe an explanation here. So I run a lot you know I run like 70 plus miles a week and oftentimes.
  • [01:01:47] Mike: O o.
  • [01:01:55] Mike: Um, yeah.
  • [01:02:00] Keith: The men's rooms so there are very very very few public restrooms in San Francisco because
  • [01:02:06] Mike: That's because the he's supposed to use the facilities and by that I mean street and sidewalk.
  • [01:02:11] Keith: Right? Yeah, so people don't make bathrooms because homeless people will just go and um, just trash them or sleep in them or or do drugs in them.
  • [01:02:15] Mike: Know that too I remember I remember going into one one notable time I went in and you know how they're those guys that paint themselves gold or silver. There was a guy in there washing off the fucking gold paint and he just destroyed I mean it was just.
  • [01:02:26] Keith: Yes, in the Castro. Yeah yeah.
  • [01:02:34] Mike: Like I actually think would've been better if he'd taken a shit and smeared it everywhere than this because he's he's putting paint everywhere and it actually like I I don't think it comes off easily. Yeah, yeah, yeah, agreed.
  • [01:02:39] Keith: The the lack of like civil responsibility in San Francisco in particular is really kind of heartbreaking and annoying. Um, so yeah I end up in this situation like a couple times a week where like I need to pee.
  • [01:02:56] Mike: Yes.
  • [01:02:57] Keith: And you know like oftentimes or sometimes I need to as they say go number 2 and a lot of yeah, right, exactly so a lot of the times like I'll go into the men's room.
  • [01:03:02] Mike: Well peeing you just pee on the ground right.
  • [01:03:11] Keith: And like the stall will be. For starters they'll be like some like a person like passed out on the floor in the stall like ah I like actually can't use it. Um, and so you know if there's a women's room and there's 0 people in it I will sometimes use the women's room.
  • [01:03:15] Mike: Who.
  • [01:03:26] Mike: Okay, so you would It's safe to say choose the women's room to have sex and because you no homeless guy passed out that's sort of like it's a different kind of cuckolding fantasy to fuck with a homeless guy passed out next to you different different kind of.
  • [01:03:39] Keith: Yeah, yeah, I just find men's rooms are particularly gross. You don't want to be invading like women's only spaces. Um and I understand that like doing so should be avoided. Ah at all costs.
  • [01:03:52] Mike: I mean I want I want to be invading them I'm just not supposed to. It's not yeah.
  • [01:03:57] Keith: Ah, correct correct. Um, and so yeah I I am as sensitive as I can possibly be but it it's man. It's just frustrating. Ah how often the men's rooms in the city of San Francisco are unusable.
  • [01:04:04] Mike: Um, okay.
  • [01:04:11] Mike: Yeah, it's that makes sense that makes sense as an issue I've never really considered this because I just shit on the street like most people and just you just ah you get like 1 of those free free newspapers or the street sheet as they call it street sheet and you just.
  • [01:04:19] Keith: I've had to do that many a time myself. Yeah yeah, you can find some leaves. There's there's ways to to get it done I haven't tried that one. You can.
  • [01:04:29] Mike: Sometimes you just lick your finger.
  • [01:04:34] Mike: Yeah, okay.
  • [01:04:34] Keith: You can tell us more about that 1 next episode. Ah, that's a wrap on this episode of your mileage may vary. You can send us feedback or questions to ymmvpodat gml.com if you send us feedback. We'll pay you $10 if you send us questions. Let us know if you don't want us to use them on air again. That's ymmvpod at gmail.com thanks for listening and we'll catch you next week on your mileage may 30.