Recent YMMV Episodes

Episode 129: Barbie Heteronormative? Cum Reliability Thresholds, Stuck Condoms, Blow Refusals, Hot Exercise Videos

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Team YMMV / 8-3-2023 / 1:04:49

If I were a therapist, and a couple came in for counseling, sex would be on the agenda as a topic of conversation. I'd be suspicious if one of the partners completely took it off the table. Before you ask, I am cognizant that, despite Michael Phelps' claims to the contrary, the evidence for the efficacy of most types of therapy is weak.


Episode 128: Female Fake Orgasm Spectrum, Too Long, Too Short, Male Climax Clues

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Team YMMV / 7-27-2023 / 1:04:34

For a man, orgasms are pretty much binary. Sure, there are some tantra afficionados who will tell you that ejaculation and orgasm for a man can be separate and the like. But for most men, they either cum or they don't, and the semen is the proof.


Episode 127: Double Wrapping, Rhythm Method, Pulling Out, Is Submission Gay? Adieu Lolita

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Team YMMV / 7-20-2023 / 1:03:39

It turns out Keith hasn't had partnered sex in some time, so he's simultaneously adjusting to the situation and looking for a way to change it. Fortunately for us, that probably only serves to increase his interest in discussing sex and relationships.


Episode 126: Dating Repartee, Cum Souvenirs, Mediocre Sex With Beautiful Women, Double Your Pleasure

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Team YMMV / 7-13-2023 / 57:06

Back from Europe, Keith offers a way to break the ice with women on a date in a way that gets them talking about things they enjoy discussing. It's a reasonable suggestion, and one that Mike unwittingly deployed recently at the grocery store as well.


Episode 125: Are Women Superior To Men? An Interview With Dr. Ricky Arenson

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Team YMMV / 7-6-2023 / 1:03:10

Mike interviews Dr. Ricky Arenson on today's show, a doctor based in Perth who has written a book about heterosexual relationships and hosts his own podcast as well (links below).



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