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Episode 171: Very Big Clits, Growing Your Clit, Squirting Truth, Phones During Foreplay, Climaxing Early

Team YMMV | 6-28-2024 | 1:03:11

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I think the clit might be the most misunderstood part of the sexual apparatus. What's really going on with that small penis-analog that sometimes isn't difficult to even locate? People really just don't talk enough about clits. Why is that?

On some level women are in luck, given that men generally haven't extended to clits the specific body-part fetishizing that is applied to breasts, asses, facial features and the like. This could change, given the "Big Clit" content available online. Maybe men will start looking for women to enlarge that erogenous zone?

In other news, a female friend decided to explain to me how YMMV should provide a disclaimer or be censored because of its excessive male-gaze. I disagreed.

Some discussion followed of a woman who enjoys her boyfriend cumming earlier than anticipated during sex. And, is cellphone addiction eliminating the power gap between men and women in sexual relations?

By the way, Mike also explains why politics in western nations are so toxic.

On the topic of big clits, here are a couple of the subreddits discussed:



And here's the video of the quite large clit under discussion:


Here are the two research studies about squirting sent in by a listener:



We get a lot of our questions from Reddit, so for our listeners' enjoyment, here are links to some of the questions we discussed this week:




Episode Transcript

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  • [00:00:00] Mike: Hello and welcome to Your Mileage May Vary. We talk about sex and relationships with Frankness that is often controversial, but mostly in good faith. We have a great list of topics today to cover, ah including big clits, people trying to censor the podcast, ah women who like men to come early, a certain unusual feeling during sex, a lot of topics to get to. I'm Mike, my co-host to normally Keith, but he's he's gone. Keith has left for Africa and I don't actually know where he is at this point. I don't necessarily know that he's alive. I think he is. ah And so so it's it puts me in a complicated position. But as Winston too church Churchill once said, i
  • [00:00:44] Mike: I'm committed to proving myself able to defend this podcast, to ride out the storm, and to outlive the menace of tyous tyranny if necessary for years, if necessary alone. Although next week, Ali will be with me on the podcast, so I will not be alone. I apologize for missing a couple weeks, but yeah, it's complicated to get all the topics together as a solo presenter. and got a lot of things going on, including just today, I was having to defend the podcast. And by the way, we've gotten a fair amount of people complaining and wondering, you know, where are you guys at? Where's my, your miles may very actually a reassuringly large number of them. And I'll read a couple of the things on on the um podcast a little bit later. There were some questions as well, so far enough.
  • [00:01:30] Mike: um But earlier today, ah a person that I know ah that I'm not going to say the name of listened for the first time to an episode of the podcast. It's a female and immediately was enraged and essentially telling me we had a relatively long conversation about it, telling me, all ah look, this is just trash content. And at a minimum that there should be a disclaimer at the beginning ah explaining that you know this doesn't this podcast doesn't take into account the feelings and points of view of women.
  • [00:02:02] Mike: And my response was at least partially that I think the point of view of women on these types of topics is pretty well represented in society. I actually think it's one of those unusual situations where ah the sort of, I guess, if you use the woke dichotomy of the oppressor and the or the privileged and the oppressed, the nominally oppressed group ah being women actually drive the cultural narrative on this stuff, for the most part, meaning that It's women's eyes that decide whether something's shameful or embarrassing or should be maybe even illegal. And the way that men think about sex is more hidden. And if you don't believe that, if you don't believe that, I strongly encourage you, I mean, if you don't, you can install Grindr, but most people don't want to unless you're already there. Most people who want Grindr are already on Grindr, fair enough.
  • [00:02:54] Mike: There is a website that I've mentioned on the podcast before, which is called sniffys.com, S-N-I-F-F-I-E-S. The thing that's interesting about the website that website is you don't have to sign up or anything. You can just go and see where the gay, gentlemen homosexual gentlemen congregate and also the men that are looking to Have a good time with each other and and the point is that the behaviors these guys have is Not this is a behavior that's not represented in society ah If you know what I've hung out a fair amount with lesbian women and look their behaviors are pretty familiar to me oftentimes You know, they'll like they'll form couples oftentimes There's a kind of a woman who has more traits that are masculine not always but you know, they they they form what is recognizably a couple I realize that they may have
  • [00:03:44] Mike: you know, female only activities they do in the bedroom. But, they you know, there there isn't much about their lives. And I've interrogated some on this topic and done my share of reading. Look, there isn't a female equivalent of Grindr. There isn't something that's kind of off the radar screen. But in our cultural narrative, ah except except for maybe an offhanded joke, there's essentially no
  • [00:04:09] Mike: Acknowledgement, that's something like Grindr, if it exists. If you look at like political political discourse, newspapers what the and the like, sitcoms, whatever, like there's no no acknowledgement that there is this. And it's not this relatively common practice among homosexual men, not everyone, but a common practice of ah cruising, as it's called, which basically means identifying other gay men in some sort of fairly anonymous way and then having sex with them. of various kinds. And the point being that like that is a pretty common actually male behavior in the gay community that's just not talked about socially. And this is because the dominant cultural narrative is that that kind of stuff never happens and that kind of stuff doesn't happen. And I mention all of that because a lot of what we talk about on the podcast is are topics that men
  • [00:05:00] Mike: don't go public with, they don't speak about it openly, except with each other in private sometimes, and it depends on the men. And this is interesting to me because It really is, a while while men are viewed as sort of dominant or the privileged class in our society, this is an area where men's core behaviors are completely, not completely, but to a significant degree, kind of hidden. And this particular person who was criticizing the podcast is somebody who, you know, this is not a 20-year-old, this is not a 15-year-old, well, I wouldn't want a 15-year-old listening, of course, this is an adult's podcast, but this is somebody who's been around, who has experienced the world, and yet,
  • [00:05:40] Mike: appears to either have a problem with some of the core male thinking or just to have maybe have a problem with it or maybe not to realize that this is the kind of way men think that men, for example, are attracted very visually and men are, you know, by and large attracted to much younger or younger women call it. So, you know, women above, of course, adulthood, but, you know, young women. And they, yeah, this woman appeared to just not be able to come to grips with that, that reality.
  • [00:06:15] Mike: um In talking to her, it made me think of the kind of Jungian idea of the shadow. ah this This is a psychological idea that everybody has these sort of thoughts in their mind, emotions and thoughts tied to scary or uncomfortable topics. and that you know ah Follow on from that, of course, being it's important to for people to come to grips with these shadows in their mind. And for this woman, and I suspect for women in general, you know, there, there, there, there is a shadow there, which is like there's a part of your life and there's a general aspect of your life where women get great value out of this male behavior. Men will pursue women kind of your, well, actually very much irrationally, irrationally. there's so
  • [00:06:57] Mike: no tangible benefit. It's kind of um deep programming in our brains that causes us to pursue them. And so women get this benefit, but there is a downside. There's a shadow to that, which is that when a woman reaches a certain age, she's no longer pursued. She's no longer as valued. And this is a thing that is best to come to grips with. um But to come to grips with it, you have to be realistic about how men make their selections. And that can be complicated because then you're face to face with the reality that men are mostly sorting their potential partners based on factors that women might make might might make women a little bit uncomfortable in the relation with the
  • [00:07:36] Mike: sniffies or grinder, I think is obvious that there's a set of male behaviors that women just have a really hard time understanding. ah But importantly, when those behaviors in your to their benefit, most women are will cheerfully accept the benefits. And so, you know, i I told her in no uncertain terms that we would not censor or ah disclaimer of the podcast and she could fuck off. ah like People can listen if they want. They can not listen if they want to not listen. ah But ah I think it's unreasonable to expect. and the the Well, either she misunderstood this question, this idea that what's being discussed on this podcast is pretty common, like in terms of men's thinking. We're not saying things that the average or median man would listen to and say, oh, that's crazy. These people are horrible. There are men
  • [00:08:26] Mike: either who have sort of lower libido libidos, different thought patterns, or maybe have just been brainwashed who would ah that you know have that reaction. and It could be a large percentage of men, but it's not going to be more than half or anything. The median man is going to say, oh yeah, of course, the stuff they're talking about makes sense to me. um and so yeah I think it's reasonable for there to be a space. It's it's it's ironic. It's ironic, and this gets to the sort of culture war, but it's ironic that um in this case, kind of an oppressed thought but thought thought pattern, ah the goal is to oppress it more. um yeah I mean, the the sort of methodologies of of these of this sort of thought pattern are are and a bit inscrutable. What was interesting is this person in particular is not like ah a left-wing person or you know an AOC voter, but on this particular topic, I think that her gender is sort of
  • [00:09:16] Mike: has caused her to have a bit of a blind spot. So I'm optimistic that maybe further conversations will help her at least understand what we're all about here at YMMV. But I'm not positive or that that that will happen. Now, turning to Keith. um yeah Keith is in Africa. ah Well, assuming he's a alive, but I mean, I guess I could still say is because if something's happened to him, ah his body's probably there. So he's, you know, to some extent is still there. um he ah i i I don't think he's fled for political reasons, but I can understand it. Most of the Western world is now turning hard to the right. um And um I'm just going to say like two minutes about this because I'm here at my desk in my fabulous house by myself talking.
  • [00:10:00] Mike: um I don't think ah any of the narratives about why ah Western Europe and the United States are turning the right, except for the UK, of course, turning to the left, but it's basically just kicking out whoever's in charge. I don't think any of the narratives actually ah really capture ah why that's happening. um And to the extent that Keith is fleeing to Africa to get away from it, I'm not sure that's going to work because some of the same um dynamics are at play there, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa where I believe him to be. um But ah I believe strongly that the real reason why this has happened is the
  • [00:10:41] Mike: decisions made in the Western countries to ah set interest rates to zero for many, many years in a row. People call that having a good economy. It's not having a good economy. It's just handing out money to rich people. Now, as a rich person, thank you. On behalf of us, thank you. It's great. But as a more educated, rich person who's read about things like the French Revolution, I know that this often ends not well for the rich people, so I would rather policies were pursued that were intended to create a little more equality between people. But anyway, so when people complain, I constantly have to talk to people who tell me that Trump's terrible because of this, or Biden because of that, or you know equivalent in other countries.
  • [00:11:26] Mike: And then I explained to them that I think like all of this is just symptomology. These are just symptoms of a set of horrible monetary and fiscal policies that started at least in 2008, although intelligent people might argue it started much earlier in the mid 90s or 2000. And that, you know, printing money, this is what happens. It turns the government into kind of a thinly veiled organized crime syndicate where you just have all these really rich people paying off people to get money. They don't pay taxes, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. And like, what do you expect? Of course, they're going to start electing nut jobs. But so I think that's what we face. And, you know, as I said, I will defend the podcast, but we are going to have a storm. We're continuing to have a storm here.
  • [00:12:10] Mike: The reality is sex might be our only ah only way out of it. And I just realized i I forgot to say a quote that I wanted to use for this a lady who attacked the podcast. The quote is from Axel Rose. He said, you don't understand your sex. It's true. And what he meant, I probably, is women, women don't, ah in a lot of cases, women have difficulty understanding the motivations that underlie sex. They expect, look men do this too. To some extent, although men quickly learn as teenagers that women are not motivated just to fuck. It's kind of obvious culturally, but women, I think have a pretty hard time coming to grips with and coming to terms with the reality that men
  • [00:12:51] Mike: really do just want to fuck and find ah someone they can they can get a strong orgasm to, men will absolutely look for the woman that makes them horniest if they can. And this is just what's going on and in in the sex game. And it's why men will bend over backward to um whatever, to ask a woman out, to pay it by a drink for her, to buy a Porsche, but I guess nowadays it would be a Tesla, to impress her, take her on a trip to the Caribbean, whatever it is. Because yeah, men get a tremendous
  • [00:13:28] Mike: positive out of maximizing the kind of place they so they the location they put their seed, where they put their semen. And ah I don't think this is a thing that women can easily understand. They don't indeed, in some ways, understand their sex. And it's a shame. And women, I think, could benefit maybe the most from listening to the podcast. They might hate it. They might hate it, but it would help them at least understand kind of where men are coming from and know that the men on this podcast are not unusual or crazy. We're pretty normal. We're not sociopaths.
  • [00:14:01] Mike: um So we're we're platforming pretty reasonable stuff. And I mean, to see that you can just go to porn sites. um You could go to my porn subreddit, curated amateur porn, which now has, I think, 34000 subscribers. Thank you to all of my subscribers. ah I only post the best stuff, which means that some weeks there's not a whole lot to post. um But, yeah, I mean, like, I try to do my best. um There was a guy, by the way, who posted on the subreddit. We don't get a lot of, mostly it's just people asking, hey, who who who is this? Where's the where's the full video, et cetera? Asking me, like, for more information about a particular video. We got 34,000 subscribers, by the way.
  • [00:14:43] Mike: This guy says, when's the next podcast? He said he jerked off to all the old podcasts, which is I assume it's a man. I don't totally understand why a guy's jerking off to to my voice. The video he posted on is not bad. I'm looking at it now. I told him that Keith was in Namibia. I'm not sure where he is or if he's alive now. ah He said that YMMV is his positive believe it is his favorite, rather, believe it or not, and that I'm his hero, which is nice. I've never been someone's hero before. So I appreciated that. OK, I'd like to I'll read some more of the feedback we've gotten from being off the air for two weeks, but I want to get onto this big clip topic because ah I was surprised I actually hadn't encountered this before. Oddly, I mean, I've I've searched for look, I've searched for a wide variety of things on Pornhub and the like, but I haven't.
  • [00:15:31] Mike: really double clicked on big clits before. And specifically, I wasn't aware now, okay, there' you know, there's, there's sort of two, there's a, in my mind, there's a bifurcation here between women who are, just have a big clit naturally, for whatever reason, I read in doing some research on this, that it's, it relates to like, or it's believed to relate to having more androgens, more male hormones. Uh, in utero. So then you get some sort of little penis going on there. Um, but I learned, but, and and also I knew because everybody, or most people have seen the videos of like female professional wrestlers, bodybuilders naked, that like, if you take various supplements that contain testosterone or androgens,
  • [00:16:12] Mike: You can cause that to enlarge. I didn't realize that there was, and and then, sorry, I guess in that same category, I might, maybe it's a different category, but there's also women that want to transition to being a man. So they try to get it as big as possible for obvious reasons. They want it to be a small penis, maybe a medium sized penis, depends on who you're comparing to. In any event, the ah there is another category, apparently, really hard to believe that there are women who want to do this and not men just may putting them up to it. But there's another category of women who just want a bigger clit. The claim is that, for example, it can make oral sex feel better ah because they ah then there's sort of more, obviously, receiving oral sex feel better because there's more
  • [00:16:59] Mike: to um to be licked or to be rubbed, et cetera. So there's a subreddit called GrowYourClit. The description says, this subreddit was created to help women learn about the simple, safe, and easy easy and highly beneficial process of growing a larger clit. They have another subreddit called clitprogresspics. I'm going to click on that, although I don't know if there's yeah There's not a whole lot recent in there. ah But for example, they have people who've after eight weeks, they kind of give their progress. And indeed, it does look ah bigger. um These are, I assume, people using medications.
  • [00:17:38] Mike: medications People also will pump their clit to make it larger. That's something we've talked about before. But I've always viewed it as like a and something that a woman's put up to by a man. um But OK, here's some testimonials, a huge improvement. Best thing I ever did for my body. Fucking life changing. I like cunnilingus a lot more. So actually, maybe for next week I'll ask Ali about this because she says she doesn't like receiving oral sex. Maybe it's because her clit is too small. I'm actually now curious. So maybe she could try this out for us and.
  • [00:18:12] Mike: I should probably say no, but I mean, it would be interesting if if if she would go ahead and try to get a larger clit to make it feel better. And the other thing that makes me suspicious skeptical of that is that I mean, I know from personal experience that women with what I would call normal sized very quite small clits can enjoy oral sex plenty. So I'm not totally sure. OK, this person says they like it a lot more. So maybe all women. would get some benefit, derive some benefit from going ahead and enlarging their clit. um i did note I have noticed by looking for some porn here that like you can wind up with whoever's performing oral sex on the woman doing something that looks suspiciously similar to a blowjob after doing this because it can get quite large. and I'll talk more about that in a minute.
  • [00:18:56] Mike: Okay, another person says, now during sex, my clit gets stimulated in multiple ways on the underside and by being pulled in during penetration, which is interesting. I hadn't. Some ways I would think that would be uncomfortable. I have noticed, I mean, obviously the labia can be sort of pulled in and out. They can kind of attach to the guy's cock, but. I never thought about the clit being put in. It seems like that would be kind of risky. Anyway, when there is more clit, there is more to be pleasured. um um I don't think you grow more nerves. So I don't think that's strictly speaking true. But it's believable to me that there are other sensations possible. um I don't like an analogy to this would be if my if the head of my penis were to say double in size.
  • [00:19:38] Mike: ah So I guess it's probably, I'm not, the circumference is probably like five inches, something like that. And I'm guessing that based on what I know to be the circumference of a typical shaft. So I guess a 10 inch cirummp circumference would be comical. It would look like some sort of weird microphone. So it might, you know, I might have to say only enlarging by one inch or one two inches, which even still might look comical. um I think the only way that would be more pleasurable, I think it would actually be sort of annoying in that when you beat off, it would kind of it would make your cock like a barbell. but I mean, you would you'd have this thing that would stop your hand. It could be more compelling in the sense that then you would have this large thing to insert in a woman's body, which would, I guess, be kind of exciting. yeah know you You're kind of invading her body more aggressively.
  • [00:20:24] Mike: But I'm not sure that it would directly, I think it would be more of a psychological thing, which is what I suspect generally about this clit enlarged. I still, it's hard for me not to just have a suspicion this is all stuff women are being put up to by men, but some of these women are lesbians. So that would auger the other direction. and Okay. It's been really interesting and cool and the sensitivity is phenomenal. All right. um Here's somebody says, I guess I would guess that pleasure increased by 90 percent. Orgasm went from one a week to several times a day. So that makes me wonder, is this a person who's getting the orgasms like just walking around because it's so large now that it's sort of rubbing in between the labia as they walk or is it.
  • [00:21:03] Mike: I don't really know what would make, certainly having a larger penis or larger head of my penis would not increase the number of orgasms I had per day. That's definitely, it might decrease it. Okay, so there's some pictures here ah with progress and they're sort of impressive. I had't haven't encountered one of these in real life. a lot I would say most of them, are still you know significantly smaller. If you take your pointer finger and you take the last knuckle right before the you get to the fingernail and you think of just that part of the finger, they're still smaller than that. Maybe if you took your pinky from the last knuckle, it depends on your hand size, your finger sizes. But I still think that most of these aren't any bigger than that. So we're talking not something that protrudes any more than an inch, regardless.
  • [00:21:54] Mike: um But there are some examples ah that I've seen that are significantly larger. One in particular, let me actually make a copy of this yeah URL to make sure that I share it with the show notes. Because um this is an unusually large one. This is a video titled Reminder. Reminder, this is a clit. And it's ah it's a brief video. But essentially it's a woman masturbating her clit, but it looks every bit like a penis. Maybe a penis of, I mean, it looks like a penis and she's also able to flex it. I mean, okay. So when she masturbates it, it maybe goes.
  • [00:22:33] Mike: halfway to the end of her hand. So maybe that's only two and a half inches. But it really, really looks like a penis. ah And it's kind of ensconced in the labia in much the same way a penis would kind of be ensconced in the scrotum. So really, and it it even has what looks like kind of a little foreskin. And then she's able to flex it ah in the same way a guy can sort of flex his penis. So it's well, you can really see it's like a little anatomy lesson there. You can really see a ah the ah the how these are isomorphic to penises. What's weird about it is then the camera turns comes around it. And I realize a lot of people, I sent this to one listener of the show and he wouldn't even look at the picture okay or the video. Fine.
  • [00:23:16] Mike: When the camera comes around, of course, it's very odd because it looks like a penis that has no urethra hole in it. It looks like a closed up penis, kind of ah an unfriendly penis. not not and then And then, of course, you have the vulva kind of below it, the lips below it, which is also kind of odd. But for some reason, I mean, I'm so used to seeing a penis, a normal penis, that when you see this kind of fake penis clip thing, it's that's the thing that kind of jumps out at me. OK, so on this Grow Your Clits subreddit, there's a couple of posts that I wanted to quickly ah mention. Here's somebody with 1.5 weeks of progress. ah He says, so this is a man. I mean, he well, let me just read it. He says, I was showing my wife some before and after pictures of women's clits and she wanted to give it a try. Mind you, she is already an over sexual 45 year old white female, so she has no issues achieving orgasm easily, but she loves the look and wants her clit to show her her white bikini bottoms.
  • [00:24:14] Mike: OK, I don't. I don't want to comment on every sentence here, but I really have a hard time believing that a woman would want her clit to show through her bikini bottoms, but. I don't believe him anyway, so he ordered some cream with aloe on Amazon, apparently the cream, OK, and he has a huge surplus of testosterone from his own home and replace. play Oh, you know what? I think this other person is a woman, too, because this is a person who's on HRT. So that's going to be a female. This is a lesbian couple. So, OK, more believable, more believable. She's been mixing one to two drops of the testosterone with the cream and applying it daily. and She's been pumping three to four days a week with a vacuum pump.
  • [00:24:51] Mike: It's only been one and a half weeks and the results are already showing she's beginning to grow ahead. So it makes you wonder, I mean, I don't want to question people's sexual orientation, bureau but it makes you wonder if somebody's so, if a lesbian woman is so excited about her partner growing a bigger clit. I mean, this gets back to this thing of like on some, at some point you're just going down the spectrum toward being heterosexual, like maybe you, don't actually want to be with a maybe maybe you don't want to be with a woman. because
  • [00:25:23] Mike: ah well I was speaking with a friend ah the other day about pegging, and this is an argument I've made on the podcast before, but essentially I just, i okay, I realize that there are men who like pegging. That's where a woman puts her, up puts a dildo, uses a strap on dildo to penetrate his anus and rectum. But, so there are many like that because of prostate stimulation and they don't, these men don't want to be fucked by a guy. I realize they say that. But it makes, so I don't, um I don't want to do this activity at all, but it makes sense to me intellectually that if you want to do that, wouldn't it be more exciting? Two things that would be even more exciting would be to have, instead of it being a strap on dildo, have it be an actual flesh part of the person's body. Number one. And number two, wouldn't it be even more exciting if while they're doing this to you, they're getting pleasure out of it and potentially orgasming. And I guess number three, wouldn't it be cool if when the orgasm like it happens inside your body, so it's, you know, he look, he's already, this person's already penetrating you.
  • [00:26:23] Mike: Wouldn't it be exciting to have, you know, have the the era erotic act kind of finish inside your body. And of course, I just described gay, ah receptive, gay anal sex. So it makes you wonder, well, why? if Does it make that big of a difference? And of course you could say, Oh, well, but I want the person to look like a female and present like a female. Okay. Well, this, you know, you could go for a T girl, so to speak, where you have a, a man. Well, it's, it's, it's a trans sexual transgender woman who still has a penis. Um, so, you know, I mean, it makes me wonder and in the same thing here, uh, you're, you're sort of slowly making this transition as like, well, but wouldn't it be more exciting to just use the body part the other way, but okay, maybe, maybe this is somebody who really doesn't want to be with a man for various psychological reasons.
  • [00:27:09] Mike: Okay, so one other person here on Grow Your Clit. um My wife just started testosterone cream, part of her hormone replacement therapy. So this is somebody who's just doing hormone replacement therapy, but not necessarily, I guess, to grow their clit. 25 milligrams applied to labia daily almost immediately so started to see growth. Is that common? I figured it would take a few weeks or longer. Not that I'm complaining, LOL. She started to notice it. ah when riding the Peloton bike, it gets in her way, LOL.
  • [00:27:42] Mike: Yeah, I mean, I could see that, although, yeah, well, I was I mean, one thing to notice, I guess I should notice note this anatomically is that one important difference between the clit and the penis is the clit sort of points downward ah naturally, not kind of upward the way the man's penis does. So ah that would imply that when it grows, it's going to grow kind of in this bears out in the video I just watched that when it grows, it kind of grows in the direction of the labia. So it would be more likely to interfere when men sit on a peloton bike or whatever, like the cock and balls are kind of to the front. And so they're not necessarily interfering with what's going on. There can be some interference, but it's not massive. um So that makes sense that that could be kind of an issue. um So yeah, I mean, this is ah there's also somebody that mentions in the comments that if a person has a longer ring finger, that suggests more androgens in the womb when they were a baby. So
  • [00:28:35] Mike: Maybe if guys want to experiment with a larger clit, they could go to the bar and look for a woman with a ah longer ring finger. But who am I kidding? It would be easier just to ask or to find find someone on FetLife or something. or they they' Or, and that's a good segue, there is actually a subreddit called BigClitDating. It's not very Uh, heavily used, it's not well trafficked. Um, the most recent posts on it actually, no, there's some posts from a few hours ago, so it's not, it's not totally, uh, dead. Um, you know, there's a person looking for a big clit woman in Philadelphia. Here's one looking for someone in New Jersey, et cetera. These are kind of like a sex exchange. Interesting that the, yeah, once you get to this point of looking for someone with a certain anatomical variation,
  • [00:29:23] Mike: ah They're not, um it becomes a little more like something like Grindr where there's, you know, they're not exactly looking for somebody that reads poetry and stuff. They're just looking for that big clit. Also, interestingly, I don't see many posts. Here's one, a 25-year-old with with a big clit looking for lesbians in the Miami area. And then a person asked, is my is your clip bigger than mine? And this person responded, yes. So some sort of clit face off going on there, which I wonder if gay guys do that, if they have any if they have penis size face offs. I have noticed that on sniffies, the average, the sort of median or modal man seems to have like a seven or eight inch penis, call it a seven inch penis. So there's not a whole lot of guys.
  • [00:30:06] Mike: talking about their cocks when they're smaller than that. So I'll put some links to these this big clit stuff in the notes, in the show notes, and people can, yeah if you're interested, you can you can see what they look like. And if you're a woman listening to the show and you do want to grow your clit, you can do it. And also be aware that if you do hormone replacement therapy, you may get there anyway. um it also makes me It does make me wonder whether I wonder whether the woman the woman with the heat like two or three inch clit is probably big enough to penetrate somebody. So I wonder if that like if that could be a kind of a replacement for pegging for guys that are into that as you get the the woman just to grow at that clit and go to town. I want to mention one other thing I read. I don't have the link in front of me, but it is irreversible, according to what I read. So if you if a woman does this, yeah, there's no going back. You now have a large clit.
  • [00:31:00] Mike: So, yeah, I mean, that's just something to be aware of. And that made me, of course, think like, well, why can't you do the same thing to grow as a man grow your penis? And I assume that's just because anatomically, there's some limit to where you get to. um I don't know what the limit is for women, but I don't think it's, you know, eight inches. I think it's much smaller. And I think that because when women transition to being men, to get anything kind of reasonably big requires a surgical intervention. ah So there is something that can't happen maybe in the future with stem cell therapies and the like genetic therapies Maybe the big the we haven't yet gotten to the great
  • [00:31:38] Mike: technological advance of the 21st century, and it's going to be turning clits into penises, which would be extremely... so That would be what we deserve, put it that way, ah for after our low interest rate party, as mentioned earlier. Okay, so let's get on to some some questions. Well, I'll see if there's time. I'll come back to some of the things that the viewer the the listeners the listeners said, but I want to get to the questions I teased at the beginning. So the first one is, why does my girlfriend like me coming early? says when me and when When my girlfriend and I were first dating, we were making out for the first time and both standing with my back to the wall. She had her whole body pressed into me and was so passionate and how she kissed me and lightly thrusted her body against mine that I somehow came without either of us taking any clothes off.
  • [00:32:24] Mike: I was humiliated, but she has said it was the hottest moment of her life for some reason. Now she is always trying to make me finish early and gets really turned on when she manages it. I'm not complaining, I just don't understand. I thought women liked guys that lasted and could pleasure them more. ah For context, I have her ride my face when I've come. I've had her ride my face when I come, and I always make sure she gets at least one orgasm too. Yeah, so this is an example of a guy who doesn't um who has difficulty understanding the female motivations that women are like men's. but There's two things here. Most men's bodies, if you exclude like, you know, people in Olympic swimmers and stuff like that, most men's bodies are sort of OK to look at, but they're not. They're nothing like super impressive. Like they're just, you know, and and and and there is kind of an objective objective standard there. I mean, if you
  • [00:33:13] Mike: Look at a male and a female peacock. It's obvious that the female peacock or the male peacock rather has the genes to make it more interesting to look at. And female humans definitely have the genes to make them more interesting to look at. um But then on top of that, women don't have this like there're they They don't have this visual ah this massive visual element to ah what what gets them off, what gets them off in situations. It's much more kind of thinking, stories, imagination.
  • [00:33:45] Mike: ah kind of the the overall what's happening. And so if you think of it from that context, it's kind of makes sense that the fact that you were overwhelmed by her is exciting to her and gets way beyond the concrete fact that you finished early or whatever. um One of the most common female fantasies is the Beauty and the Beast fantasy, where the woman you know finds a guy who is kind of uncouth and you know he she he he he changes because of her involvement or intervention because he wants to he wants to sort of.
  • [00:34:25] Mike: Well, he changes because shes she makes such an impact on his life. So so there's so an analog there's an analogy here that you know this is a thing he doesn't want to have happen. He wants the sex to go a certain way and he's overwhelmed. He boils over. And that's extremely exciting to her and something you can imagine I can imagine, certainly her replaying in her mind. And actually, to be fair, If you turn the tables, a man would find that pretty compelling too. Let's say I was on a second date with a young lass and we were riding the subway together and she was so excited and I was just rubbing her leg and she started to orgasm. I think that would be a memory I would have. Let's say you're dancing together and she's rubbing her legs or something and she orgasms. I think there's an analogy the other way. It's just that for a woman,
  • [00:35:14] Mike: You know, there is that that's like the number one thing, whereas for a guy, you know, the reality is that the key moment for a guy is like when you first see her her naked and so forth, when you first start to kind of get to see and see her intimately. That's that's a pretty, yeah pretty important. So, one of the readers here writes, the first time my ex and I started making out, he came from touching my breasts. We had been kissing for a little while and I wasn't wearing a bra when I moved his hand under my shirt and onto my boobs. His whole body tensed up and I knew what was happening pretty quickly. I gently grinded against him as he came to make it a little more pleasurable. I was like a puddle after that, easier the easily the sexiest I've ever felt. Yeah, I mean, there's another there's another aspect to this, which is that
  • [00:35:57] Mike: you know, while women, they're there're there's sort of a fantasy or ah an element of sex that's submissive where he's kind of doing what he wants to you and that's exciting. For women, there's also ah an aspect of like specialness that's important. And so it's kind of exciting for her to to have him come from something that's not fundamentally kind of using her body to masturbate, which ultimately is what most forms of sex is, right? I mean, are you're you're sort of, rubbing your penis in and out of her body or on her body in a certain spot. But here you have it just like who she is is making an orgasm. So for example, like I could imagine a woman finding it hyper sensual if a man came without touching himself during phone sex or something, or just because she whispered in his ear or something like that.
  • [00:36:41] Mike: um nothing Here's another comment, nothing has ever made me feel more desired than when a man man can't stop himself from coming. One of my favorite moments is my boyfriend at the time coming instantly the first time I touched his dick through his underwear. He was embarrassed, but I showed him how wet I was and he forgot all about it. I mean, I'm hoping that she waited until Postnut Clarity went away, although let's be honest, if a man is that excited, he may have a very brief or non-existent refractory period. So, ah yeah, I mean, so so maybe that's not even a problem. Yeah, so he he he feels very desired. She feels very desired. um Honestly, ah the flip side, one of the things about men having this happen with women is it just wouldn't happen very likely because
  • [00:37:27] Mike: It's unusual for a woman to kind of snap orgasm like that. um But if it happened, I think a man would find that pretty compelling. So in some ways, I think the guy should be able to understand this.
  • [00:37:41] Mike: So let's move on to the next question here. The question is just, what's this feeling during sex? It's a 24 year old female who says sometimes when I have sex with a guy, it feels kind of like I need to pee very badly. It's not with every guy though. I haven't felt it in a long time, but recently I started having sex with this guy and it feels so intense and sometimes a bit overwhelming and I'm not sure how to handle it. LOL. I don't know what's funny about that, but okay. Is this him him hitting my G spot? I've only had orgasms via CLIT stimulation, so I have no idea how an orgasm via PIV would feel like. Would love to hear similar experiences. to How to deal with this maybe so I can come from through PIV for once. So, I mean, the first question would be, so in the, in some of the commenters kind of point this out, ah somebody says this is about to be an orgasm. I think that's possible.
  • [00:38:28] Mike: Um, I think that, uh, yeah, one question I would have is whether when she masturbates, she's actually having orgasms or some other phenomenon is happening that is, that she mistakenly thinks is an orgasm. It's a little hard to know, but I think that it's, I think it's likely, look, I've read a lot of comments of, of sort of discussions like this and the feeling like they have to pee feeling is commonly, um, commonly for women, uh, that they're getting close to an orgasm. um I think an interesting corollary to this is, you know is this what men feel?
  • [00:39:03] Mike: Uh, it's a little hard to know because once you've had many orgasms, you're sort of like, you you realize that it doesn't really feel like you need to pee. Um, but I think there is some kind of a, an analogy here that could be constructed for men that men, uh, yeah, have something, something like this in the sense that, uh, you get this sense just before you orgasm that there's some kind of fullness or there's something I mean, it's basically the prostate getting ready to ejaculate, but so there's some sort of fullness there and there's something going on that's not kind of at the head or the tip of your penis. or' maybe There's maybe something going on kind of where your legs meet. And I could see a guy perceiving that as needing to pee. Now, the physical structures are pretty different for a woman in this case. So you could imagine you can imagine it the experience being pretty different, but it wouldn't totally shock me for a guy to sort of sort of say this kind of thing.
  • [00:40:00] Mike: um as we've discussed many times the biggest difference between men and women on this topic is just that there isn't because women lack the concrete uh semen expulsion that like makes it obvious that a guy is coming it's more ambiguous for them particularly young women and i think it's an extremely i know it's an extremely common experience for young women to sort of think they've had orgasms and then at some point in their life have something else happen and go oh like i and then realize that what they thought was an orgasm was not. And this is definitely an area, ah you know, I was complaining at the beginning of the episode about how society sort of hides or ignores or yeah kind of kind of puts in a box the some of some of the typical male behaviors around sex. Well, this is one that goes the other direction where
  • [00:40:51] Mike: uh because there's kind of little knowledge and learning and actually there's false information there's fake news about women's orgasms like a lot of fake news about women's orgasms out there that it's not surprising that women get confused about this to the to the even to the point where they'll sort of get angry and you know sort of say oh you don't know what you're talking about this is what's happening you are not a woman you don't get it and it's like look you know it is possible for somebody to Thoroughly believe something false and to the point where they're they kind of will go nuts about it um the Evidence for that is just I mean if you know the fact that there are multiple religions in the world all certain that their interpretation of Life the universe and everything is correct tells you that that's possible
  • [00:41:40] Mike: um But you know, there you go. So I actually want to stop for a second and go through a couple of these comments we've gotten in the emails. um We got it we got an email from somebody. I'm not going to say any of the names because we don't we never doxed people on the show except for what we never do on purpose, certainly and never accident either. But this person wanted to send me a couple of send us a couple of um yeah articles from the and NIH. It's great. I appreciated this. I really like it when people do their research and this is he titled at squirting research. So thank you. And I hope you keep listening ah to this listener. OK, so we got a journal article from the Journal of Urology called Enhanced Visualization of Female Squirting. All right. So for those who don't know, you know, were we we we look, we try to tell the truth. Really, I can't tell you how annoying it is.
  • [00:42:37] Mike: You know, it's like politicians, you know, ah you listen to the Trump and Biden debate or whatever and and and they're trying to lie. Like their goal is to lie. Right. I mean, they don't want you to know. how much money they're giving their buddies and stuff. We are trying to tell the truth. Now, what I mean by that is we're trying to tell the truth as we see it. Now, we could be wrong about something, but we're trying. You know, we're actually trying to sort of say, look, this is how it is. This is what's in men's minds. This is what's in our minds. And so for this really annoying to have somebody cruise in and start gaslighting back, like, oh, you don't get it. You don't know. It's like, look, I'm sorry, men are attracted to young looking women. It's the way it is. You know, we of course agree with the age of majority being 18. I would vote for that all day of the week. But you also have to be realistic about what men are attracted to. And this is another one of these.
  • [00:43:21] Mike: women do not have some gland in their body that has some fluid and it likes analogous to the men's prostate man's prostate. Well, put an asterisk by that. There is something that's analogous to the man's prostate, but it's not large enough to contain the amount of fluid women purport to squirt. okay They don't. There's nowhere for the squirt to come out of. okay and so you you know I'm just telling you the truth. you People can decide, oh no, I'm going to believe that there's some magic squirt fairy out there putting squirt in my vulva. or urethra or whatever, but it's just not true. Okay. So this is from the journal of urology visualization of female squirting. And let's look at the abstract here. and The purpose is to elucidate the mechanism of squirting. All right. And they took women who were able to squirt that were not sex workers. They put in, they gave them a urethra catheter, right? So they could, they could, uh,
  • [00:44:11] Mike: Uh, you know, get exactly what's coming out of the urethra. Then they put a mixture of some stuff into their bladder, right? That makes sense. So then they can basically say, okay, well, what is, what's coming out out of the bladders from some other place. And. Then they had them, they had them squirt. And of course, the stuff that they had squirt was blue. And guess what? They all squirted blue. OK, so that's what's going on. The stuff is coming from the bladder. It's not coming from another place. um Let's let me look at this other one that he sent. um Yeah, OK. Nature and origin of squirting in quotes and female sexuality.
  • [00:44:44] Mike: um They took seven women without gynecological abnormalities, but and they did an ultra so they did a sonogram. They looked at their bladder and so forth, and they found squirting is essentially the involuntary emission of urine during sexual activity. That's one of the conclusions. And this is from the Journal of Sexual Medicine. So look, guys, squirting is P. ah like you know Look, pee is mostly water. you know It's water, and then you know there's there's some ammonia and stuff in there. The Romans used to use pee to wash their clothes, and and if you go to the Folsom Street ... No, actually, the Gay Pride Folsom Street. I think it's the Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco. I recently was treated to a video of a couple of men sitting in what they called the pee pool, and it was a kiddie pool.
  • [00:45:28] Mike: like, you know, one of those blow up pools that they set up and then passers by could just pee in it. ah So, look, people like to sit in pee. People used to wash their clothes and pee. Your pee is OK, but it is pee coming out of the squirt. By the way, I. um
  • [00:45:47] Mike: discussed with some some friends whether they would pee in the people. I think I would. If I was at the full circle, I think I'd go ahead and pee in the people. It's a little okay. It's a little gross because I don't really like the idea of some kind of perverted men getting off on me peeing in their thing. On the other hand, it's just kind of comical. I like the the caper, so I'd probably be up for it. I do not think I would be willing to ejaculate in their pool. And i the the part I like the least about it is having to pee in front of them. I would rather pee in a cup and pour. Then i actually, I'd have no object objection if I could pee and then pour it in.
  • [00:46:20] Mike: The only other issue is having to be in proximity to the people because just like I don't like to hang out out around open sewers, septic tanks, sewage treatment facilities, et cetera. I don't really want to hang out around just like an open cesspool of pee, nor do I think they should want to do that. So so that's that's an objection I have too. But I want to thank this listener for coming in with the, you he brought he brought the data and and that's extremely nice. um Okay, so we have another guy who he sent us a couple things in the past um Let's see I wanted to check did he Okay, whatever. So this guy no, okay. No, he's talking about sporting. Here we go He's been with maybe 20 women in his life three of them have ejaculated various degrees of liquid and
  • [00:47:04] Mike: while having specific types of penetration. Clear, salty liquid. Now I want to just stop for a second here. The clear liquid part just means he looked at it. The salty means that it got in his mouth, right? Because I don't think there's any other part of your body. I mean, I guess at the limit he could have let it go in his shoes and dried out and looked to see if they're salt crystals, but I'm pretty sure he tasted it. Okay. So he's tasted this person's urine or well, hang on, let me finish the comment. With my current partner, we have it so dialed in that we can make this happen within 60 seconds, repeatedly push pressing or pulling on her G-spot with great force and increasing speed. Yes, that's how you do it. Now, why does that work? I'm not going to read the rest yet because I just want to comment on this. Why does that work? The reason that works is because that's where a woman's duretha is, right? if it's sort of
  • [00:47:48] Mike: on the anterior side of the kind of opening to her vagina. So if you rub where the G-spot is, actually, you'll notice that you can sort of feel the urethra in there because it's like a tube, just like in the in the penis. And if you rub on it vigorously, I mean, look, there's there's structures. I don't know if it's it's, presumably it's muscles, but there's structures in there that operate to stop and allow the flow of urine. And if you if you rub on it vigorously, you're going to sort of it's like massaging your shoulder, it makes it relax, right? So you're going to make it more likely that the pee comes out um you know after after the rubbing. it's it's not It's not going to have the same kind of control afterward, the same muscle tone. Okay. So it makes sense to me that great force and increasing speed is going to make the pee come out. Okay. Using specific toys can do it even faster. Guys, it makes a huge mess. It's glorious and we love it.
  • [00:48:38] Mike: She describes it as the opposite of concentrating, more like complete letting go, yeah, I mean, and feeling safe. Look, it feels great when I pee, too. Just like letting go. Like, let's say, i like this morning, actually, I drank a bunch of water last night before I went to bed, and I really had to pee, and I actually had one of those dreams where you need to pee in the dream. It was glorious, let me tell you, when I when i peed. ah in the toilet, it was great. And it did feel like I was completely letting go. He says, I'm wondering if either of you have revisited this and are less convinced that this is some trick women have almost universally acquired to make their partners feel like they're making them orgasm. Okay. So this person misunderstands. It's not a trick to make men think they're orgasmic. First of all, I don't think it's not that I think, okay, there are women that fake or orgasm, but actually I think the
  • [00:49:23] Mike: Maybe a large majority of women who don't have orgasms during sex aren't faking. they don't know what they they Rather, they don't know what an orgasm is or they're confused about it. I think that's much more common than actual straight up faking, although straight up faking happens a lot too. With the squirting thing, it's it's not that they're faking it. They're not faking anything. It's just that it's pee and there's nothing wrong with it. i mean i guess it could you know Keith has said that he's been with a partner who squirted and it got kind of annoying and that makes sense to me because it's just it's just messy and it is urine. And while urine was used by the Romans, the ancient Romans, to clean their sheets, it's less commonly used now, although maybe in Sub-Saharan Africa where Keith is, but maybe maybe he's having pee parties, because maybe there they still use it. I don't know. I'd have to research that. But it does work, right? I mean, it's got ammonia in it.
  • [00:50:11] Mike: Um, but in the, you know, typically it's just going to kind of stain and make a smell and you kind of have to then wash the thing or at least rinse it carefully and it might go through the mattress, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. So it's not viewed as a great thing. That being said, I don't think they're faking. I don't think they're like, you know, I think that they're, yeah, you're rubbing their urethra to the point where it kind of relaxes and they can't stop peeing. Now all that stops themselves from peeing and it and it coincides with orgasm because that's when you get the sort of muscular contraction. So this is all totally checks out for me. On the other hand, in porn and camgirls, they're just peeing, okay? And this is something, I mean, if you if you read subreddits like, what is it, camgirl, the one I got banned from, the camgirl subreddit, it's called camgirlproblems. There's some sex worker ones. This is something that, it's not very hard to fake it. um As a man, if you needed to, most men can pee while while erect. So you could do some kind of similar thing, although I think it would be hard to pee while being stroked.
  • [00:51:10] Mike: I think there that would be more difficult. I've noticed that when you stroke my penis, it kind of stiffens up in a certain way. Involuntarily, that might make it hard for me to pee, but if I'm just standing there with an erection, I can do it. And so um although I have known people who claim not to be able to pee with an erection, so I know that that can be a state of affairs as well. um But I i ah I believe him that she's having she's squirting and that, you know, Yeah, that's what's going on this same person. Wait, is it the same person? There's an okay. The person who sent the research also sent us some porns for me to look at for us to look at. Probably me though, because it's the kind of stuff I like to look at and decide if the real orgasms are performative. I'm going to do that in a few weeks because that will be fun. But I but I.
  • [00:51:59] Mike: And I appreciate that. I think that's that's kind of a fun little segment there to get our opinion on whether something's real orgasm or not. I mean, like the odds are it's going to be not real orgasm. I mean, I have to say that in porn, I think it's gosh, it's so seldom that you see a real orgasm. It happens. um and And of course, e I don't I'm not and I'm not perfect. I don't know. yeah I'm wrong. Probably some percentage of the time, but certainly some percentage of the time, but I'm just saying that like there are pretty few that even I find like plausible as real orgasms. so okay Let's move on to this 21st century dating question. My boyfriend took out his cell phone during sex to play a mobile game. okay I think this you know this sounds very 21st century and I totally believe this.
  • [00:52:47] Mike: Uh, it says what the title says. My friend has, my friend has a mobile game and that's a, it's all about soccer. And several times a day, there are events in the app that you can take part as, as a player and as a player. So that's just a, an addictive mechanic. Self, these mobile phones, smartphones are awful for people's mental health. And hopefully society will fix that at some point. He always sets an alarm clock so he doesn't miss them. Jesus, it's terrible. ah we were We were doing foreplay. His alarm clock ran to remind him rang to remind him of the event. He picked up his cell phone without hesitation to take part in the event. I then told him to put his cell phone away because it would ruin the mood.
  • [00:53:22] Mike: But he just put it to one side, then continued with the foreplay. In between, I noticed that he was still typing on his cell phone to play in the event or and the app. I then told him to put the phone away completely, which he did. However, playing on his cell phone in between completely ruined the mood for me. We then ended the sex, he apologized for it, but I'm still a bit angry and somehow feel irrelevant. This kind of hurt me. Here's an update. My friend and I have talked, to I like that it's this her friend. I mean, this is part of your problem, of course. We talked about it, he acknowledged his mistake and apologized again. I asked him to delete the app, which he did, and that's not true. ah By the way, the app is called. Well, I'm not going to say the name of the app because I don't want to addict you guys. And Keith will probably listen to this if he's and with us. And ah yeah um Keith gets addicted to apps like this sometimes, so I don't want that to happen. ah Yeah, I mean, look, people live their lives in interrupt mode. People don't. It's the notion of going somewhere with a person and being completely
  • [00:54:16] Mike: um having them be the only kind of interesting thing around that you can, interesting element of your environment that you can interact with is completely foreign to people now. um And so the reality is that the goalpost has been moved. And so women probably have to kind of accept that this as a reality and men do too, right? I mean, there's a whole sub-genre of porn, which is called bored and ignored, where women ah play video games, play on their phones, talk to their whoever, I was gonna say mom. Actually, when I was in college, i had so I had sex with a woman with a girl when she was having when she was talking on the phone to her mom, which is kind of mean and gross now that I'm a parent, but whatever. It seemed cool at the time. ah But this yeah, that was that was a one-off event. I think this is like kind of fetishized. It's a thing that goes on now.
  • [00:55:00] Mike: Um, and so I'm not really sure. I think, I think she's fighting a losing battle here. I think this is a thing that's going to happen. I'm confident that, uh, people of both genders during sex get text messages and they like, you know, different, you can have the different centers make a different sound on the phone or whatever. And they are like, wait a minute. I need to see this. I need to respond to this whatever. I mean, yeah, I'm imagining, you know, it's, ah people talk about the fact that if you work at some, in some certain high pressure workspaces, I'm thinking of investment banking, but it could be, it could be other things. I mean, you know, like, I mean, ah you're if you're a doctor and you get paged for an emergency, I mean, what are you going to do? You got to put your dick away, right? Drop your cocks and grab your socks.
  • [00:55:46] Mike: But even for something like and an investment bank worker, I mean, these people at Goldman Sachs are notorious for just constantly texting at 2 AM, 3 AM. m you know Where's the PowerPoint? Where's this? Where's that spreadsheet? and yeah i mean you couldn't really you know The reality is the woman might just have to tolerate it because he's bringing in the money or the man might have to tolerate it because she's bringing in the money either way. And there's not really that much they can do about it. ah It's technology has become very invasive. and but but But look, I understand that when it's a like some sort of virtual soccer game, that's kind of stupider.
  • [00:56:16] Mike: um the this from the you know There's also this the kind of implication here that the guy doesn't actually care that much about retaining access to this woman's body. Um, I think that's like a, that's kind of a reality as well. This is a thing. This is just like a sign of the times is that people don't, uh, people, men, men don't care as much about sex in a certain age range as they did before. Um, and I, I, I personally think, well, I mean, maybe I like to think it's that they're all listening to YMMV, but I know they can't all be listening, uh, because if they were all listening, we'd probably start having some advertisements. No, I'm kidding. We wouldn't.
  • [00:56:55] Mike: we will were wealthy enough that we don't need to do that and I don't want to but we, um we would know if we have that many downloads, ah but um they are, they have massive access to porn massive access to cam girls. ah just their inundated with pussy all day long. And the inundation is only going up. I know that the AI companies, no AI company has yet come out with like a totally kind of virtual girlfriend thing where it nudes up for you and kind of says hot things. but i could I could absolutely imagine like an AI generated a dirty talk thing that you can put in your headphones while you beat off.
  • [00:57:32] Mike: Look, it's going to get better and better. And so, yeah, the what was it? the The Axl Rose quote I said at the beginning or early, ah you don't understand your sex. One thing to understand for women about their sex is that it's. Unlike the stock market, it's more like the value of the U.S. dollar ah with inflation. it's going it's It's a declining value asset. With Trump, Obama, Trump and Bidenomics crushing its value. Same thing, you have Pussynomics and it's it's not going up in value. And so women, the net of that is women have to adopt different behaviors. I think part of that will be being more sexually adventurous and actually being kind of pursuing men more. But another aspect is probably just having to deal with the fact that men don't have to, ah men men can start acting a little like women have acted historically, where men are not quite as motivated about sex. So um I just, yeah, I mean, the threat the threat of, oh, you know, what's she going to do? She's going to take her pussy away. If he if he doesn't do the right things, will that threat
  • [00:58:32] Mike: may not matter that much to to this the guy as as as it would have in the past because he just doesn't give a shit. Okay. Well, I think we made through a number of different topics here from the big clit to the early coming to the guy who has to play his fantasy soccer league. Um, I enjoyed, uh, telling you guys in two minutes expressing my political views and why I am not going to be voting. I stopped voting. I was persuaded actually by a listener of the podcast to stop voting. There's no point. Uh, our system is hopelessly corrupt and, um, well, maybe not hopelessly. That's too much. Our system is completely corrupt right now.
  • [00:59:12] Mike: and the only solution. i'll Yeah, actually, at the end, I'll give you I'm going to give you what I have recently thought of as a solution. and Nobody likes this, particularly not rich guys. So it wouldn't be good for me either. I think the right solution would be to wind the clock back to 2008 of great financial crisis, figure out what every person's net worth was on that at that timeframe, take what it is now, right and basically consider half of all that ill-gotten gains if you have more than like a million bucks and take it in taxation. and And my reasoning is basically that I think that ah the government, most of like the stock market increase, most of the real estate increase, most of
  • [00:59:48] Mike: A lot of the economic activity that's going on is just fraudulent bullshit, crypto, this and that, that's been created by poor government policy. And ultimately our government needs a lot of cash to keep things running. We have this massive debt, so you've got to get the cash somewhere. And I think that might be the fairest way to do it because essentially you've had um you've had our country be plundered. by this kind of random assortment of people who've locked into shit like buying Tesla stock and Bitcoin and crypto kitties and the like. ah So that was a prescription. I came up with the odds of something like that happening are exactly zero, exactly zero. ah That's why I don't vote. And I don't care. um All that being said, ah you know, I encourage you guys to watch the debate and so forth if you want to.
  • [01:00:29] Mike: ah the Biden-Trump debate. ah it It's interesting if only in that it hasn't happened yet when I'm recording this, but it would be interesting to see if Biden survives and it. is His mortality risk is quite high, I think. It's just actuarially during the debate, so you could have a big news story happen in the middle of it. um I guess Trump's mortality rate's pretty high, too. so and the odd There is some odds they both have simultaneous cardiac events ah on the stage together. And that that might be the best thing for the country. um I'm just kidding. you know we want them We wish the best for them. So I will be back with next week with Ali. I've tried to say a lot of weird stuff about Keith, so hopefully he'll resurface. He's not dead. He's around, but he's having a great time increasing his country count. He's trying to get to 100 countries, which is fantastic.
  • [01:01:21] Mike: I'm excited to hear about all his exploits in Sub-Saharan Africa. I know there's a lot of, for the podcast, there's a lot of lovely ladies there that maybe he's met, a lot of cultural interesting ah cultural and culturally interesting experiences, and hopefully it's actually interesting. And we will be back at you next week. Thank you for listening to this episode of Your Mileage May Vary. As always, you can send us feedback at ymmvpod at gmail dot.com. And we enjoy feedback, positive and negative. We enjoy questions. Got some of those during our little hiatus here. If you give us feedback and we will pay you $10, just tell us how you want to be paid. Almost nobody asks for the money. I think that might be because they don't want us to like know their real identity, which is understandable because I don't like or believe in crypto. We're not doing that. So we can't send you money anonymously. ah But we appreciate the feedback. Nonetheless, and we will pay you if you give us your info and we'll see you next time on Your may Mileage May Vary.