Recent YMMV Episodes

Episode 134: Body Count, Freezing Condoms, Oral Orgasm Signals, Pedo Prophylaxis

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Team YMMV / 9-7-2023 / 1:03:47

I'm old enough to remember back when Body Count was the name of Ice-T's band, which produced the single Cop Killer. This was back before he made his bones by pursuing his true passion as a detective in New York City.


Episode 133: Hotwife Hell, Male Oral Anxiety, Saving Used Condoms, Chris Hansen Enters The Podcast

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Team YMMV / 8-31-2023 / 1:01:59

Sure, there is a subset of women who want to be dominant in their relationships, but it's decidedly not the majority. And few, if any, women want to contend with a man insisting that his parts be locked up in a cock n' ball cage or that he wear ladies' garments while she pegs him. At some point, enough is enough.


Episode 132: A World Of Musks, Doing More For Your Partner, Cumming Inside And Outside

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Team YMMV / 8-24-2023 / 1:02:44

On this episode we discuss how many children a modern billionaire could bequeath to the world. Given technology, the numbers have to be north of 100,000 children, assuming said billionaire is a man. Honestly I don't understand why no one has considered doing this, especially given how much money could be willed to each kid. What better way to secure a legacy?


Episode 131: Loose Lips, Small Bits, Male Oppression, Free Will, Mating Strategies, Chess Vs Checkers

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Team YMMV / 8-17-2023 / 1:03:38

Following up on last week's episode, some listeners (primarily female) have taken the position that Mike is misogynistic for his portrayal of the typical woman's strategy for finding a partner and for sex in general.


Episode 130: Younger Mistresses, Herpes Prevalence, Golden Spigots, Proper Bikini Shaving, Truth

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Team YMMV / 8-10-2023 / 1:02:36

Early in this episode, Keith baits Mike into a fairly long and complete heteronormative verbal screed. This doesn't meant it's wrong; it's right. There aren't many folks out there with direct access to the light of Truth. For musical rivals Prince and Michael Jackson, Truth came from some guy named Jehovah. For Mike, it boils down to cultural artifacts passed down throughout all of human history.



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