Recent YMMV Episodes

Episode 124: Bi Or Gay? Seeking Soreness, Faking It, Losing Erections, Oral Requests

[ Transcript ]

Team YMMV / 6-29-2023 / 1:07:34

Keith dials in from Cyprus to tells us a bit about his travels. A bit of everything, including women looking for paid experiences and a dating adventure in Armenia, origin of the lovely Cher and the not-so-lovely Kim Kardashian.


Episode 123: Trans Porn Tendencies, Jackhammering, Ball Grabbing, Paying Your Spouse, Emasculating Cunnilingus

[ Transcript ]

Team YMMV / 6-22-2023 / 1:03:06

I asked ChatGPT to summarize the podcast, which it did, sort of. It started short-circuiting when I brought up the topic of trans and trans porn. Ironic, given that I wasn't really negative on it at all. It's just a taboo that can't be broken apparently. I tried to stay true to the AI's effort to transcribe in the following, even though it refused at points:


Episode 122: Reviewing Sex Toys, Slowing Your Blow, Anal Asymmetries, Lightning Handjobs

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Team YMMV / 6-15-2023 / 1:13:09

With Keith still climbing mountains in Georgia (the country, not the state), Ally and Mike tackled some new questions, and Mike delicately but firmly improved the quality of the blowjobs Ally gives to her partner. You're welcome, mystery man!


Episode 121: Jostle Sex, Dick Face, Feeling Him Nut, Filthy Talk, Foot Fetishists

[ Transcript ]

Team YMMV / 6-8-2023 / 59:58

With Keith out of town, Ally joins the podcast to bring a woman's perspective to our standard fare of questions.


Episode 120: "Good Girls", Nymphos, Tinder Scams, Prison Masturbation, Submissive Men

[ Transcript ]

Team YMMV / 6-1-2023 / 1:05:19

What kind of a world would we live in if men were subjected to overwhelming social pressure to be more submissive and less career oriented? Would it make them happy? If not, then why is it so surprising that the pressure put on women to be more dominant and career oriented doesn't necessarily make them happier?



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