Recent YMMV Episodes

Episode 66: She Comes Second? Are Radical Feminists Just Female Incels? Plus: MMF Invitations

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Team YMMV / 5-12-2022 / 1:03:35

In a move right out of Ally's playbook, a woman really doesn't like it when she climaxes before her male partner. Looks like it's some sort of race to see who gets the better experience. As always, the winner is the person who comes second.


Episode 65: Boys Who Like Small Pink Ones, Body Count, Who Initiates, Need For Variety

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Team YMMV / 5-5-2022 / 1:03:14

A woman isn't tired of sex in general. She's just tired of having sex with her boyfriend. What's the right recommendation? Should they break up, or is this something that's fixable?


Episode 64: Mike Reads Literotica, Answers Listener Questions, Tackles Escort Philosophy, Gives Self Handjob

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Team YMMV / 4-28-2022 / 1:03:52

Mike does a solo episode, tackling some listener feedback, reading literotica to our listeners, going though some feedback on the escort-aficionado forum and answering a bevy of sex/relationship questions, lightning-round style. Genuinely dozens of topics covered, enough to make anyone happy, he hopes.


Episode 63: Wrong Hole! Trapped In The Dryer, Sex Rules, Tinder Life, Enjoying Your Own Nudes

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Team YMMV / 4-21-2022 / 1:04:26

Is it really possible for a guy not to realize he's going to penetrate the "wrong hole" when it happens? What is the allure of porns where a woman appears to be trapped (in a dryer, or even stuck in a wall or some other similar predicament)?


Episode 62: "Paint My Face White" And Other Extraordinary Dirty Talk, With Ally

[ Transcript ]

Team YMMV / 4-14-2022 / 1:05:35

Once we've got the dirty talk out of the way, Ally joins us to discuss a wide array of sex and relationship topics. We watch a video taken from a woman's perspective of receptive oral sex. The discussion turns to women wanting anilingus performed on them, as it must.



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