Recent YMMV Episodes

Episode 116: Male Gaze Blowjobs, Free Use Dominance, Condom Cocktail Conversation, Prone Bone

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Team YMMV / 5-4-2023 / 1:04:23

Keith reveals the details of his condom-discussion strategy during dinner with a new partner. It turns out that you can undertake a discussion that simultaneously conveys that you're a reasonable partner and that subtly asks whether sex is on the table that evening. Also, it becomes evident that very few men have such a conversation or behave in a reasonable way around condom use.


Episode 115: Internal And External Orgasms, Sex After Marriage, Male Contraceptive Irresponsibility

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Team YMMV / 4-27-2023 / 1:02:58

A lively conversation with Allison, who works with women who are dating after getting out of a long-term relationship. Allison is also an author. Her book, "Find Love Again: Learn how to Date Like A Goddess," penned under the name Allison Jayne, seeks to help women navigate the dating, relationships and sex.


Episode 114: Vasectomology, Semen Elimination, Animal Sex, The Knot, Intimidating Clits

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Team YMMV / 4-20-2023 / 1:05:00

Well, it's about time we talk about a person with a truly off-the-map sexual experience. In this case, it's a woman who spent many years in amorous relations with her canine buddy. I can't say I've ever felt the desire to be in such a situation, but starting as it did in her younger years, I can understand some level of confusion. And her poor partner who now has to process this information.


Episode 113: Dating Advice, Validating Women In Bed, Stripper Aftermaths, Soho House Dreams

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Team YMMV / 4-13-2023 / 1:00:12

We discuss with Celeste Moore her experiences with coaching mid-life men on dating, how men and women approach sexual experiences, and the during and after of working in a strip club.


Episode 112: Swallowing Superman's Semen, The Basement Masturbator, Heart-ons, Slow Orgasms, Anal Orgasms

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Team YMMV / 4-6-2023 / 1:02:37

What is there left to say about blowjobs? Keith doesn't like them, but women like giving them. They like that submissive role, giving their man a good safe place to put his semen. What a privilege.



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